Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2690 War Letter! (1 update)

Two days later.

In a restaurant, a man with a strong build and a sinister face was sitting on the window seat, drinking glass after glass of wine.

At this moment, a man with a hurried expression quickly ran into the hotel, shouting as he ran, "Senior Brother Qiu, Senior Brother Qiu..."

But it turned out that the man who was drinking heavily was none other than Qiu Duanyue, the genius of the Mountain Witch Clan who had been deprived of his place.

Qiu Duanyue glared at the visitor and said in a cold voice, "How about it? Did the guy accept the challenge?"

The disciple quickly walked up to Qiu Duanyue, picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp. Then he hummed and said: "I went there once and saw no one. I only saw a yellow-haired girl. What did Ling say? Feng is in retreat, so I was rejected!”

"You haven't seen anyone yet?"

Qiu Duanyue frowned, and the expression on his face became a little gloomier.

The Temple of the Witch God clearly stipulates that private fights between disciples are not allowed, so if you want to teach Ling Feng a lesson, you can only use formal channels to issue a challenge to the other party and compete in the ring. It is regarded as a competition between fellow disciples, so it does not violate the sect. regulation.

Now that Ling Feng was practicing, if he forced his way into the door, he would be charged with violating the sect rules.

"Damn it!"

Qiu Duanyue was so angry that it was not good to retreat at any time, but at this time!

"In my opinion, that kid probably knew that he had taken away your spot, senior brother, so he deliberately made excuses to hide and dare not show his face, for fear of being beaten all over the place by you, senior brother!"


Qiu Duanyue slapped the table, "Then wait!"

Qiu Duanyue stared at the disciple opposite and said in a cold voice: "From today on, you will guard the door of that boy's house. As soon as he shows his head, you will immediately send a message to me!"

"Yes, senior brother! Please feel free to leave this little matter to me!"

the other side.

In Ling Feng's other courtyard, Ling Feng was still immersed in the comprehension of the Zhoutian Chaos Formation. As for Qiu Duanyue, he had never heard of this name at all.

As for the quota for the martial arts performance that day, it was given directly by the high priest, so what does it have to do with him.

However, even if he knew that getting this quota would offend others, he was not afraid.

Although Ling Feng doesn't like to actively provoke others, he will never back down when others come to him.

Time passes day by day.

It has to be said that the Zhoutian Chaos Formation should be the most difficult magical power that Ling Feng has come across since he set foot in martial arts.

However, with the help of a heaven-defying "plug-in" like the Eye of the Emperor, Ling Feng was able to get started. At least, he could successfully form a formation.

"it's time……"

In the retreat room, Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes and counted the days. There were only a few days left before the one-month agreement with Ye Wushang.

As the saying goes, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

The same is true for martial arts. Just practicing behind closed doors is not enough.

In the past month or so, Ling Feng has successfully broken through to the second level of the Nine Transformations Realm, and also successfully comprehended the Zhoutian Chaos Formation. It is also time to go out for a walk in order to gain new insights.

At this time, outside Ling Feng's villa, a lean man was leaning against a big tree, staring at the Ling family's villa without blinking.

This person is the spy sent by Qiu Duanyue.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up like a snake!"

After seven or eight consecutive days, this disciple began to lose his patience.

As for a saint-level powerhouse, this retreat may take three to five years. Even if Ling Feng has to participate in the Tianhe martial arts performance, there are still more than two months left.

If this guy stays in seclusion until Tianhe performs martial arts, will I still be watching him for more than two months?

This disciple was filled with hatred. After all, he was also a saint-level strongman. He was guarding outside someone's yard every day like a perverted lunatic. He didn't want to lose face!

Although it was only a short seven or eight days, he felt like his days were like years.

"Damn it, if you don't come out, I'll kick the door down!"

There was a cold look in this disciple's eyes. The so-called evil comes from the daring. He just kicked the door by himself. It was not a private fight. The most he could do was to pay money, and it did not break the rules.

"Whose door are you going to kick down?"

At this moment, a misty voice suddenly came to his ears, and the thin disciple suddenly felt a chill. When he looked closely, he didn't know when a handsome young man in white clothes had appeared.


The thin disciple was startled, his eyes were rounded, and he stared at the other party, "You...when did you come out?"

"I should be the one to ask you, right?"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, "You've been squatting in front of my house. Why, have you fallen in love with our Yan'er?"

"Ling Feng!"

In the distance, there was an angry low roar. No need to ask, it must be Tuoba Yan's roar.


The thin disciple was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she was probably the yellow-haired girl guarding the gate.

Although this woman has been shutting herself out, speaking of it, she is still really beautiful.

Thinking of this, the thin disciple's mouth was filled with laughter, and his expression became a bit vulgar.

"No, no, what am I thinking?"

The thin disciple shook his head violently, and then he remembered his mission and said quickly: "Nonsense, what are you talking about? I'm here to declare a challenge to you!"

"War letter?"

Ling Feng looked at the thin disciple in front of him, then showed a hint of disdain, "Just you?"

"Humph, of course not me!"

The thin disciple snorted softly and said with a proud look on his face: "The one who wants to challenge you is the famous Senior Brother Qiu Duanyue Qiu?"

"Qiu what? I've never heard of it."

Ling Feng shrugged, "It doesn't matter, I'm not interested anyway."

"What?" The thin disciple suddenly became red-eyed, "You have never even heard of Senior Brother Qiu. Boy, it seems that you are really ignorant and fearless!"

The thin disciple said, handing a letter of challenge to Ling Feng's hand, "Put it away, you took away Senior Brother Qiu's spot in Tianhe's martial arts practice. Now, he will take this spot back with his own strength." !”

"Trina martial arts?"

Ling Feng suddenly realized that this was what happened.

The number of places for Tianhe's martial arts performance is limited, and since he appeared suddenly, he must have taken someone else's place.

As for the unlucky guy who was replaced, he was probably the guy named Qiu Duanyue.

Ling Feng shrugged, then nodded in agreement, "That's fine, in that case, I accept this challenge."

He had made a breakthrough in strength and needed an opponent to practice his skills with. Since this Qiu Duanyue was selected to participate in Tianhe's martial arts performance, he must be a ruthless character.

Just go meet him for a while first!

"You accept this on your own, no one forces you!"

The thin disciple burst out laughing, "Then tomorrow at noon, the arena at the Holy Pillar Square will be held. Don't be too afraid to come!"

"You should talk to your senior brother Qiu about this."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, strength was his greatest confidence.

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