Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2689 Great Zhoutian! (3 updates)

After returning to his own courtyard, Ling Feng plunged into the alchemy room again and began to refine the alchemy.

However, because he had consumed all the spiritual flowers and spiritual grass he had hoarded before, the amount he could refine was very limited. In the end, he only refined ten star holy spirit pills.

Because he has already advanced to one level of realm, Ling Feng does not plan to continue to swallow the Star Holy Spirit Pill in a short period of time. Instead, it is not too late to continue taking it after he has consolidated his realm.

He gave one of them to Tuoba Yan, and Jianlu, Zifeng and Underworld Yalong also got one. Ling Feng kept the remaining six and distributed them to his friends later. .

Of course, after he saves enough Yuan Jing and buys a large amount of medicinal materials, Ling Feng can continue to refine a new batch of Star Holy Spirit Pills.

Anyway, so far, the Chaos Creation Fruit and the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower are enough!

After counting the days, there were still about ten days before he agreed to explore the Dark Soul Palace with Ye Wushang. Ling Feng thought about it and decided to retreat to study the Zhoutian Chaos Formation.

The biggest secret contained in the statue of Wuzu, the power of Zhoutian Chaos, is also a power that is very suitable for him at present.

Of course, what Ling Feng didn't know was that Wuzu's Zhoutian Chaos was just a small Zhoutian and Xiaochaos formed by the power of twelve different attributes.

In other words, it should be called the Little Zhoutian Chaos Formation.

And Ling Feng is a true body of chaos, possessing many original attributes between heaven and earth, all-encompassing.

With his talent, he can definitely develop and evolve the Little Zhoutian Chaos Formation into the Great Zhoutian Chaos Formation based on the Little Zhoutian Chaos Formation.

Of course, these are all things for later.

Without enough understanding and understanding, it is impossible to take that step.

"The power of the twelve witch gods and the changes in various attributes form the Zhoutian..."

Ling Feng murmured to himself, recalling everything he saw in the chaotic void in his mind.

Ling Feng's eyes flashed brightly. Although the witch ancestor Faxiang did not show the true power of this magical power in the void universe where he received the inheritance, after accepting the inheritance, all information about the Zhoutian Chaos Formation , all present in Ling Feng's mind, like a brand, indelible.

So he knew very well that once he mastered the Zhoutian Chaos Formation, his strength would definitely improve significantly and he would become more powerful.

Therefore, Ling Feng plans to do his best to practice the Zhoutian Chaos Formation. He does not seek great success, but it is enough that he can at least display it and put it into actual combat.

"What did you say?"

In a large hall, a man wearing a khaki robe, with muscles all over his body and a slightly stocky figure, had a deep frown on his face, and an awe-inspiring murderous aura erupted from his body.

"I don't accept it!"


The yellow-robed man punched a pillar in the palace, smashing it into powder.


A man with a beard glared at the man in yellow robes and said coldly: "This is a decision made by the high priest and all the great wizards. Even if you don't accept it, there is no need to use the pillar to vent your anger!"

"Uncle, this quota has been decided a long time ago. Now that you want to change it, I have been changed. I don't accept it!"

The man in the yellow robe was itching with hatred, "Not to mention, I should give my place directly to a spearhead kid who has just been promoted! I have been waiting for this day for so many years, and I finally managed to defeat those disciples who are stronger than me. Great wizard, it’s my turn!”

The speaker was an outstanding disciple of the Mountain Witch Clan named Qiu Duanyue, who was promoted to the Witch God Temple in the same group as Duan Lingtian.

However, being in the same era as Duan Lingtian is undoubtedly sad.

Not only him, but also the geniuses of other races are destined to be dimmed.

Qiu Duanyue was not bad in talent and strength, but he was destined to be far behind Duan Lingtian.

Facing Duan Lingtian, he no longer had the courage to challenge, but he could endure it.

Duan Lingtian was promoted to the rank of Great Wizard, and other geniuses who were stronger than him were also promoted one after another. Now, he finally got a chance.

A chance to prove yourself!

Over there is the Tianhe martial arts performance held by the Jidao God Clan.

The so-called martial arts, to put it bluntly, is a competition between major forces to show their strength.

However, in the arena of Tianhe Yanwu, the opponents they will face are the gods!

Yes, whether in the Eastern Spiritual Domain or the Western Sword Domain, the gods are supreme, and the children of the gods simply don't bother to compete with ordinary disciples.

However, the situation in the Southern Witch Territory is slightly different.

In a sense, the Witch God is also considered a god, so the Witch can also be called half a god.

Therefore, there are still some exchanges between the Witch God Sect and the other major divine clans in the Southern Witch Territory.

For example, when Tianhe performs martial arts, the Wushen Sect will definitely be invited to participate, and those who are qualified to participate in the competition are the elite among the elites of the Wushen Sect.

It can be said that obtaining this quota is already a kind of recognition in itself.

That's why Qiu Duanyue attaches great importance to this quota.

But as luck would have it, I had come back from practicing outside in great excitement, preparing to stay in seclusion for a while and fully prepare for Tianhe's martial arts performance.

It turned out to be a good thing. Before I could go into retreat, I heard such bad news!

He was canceled from participating in the Tianhe martial arts performance, and was assigned to a new disciple, Ling Feng!

There are only four of these places in the entire Witch God Sect. It took more than a hundred years for me to be one of these four!

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it!"

Qiu Duanyue's eyes were full of evil spirit, "Uncle, you must help me! I have been preparing for this opportunity for many years, uncle, you know it!"


The bearded man patted Qiu Duanyue on the shoulder and sighed softly: "This matter was initiated by the high priest, and I can't help. Anyway, our Wushen Sect has never been able to occupy much of this Tianhe martial arts performance. Cheap, that is, Duan Lingtian, the guy who gives us a fight for the Wu clan. He is usually at the bottom, so what will happen if you go?"

"Only I am qualified to stand in that arena and compete with the geniuses of the Gods!"

Qiu Duanyue was itching with hatred, "Why was my place taken away? Why wasn't it the other three? It's obvious that the high priest despises me! I, Qiu Duanyue, am no worse than those guys. Why does the high priest look down on me?"

The more Qiu Duanyue spoke, the angrier he became, like a furious lion, "I'm going to prove to everyone today that I, Qiu Duanyue, am not someone to be trifled with. That kid's name is Ling Feng, right! I'm going to let everyone know Priest, he has clearly seen that, no matter how bad I am, I, Qiu Duanyue, am still ten thousand times better than that young boy!"

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