Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2692: Stupid people have too much money! (3 updates)

"Cough cough cough..."

Qiu Duanyue coughed violently. Why didn't he grab this guy?

"Senior brother, don't get excited. If you think it's too little, let's add more. Ten billion, just ten billion. You can't add any more. If you add more, I'll be anxious with you!"

Ling Feng's look of indignation made the entire audience gasp in amazement, and even gave him the illusion that Senior Brother Qiu really had so much money that he had nowhere to spend it.

Qiu Duanyue took a deep breath. He had seen Ling Feng's "shamelessness" before. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, ten billion is ten billion!"

Anyway, he didn't think that Ling Feng could beat him. Even one hundred billion or one trillion was just a number.

"Haha, senior brother, we talk empty talk, we have to establish a written record."

Ling Feng took out a guarantee form directly from his pocket. On it, a bet worth 10 billion had already been densely written.

This was obviously planned!

"Senior brother, just press your fingerprints."

Ling Feng even cooperated and took out the ink pad.


Qiu Duanyue's forehead darkened, and he always felt like he had been cheated.

Naturally, he didn't know that Ling Feng had almost emptied his family fortune by refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill, and now he was in urgent need of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

As for Qiu Duanyue, he is obviously the kind of person who is stupid and has a lot of money to take advantage of!

"What's wrong? Senior brother, why don't you sign?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips, "If you don't sign, I won't fight. Isn't this just a waste of time?"


Qiu Duanyue clenched his fists tightly, and his voice was almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

Everyone can feel Qiu Duanyue's anger.

I'm afraid that when the time comes for the competition, Qiu Duanyue will definitely teach this money man a lesson to the death.

"That guy really wants money rather than his life!"

"It's absolutely amazing, he's such a talented person!"

On a tall building in the distance, the three geniuses looked at each other and couldn't help but shake their heads and smile.

Regardless of his strength, this junior fellow apprentice is definitely top-notch in terms of his greed for money!

Soon, Qiu Duanyue pressed his fingerprints on Ling Feng's bet book. Ling Feng put it away with a smile and grinned at Qiu Duanyue, "Thank you, senior brother."

"Hmph, do you think you can beat me?"

Qiu Duanyue sneered, this guy probably hasn't woken up yet, right?

"Don't worry, senior brother. For the sake of those 10 billion, I'll be gentle."

Ling Feng didn't seem to hear Qiu Duanyue's words. He just stepped back step by step and stopped three feet away from Qiu Duanyue.

In an instant, Ling Feng's entire aura suddenly changed.

If the Ling Feng before looked like a philistine and a treacherous businessman, at this moment, Ling Feng looked more like an independent swordsman.

Aloof, aloof, and arrogant!

Qiu Duanyue's expression changed, "Humph, you are pretending to be a ghost. In the face of absolute strength, you can only drink in hatred!"


For a moment, thick stone pillars rose above the arena. This was the power of the Mountain Witch Clan to control the earth.

The ground paved with bluestone tiles suddenly shattered into pieces, and the entire arena turned into a jagged hill.

"Hmph, let me show you what the gap is!"

Qiu Duanyue was arrogant. His talent was indeed not top-notch, but his actual combat experience was extremely rich.

Under Qiu Duanyue's control, huge rock pillars quickly surrounded Ling Feng, and sharp rock thorns began to fly towards Ling Feng.

"It seems that Senior Brother Qiu is taking action with all his strength!"

"That idiot, he definitely doesn't know how miserable the outcome will be if he angers Senior Brother Qiu."

"It seems that he doesn't even have a chance to take action!"

"It's over, how can Brother Ling be Senior Brother Qiu's opponent!"

Sima Junting shook his head. After all, Qiu Duanyue had more than two hundred years of training time than them. Although Ling Feng was a monster, he was still too young after all.

"Boy, aren't you crazy? Now I will let you understand that shouting without strength is nothing but stupidity!"

Qiu Duanyue laughed loudly. His formation of rocks was ready. He could attack if he advanced and defend if he retreated. Ling Feng fell into his formation of rocks. The only outcome would be to be exhausted to the point of exhaustion.


Soon, stone figures made of rocks appeared on the stage. Under Qiu Duanyue's control, they all swooped towards Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng just stayed on the spot and lightly stamped his feet.


The sound of stomping feet was suppressed by the vibration caused by the running of the stone men, but around Ling Feng, a circle of earthy yellow waves suddenly appeared.


In an instant, all the stone figures turned into rubble on the ground and lost their vitality.


Qiu Duanyue frowned and condensed the stone figures again. However, as long as Ling Feng stamped his foot, all his stone figures turned into rubble and scattered on the ground.

Qiu Duanyue's face turned pale, and he suddenly realized one thing, that is, the young man in front of him was probably still better than himself in controlling the rules of earth!

How can this be?

Didn’t he come from the Mingguang Palace just like Duan Lingtian?

Those disciples who just kept saying that Ling Feng had been defeated were all dumbfounded and speechless.

What kind of weird magic power does Ling Feng possess?

"Senior Brother Qiu, is this all?"

Ling Feng shrugged, showing a lack of interest. It seemed that his expectations for Qiu Duanyue were too high.

Although his strength is good, he still feels inferior to the other three geniuses who have obtained Tianhe martial arts qualifications.

If he had mastered the Zhoutian Chaos Formation before, he might have been able to fight a little bit, but now.

As long as he activates the Zhoutian Chaos Formation, his rules of earth will be easily destroyed by his own magic circle.

In other words, his witchcraft is completely ineffective on him!

"It's still very early!"

Veins popped up on Qiu Duanyue's face, "Defeat me!"

The next moment, Qiu Duanyue, covered in a layer of rock armor, jumped into the rock formation and started a close combat with Ling Feng.

He has also realized that if his witchcraft cannot get close to Ling Feng, it will be completely wiped out by an opposite rule.

In this case, he had no choice but to rely on means other than witchcraft.

From nowhere, Qiu Duanyue took out a heavy black hammer and hit Ling Feng on the head.

The Mountain Witch Clan can be said to be the only one left among the eight major witch clans that focuses on both witchcraft and body refining.

The power of his hammer can definitely be said to be extremely powerful and powerful.

It's a pity that he met Ling Feng.

Comparing strength in front of Ling Feng?


A dragon roar erupted, and the dragon elephant's divine power surged. Ling Feng grabbed the sledgehammer in Qiu Duanyue's hand with one hand, threw it over his shoulder, and knocked Qiu Duanyue to the ground.


With a loud bang, Qiu Duanyue's head hit the ground directly, creating a deep pit.

Everyone's heart trembled. This fall would probably result in a bloody head.


"Oh my God, Senior Brother Qiu actually lost?"

The entire audience was dumbfounded. They never expected that a competition that was supposed to be without much suspense would turn out to be a shocking reversal.

The winner was actually a new disciple who had only been admitted to the temple for less than two months!

Moreover, winning was such an understatement that it didn't even seem to allow him to show much strength at all. No one knew how strong he was!

The name "Ling Feng" is destined to become a legend for the new generation!

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