Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2685 High Priest! (2 updates)

"Pass the sword formation to you, I hope you will live up to it, the power of Zhou Tian!"

As soon as the words fell, everything in front of him disappeared.

Everything in front of him became illusory. When Ling Feng's consciousness returned, he was already standing in his original position.

In front of him is the statue of Wuzu.

After staring at the statue of the witch ancestor who opened the pavilion in the witch god temple for a long time, Ling Feng knelt down and knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times to express his infinite gratitude.

Everything that happened before was not an illusion, and the benefits Ling Feng received were unimaginable.

"Zhou Tian Chaos Formation, Zhou Tian Chaos Sword..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although he could see Wu Zu performing it like an arm and a finger, it was probably not easy to reach his level of proficiency.

And if you want to master the Zhoutian Chaos Sword, you probably have to cultivate the Zhoutian Chaos Formation to the pinnacle.

It’s difficult!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but no matter how difficult it is, for Ling Feng, having the ability of the Eye of the Emperor can help him master it in the shortest time.

"It's time to meet the high priest."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Although he didn't know how long he had been standing outside the yard, it felt like a long time had passed.

Ling Feng looked up and saw a majestic hall behind the statue of the Wu clan.

This hall stands at the highest point of the entire Wuzu King City. It is also the highest temple that everyone worships and reveres.

On weekdays, only the high priest can live here.

The high priest gained the power of the temple, but was also restricted and was not allowed to leave the temple throughout his life.


The moment Ling Feng's eyes fell on the front door, the palace door opened automatically, and an old and majestic voice came from inside, "Come in."

Ling Feng was slightly stunned. It seemed that everything he did in front of the temple was under the gaze of the high priest.

After adjusting his clothes, Ling Feng took a step forward and strode into the temple.

As soon as you enter the temple, you feel as if you are in a fairyland.

This feeling is somewhat similar to the feeling of boarding the Taihua Immortal Palace when I was in the West Sword Region.

Because in the air, what is escaping is no longer the pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but a kind of fairy energy!

Moreover, unlike Taihua Immortal Palace, where the fairy spirit has tended to decline, the fairy spirit here is extremely prosperous.

The pores all over his body suddenly relaxed, making Ling Feng almost unable to hold back his moans.

"Did you gain anything from spending seven days in front of the witch ancestor statue?"

The voice of the high priest came to his ears, and Ling Feng came back to his senses and looked forward.

The entire hall looked a little empty, with nothing else but twelve statues.

The hall is surrounded by fairy clouds, which is a symbol of the extremely rich fairy spirit. Each fairy cloud contains extremely pure fairy spirit.

An old man wearing a light golden robe, holding a golden silk cloth in his hand, was actually wiping the statues in the hall.

Even when questioning Ling Feng, the old man still did not stop what he was doing.

Repeatedly, gently, and very focused, wiped the statue.


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. Is this the high priest of the Temple of the Witch God?

It's a little different from what he imagined. Moreover, is he wiping the statue?

Is this the job of the high priest?

"If you don't want to say it, just don't say it."

The high priest smiled faintly, and while wiping the statue, he said calmly: "You have achieved first place on the northern battlefield. According to the regulations, I can agree to any of your conditions. You can say it now."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. This high priest was really straightforward in his words.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng bowed to the high priest and said respectfully: "High Priest, the disciple was distracted for a moment, so he did not answer the high priest's words. In fact, before the statue of the witch ancestor, the disciple did learn a formation. , and a swordsmanship.”


The high priest finally turned around and looked at Ling Feng carefully. In his eyes, there was a sense of surprise and a sense of matter-of-factness.

It seemed that he had known for a long time that Ling Feng would be able to obtain the teachings from the witch ancestors.

"To be able to obtain magical powers personally taught by the witch ancestor, this boy will be blessed with great blessings."

The high priest smiled and continued: "Okay, now you can tell me your request."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, clenched his fists, looked at the high priest, and said in a deep voice: "High Priest, the disciple's request may be a little excessive, but you said it yourself, any request is acceptable. !”

"Just ask."

The high priest's expression remained unchanged, and his tone was still kind and kind.


Ling Feng pondered for a moment, looked into the eyes of the high priest, and finally said: "The disciple hopes that the high priest can give the Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation to the disciple!"

"Pictures of the Desolate Gods!"

The high priest's expression changed as expected, and he looked at Ling Feng. After a long while, he finally said, "I cannot agree to this request."


Ling Feng frowned. He had clearly agreed on any request, but why not the Shenhuang Picture Book?

"Because this thing is not in my hands." The high priest shook his head and sighed softly.

"How can this be?"

Ling Feng immediately said: "If you don't want to give it, just say you don't want to. After all, the high priest is also a senior expert. It's a bit unjustifiable to talk nonsense in front of a junior, right?"

It was obviously the people from the Witch God Sect who "forcibly bought" the Shenhuang Picture Book of Donglingxian Pond, so why are they saying they no longer want the Witch God Sect?

Isn’t this just kidding yourself?


The expression of the high priest changed. As the saying goes, a person needs face and a tree needs bark. At this age, the high priest has such a lofty status. Being contradicted by Ling Feng like this, no matter how well rested he is, he can't help but get angry.

"Why should I lie to you?"

The high priest took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. After all, this kid was also a descendant of the witch ancestors. He was really afraid that he would get angry and slap the kid to death.

"To be honest, I come from the Dongling Immortal Pond in the Eastern Spiritual Realm. So, the high priest should understand, right?"

Ling Feng said bitterly, secretly cursing in his heart, this old guy, looking so sanctimonious, turns out to be an old bastard too!

"Donglingxian Pond?"

The high priest's expression changed slightly, and he immediately reacted, shook his head and sighed: "So, I did send elders to the Eastern Spiritual Territory to collect the catalog of the divine wilderness. However, the elders sent to the Eastern Spiritual Territory have not returned yet. I thought that their search for the Shenhuang Catalog was unsuccessful and they are still searching."

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