Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2693 Leaving the city!

"I actually...won..."

Zhang Haoran and others looked dull.

Qiu Duanyue, who has been famous for a hundred years, is a figure of the same era as Duan Lingtian. Although he is far behind Duan Lingtian, he is still a genius!

With his qualifications and cultivation, now, he was defeated so miserably by Ling Feng.

"Is that guy really only the second level of the Nine Transformation Realm?"

"I suddenly remembered that someone successfully overcame the tribulation a while ago. It seems to be him, right?"

"The second-turn thunder tribulation is even more exaggerated than the saint-level thunder tribulation. This guy is really a monster!"

The whole audience was stunned. Thinking back to the "Thunder Swallowing Demon" some time ago, the two combined together, Ling Feng's strength, I am afraid that the tip of the iceberg has already been exposed when he overcame the tribulation.

Those disciples who originally thought Ling Feng was arrogant were stunned and dumbfounded.

The losers who had originally been shouting for Qiu Duanyue were all stunned in place, like wooden figures, motionless.

Senior Brother Qiu actually lost!

On a tall building in the distance, the three new generation heroes of the Witch God Temple looked at each other with solemn expressions on their faces.

"The six-pointed star array under his feet is very weird!"

Among the three, the only female warrior spoke.

"Did you notice it too?"

A man in the middle stared at the ring in the distance and said slowly: "I'm afraid not only Qiu Duanyue, but also us, may not be able to defeat him. Qiu Duanyue has really hit the wall this time. "

"That magic circle is really weird."

The last man shook his head and said slowly: "I now understand why the high priest was temporarily replaced. Perhaps, this junior brother can even defeat all the geniuses of the Gods!"

The three of them looked at each other and nodded involuntarily.

Perhaps, what none of them can do, only this junior brother can do.

"Hey, Senior Brother Qiu, do you want to continue?"

Ling Feng pulled Qiu Duanyue's head out of the ground and patted his cheek gently.

At this moment, Qiu Duanyue's consciousness was already a little blurry.

Did you actually lose?

Moreover, it was almost a complete defeat in a manner of being unilaterally tortured!

A strong sense of shame swept through his heart, and he tried hard to resist and struggle, but unfortunately, everything happened suddenly.

He didn't know why Ling Feng was able to resolve his witchcraft. It seemed that just by stamping his feet in place, his witchcraft was naturally broken.

Such a weird ability is completely unheard of and unseen.

He knew that if he couldn't break through this weird ability, he wouldn't be able to hurt even a piece of Ling Feng's clothes.

"I lost!"

Qiu Duanyue gritted his teeth so hard that the roots of his teeth were almost broken. His eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, as if his eyes were about to pop out.

His chest rose and fell violently. Finally, Qiu Duanyue exhaled, took a deep look at Ling Feng, quickly took off the Naling Ring in his hand, threw it into Ling Feng's hand, and turned around to leave.

Ling Feng spread out his spiritual thoughts and scanned it. There were a lot of good things inside, but it seemed that they were not enough for the 10 billion bet.

"The Naling Ring is in your hand first."

Qiu Duanyue clenched his fists tightly and said, "I'm willing to admit defeat. Ten billion. After I complete the preparations, I will naturally send it to you. At that time, you must return my spirit ring!"


Ling Feng nodded and smiled lightly.

Although this Qiu Duanyue is a little conceited, he is still willing to admit defeat.

"Senior Brother Qiu is also welcome to challenge me next time. If you are not convinced, you can challenge me as well, as long as you pay me."

Ling Feng grinned and actually advertised in front of everyone, "Whoever defeats me, I will give up the spot in Tianhe's martial arts to him!"

Qiu Duanyue paused and turned around to glare at Ling Feng. He had the urge to slap him on the head angrily. This guy actually openly bet this spot?

What did he take this honor for?

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Qiu Duanyue cursed in his heart. Unfortunately, the spot already belonged to someone else. What could he say?

What's more, I can't beat him at all!

Of course, although Ling Feng kept saying that he would give up his spot to whoever won, it was a pity that even Qiu Duanyue lost, so naturally no one would come on stage to give Ling Feng money.

Ling Feng's plan to collect money still failed.

Ling Feng secretly sighed in his heart. If he had known that if he showed a little more difficulty and showed that he was seriously injured, someone might be tempted and want to take advantage of this, and he could still make a fortune.

What a mistake!

The battle with Qiu Duanyue was just an episode in the training process for Ling Feng.

Qiu Duanyue's strength is actually pretty good. If he hadn't learned the Zhoutian Chaos Formation, Ling Feng might have really needed to work hard to defeat him.

It's a pity that there are no ifs in this world.

Although Ling Feng's Zhoutian Chaos Formation is just an introduction, it is enough to deal with materials like Qiu Duanyue.

Winning 10 billion yuan crystals is undoubtedly good news for Ling Feng.

Ten billion can purchase another batch of materials for refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

However, refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill is expensive, but the rewards are also huge.

