Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2695 Dark Soul Palace! (2 updates)

"Ling Feng's wise nephew."

Ye Yuanbo pointed to a lake and said slowly: "There is a special stone below, with some ancient runes engraved on it. We have tried to inject the dark power in the body into it, and it can It caused some changes, but it seems that our dark power is not pure enough and cannot open the magic circle. "

Ye Yuanbo said, looking at Ling Feng, taking a deep breath and saying: "Ling Feng's nephew, now I can only look at you. If even you can't do it, we will have no choice but to go back home."

"Let's try it."

Ling Feng shrugged, broke through the water with a crash, and sank to the bottom of the lake.

Ye Yuanbo and several other masters from the Dark Witch Clan looked at each other, followed closely behind, and rushed down.

The lake is not too deep, and the people present are all accomplished masters in cultivation. The energy around their bodies circulates, forming a thin film, and they are not affected at all.

After a while, Ling Feng stood firmly on the mud at the bottom of the lake, and he saw a stone tablet in front of him that was covered with runes.

When he searched with infinite vision just now, he also found this stone tablet. He didn't recognize the runes on it, but he could only confirm it.

This is only a sealing technique. Once the seal on it is opened, Ling Feng doesn't know what will happen.

"Senior Ye, can you tell me something about the inheritance of the ancient dark witch clan that senior mentioned?"

Ling Feng glanced at Ye Yuanbo and had some bad premonitions in his heart.

For him, it is not difficult to open this seal, but it is a very strange thing in itself that something should be sealed by the Dark Witch God.

"Boy, what do you mean? Do you still want to inherit the inheritance of our family?"

Changsun Xiang tolerated it for several days, finally found the opportunity, and immediately roared loudly.

Sure enough, even Ye Yuanbo's face turned a little ugly, "Ling Feng's wise nephew, greed should have its limits."

"Senior, I have misunderstood. I have no interest in your inheritance. However, I can barely understand some of this inscription."

Ling Feng frowned and said in a deep voice: "This array at the bottom of the lake, to put it another way, should be a sealing array. In other words, there may be some terrible existence sealed inside. If the seal is opened, some terrible monster will be released inside. , I’m afraid we won’t be able to deal with it at all.”

"It's ridiculous. Even the elders of our Dark Witch Clan don't recognize these symbols. You actually say you can understand them? It's sheer nonsense!"

Changsun Xiang sneered, "I think you are just an alarmist. You want to scare us away first, and then sneak back and swallow the treasure inside!"


A crisp slap sounded, and Chang Sun Xiang was like a spinning top, spinning in place for more than ten times before falling to the ground.

But Ling Feng couldn't bear it anymore and slapped him away.

This guy has a really rich imagination. Why doesn't he go tell stories under the overpass?

"It's not over yet!"

Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he said coldly: "Do you think I'm interested in some Dark Soul Palace? If you don't tell me, I'll just leave!"

" dare to hit me?"

Changsun Xiang was slapped by Ling Feng until his eyes were filled with stars and his teeth fell out. It took him a long time to get up. His eyes were fierce and he stared at Ling Feng and said viciously: "You bastard, I'm going to kill you!"


There was another slap in the face, and Ye Yuanbo also slapped him in the face, causing Zhang Sunxiang to spit out blood. This slap was really not light.

Sun Xiang's cheeks on both sides were swollen and were beaten into pig heads.


Ye Yuanbo sighed softly, glanced at the stone tablet, then glanced at Ling Feng, and then said: "My nephew is right, this is indeed a sealing formation, but the thing sealed inside is not a monster. , My nephew, you can rest assured. The main purpose of our search is actually the remains of my Ye family ancestors."

"The remains of our ancestors..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Yuanbo carefully. It seemed that he was not lying.

However, there are several types of truth.

What appears to be true may contain several layers of deep meaning.

Perhaps they were indeed looking for the remains of their ancestors, but it was hard to say what other purpose they had.

"All right."

Ling Feng nodded, and seeing Ye Yuanbo's vow and determination on his face, Ling Feng also decided to take a gamble.

As the saying goes, if a person dies and a bird looks up to the sky, he will not die for tens of millions of years. The way of martial arts is to defy nature and take one's life. If you are timid in everything you do, then you are still practicing martial arts.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and gently pressed his palm on the stone tablet engraved with runes.

The sealing technique of the dark witch god is indeed mysterious. It is no wonder that the descendants of these dark witch clan cannot unlock it.

At this moment, the water surface suddenly parted, accompanied by a strong wind, and a huge hole appeared at the bottom of the lake.

This also means that the seal has been released.


Everyone looked happy and looked at Ling Feng.

"Haha, nephew Ling Feng, I really found the right person when I came to you!"

Ye Yuanbo was overjoyed, and Ye Wushang was also excited. They had tried many times before, but all failed. They didn't expect that Ling Feng would break the seal so quickly.

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