Under normal circumstances, if Ling Feng wanted to cultivate to the second level of the Nine Transformations Realm, it would take at least three to five years, or even ten to eight years, which was already considered very fast.

But with the help of the power of the Star Holy Spirit Pill, Ling Feng achieved a breakthrough in just half a month.

Although it is expensive, Ling Feng thinks it is worth it.

After all, what he lacks most is time.

Early the next morning, Qiu Duanyue sent someone to deliver 10 billion to his door. Ling Feng did not break his promise and returned his original Naling Ring.

Ten billion is also a big number for a saint-level powerhouse. Although Qiu Duanyue has accumulated a lot of wealth in the Witch God Temple for more than a hundred years, he still feels very embarrassed to take out this ten billion. Flesh hurts.

However, if he cheats on the pledge he made in front of so many people, how can he still gain a foothold in the Temple of the Witch God in the future?

After seeing off the disciples who came to see Yuan Jing off, Lingfeng's villa welcomed another guest.

"Senior Brother Ling? It's great to have you here!"

The person who came was none other than Ye Wushang, and this guy was quite knowledgeable. After seeing Ling Feng's ability to brutally torture Qiu Duanyue, he even changed his name to Ling Feng as "senior brother".


Ling Feng glanced at Ye Wushang, "The day has moved forward?"

Ye Wushang nodded, "I have found several experts, and now they are all here, except for you, Senior Brother Ling. Of course, if it is inconvenient for you, we can wait for you for a few more days."


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. The one with the big fist is his father. This is the law of the martial arts world.

Only the strong are qualified to make everyone stop and wait for you.

If Ling Feng wasn't strong enough, he might be completely different.

"There's no need to wait."

Ling Feng said calmly: "Since everyone is ready, it won't take more than a day or two, let's go!"


Ye Wushang laughed and said, "Senior Brother Ling is indeed reasonable!"

Ling Feng shrugged and didn't take it seriously. He just looked back at Tuoba Yan and said calmly: "Yan'er, just stay and look after the house."

Tuobayan gave Ling Feng an angry look and ignored Ling Feng.

Not long after, under the leadership of Ye Wushang, Ling Feng and the others finally left the city and arrived outside the gate of Wuzu King's City.

"Wushang, you're back!"

When Ye Wushang came back with Ling Feng, he saw a middle-aged man walking forward quickly. He looked at Ling Feng first, and then he chuckled and said, "This must be Ling Feng, who has become famous today." A good nephew, right?”

Ling Feng looked at the man opposite him and nodded slightly, "That's right."

Ye Wushang quickly smiled and said: "This is my uncle, and several of them are also masters of our dark witch clan, and they are all people whose physiques are closest to the perfect dark body. Of course, compared to Senior Brother Ling, your power of darkness is still far behind."

But it turned out that there were already seven or eight members of the Dark Witch Clan waiting outside the door.

The first person was Ye Wushang's uncle, named Ye Yuanbo.

In addition to Ye Yuanbo, there are two elders of the dark witch clan. Apart from these, they are all geniuses of the dark witch clan who are about the same age as Ye Wushang.

Ling Feng knew one of them, and they had some history with him.

This person is none other than Changsun Xiang!

Changsun Xiang also comes from the Dark Witch Clan, and his cultivation strength is higher than that of Ye Wushang, so it is not surprising to appear here.

"This is Senior Brother Changsun, I don't need to introduce him."

Ye Wushang laughed and said with a smile: "As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. I believe that Senior Brother Yiling has long since forgotten about the little festivals, right?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said nothing.

"Humph, what an attitude!"

Changsun Xiang became more energetic and cursed in a low voice: "Don't think that winning against Qiu Duanyue is so great. A loser like Qiu Duanyue can't even compare with the three heroes. There is no comparison with the other three." Is sex good? You just won a loser, why are you still pretending to be a master here? "

Ling Feng shrugged and just smiled lightly, "If you have the ability to say this, go and say it in front of Senior Brother Qiu, and I will obey you."

Changsun Xiang's face froze. He kept saying that Qiu Duanyue was a loser, but little did he know that he himself was worse than a loser.

If Qiu Duanyue heard what he said, his end would be extremely miserable.

"Okay Xiangzi, please stop saying a few words."

But it was Ye Yuanbo who raised his hand and pressed Chang Sunxiang's shoulder. Chang Sunxiang seemed to be in awe of Ye Yuanbo and actually stepped aside without saying anything more.

Ye Yuanbo smiled faintly at Ling Feng and said, "Let my nephew laugh. Before, you and Xiangzi were just having some small festivals. You are both young people, so it is inevitable that you will be a little angry, but after all, you and Xiangzi are fellow sects of the Witch God Sect."

Ling Feng glanced at Ye Yuanbo thoughtfully. He felt that this person was not simple. It seemed that he needed to pay special attention to this person during this trip.

(PS: I had a bad cold for a week and I kept trying to update. Today I finally couldn’t hold on any longer. It was so uncomfortable. I tried my best today and only managed to write half of the usual amount. My condition was so bad that I really couldn’t hold on any longer. Not available today, sorry~)

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