Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2696 The Spirit of Desolation! (3 updates)

"The Dark Soul Palace is open!"

"This is the entrance to the Dark Soul Palace, let's go!"

One after another, the disciples of the Dark Witch Clan jumped up and jumped down.

The moment he jumped into the whirlpool, Ling Feng felt a huge pressure sweeping over him. The terrifying power seemed to strangle him and turn him into powder.

The feeling was as if the bones in the body were being ground into fine powder one by one. The pain was so painful that it was impossible to describe it in words.

Even he feels this way, let alone those dark wizards who have not refined their bodies.

The faces of these guys all turned purple from suppressing their emotions, and even worse, they curled up into a ball and foamed at the mouth.

I don’t know how much time has passed before I feel down to earth again.


As soon as everyone landed, many people were already lying on the ground, vomiting.

It was so painful that I almost vomited.

Among all the people, Ling Feng performed slightly better, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

After all, he has been practicing to this day and has endured similar hardships. At least his tolerance for pain has reached an outrageous level.

Although this kind of pain is unbearable, it is nothing compared to the pain of planting the Forging Qi Hunyuan Lock for the first time.

However, the others did not have Ling Feng's endurance. They were all out of breath and it took a long time to recover a little.

Even Ye Yuanbo, who had the highest level of cultivation among all the people, was pale with no color at all.

While these people were lying on the ground breathing heavily, Ling Feng had already begun to explore the surrounding situation.

It's just a seemingly empty wilderness, which is somewhat inconsistent with the name Dark Soul Palace. There are no obvious buildings around it.

At least, within the range of his gaze, there was nothing similar to a palace.

In the wilderness, there is a desolation, revealing endless decadence. There is no green vegetation at all, and there are only yellow sand and yellow-brown boulders everywhere.

In fact, this desolate atmosphere seems to have condensed into substance, making people's mood become a little sad.

"What a strong aura of desolation..."

Ling Feng frowned and reached out to grab it. The desolate air fell on Ling Feng's fingertips and condensed into a small ball of something similar to yellow sand.

Yellow sand fell on his palms, and it could be seen that his palms became dry at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Ling Feng suddenly contracted in pain and quickly shook off the desolate air. At the same time, he reminded loudly: "Be careful to open the vitality shield!"

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late.

Because an unlucky guy has been exposed to the desolate air, and his body has shriveled up quickly.


A scream rang out, but it was Ye Yuanbo who cut off the right hand of the disciple of the Dark Witch Clan at shoulder level with a knife, thus saving his life.

Looking at the bloody arm that fell to the ground, it quickly decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it turned into yellow sand in the wind and dust.

Everyone was sweating slightly on their foreheads.

What the hell is this?

However, before they could come out of this depressed mood, the desolate air actually began to gather.

The desolate air that was originally evenly dispersed in the air became turbulent as if it noticed Ling Feng and the others as "uninvited guests".

"The spirit of desolation!"

Ye Yuanbo roared and took the lead, leading everyone to flee in one direction.

Ling Feng's expression also changed slightly. The so-called spirit of desolation is just like the spirit of the five elements. It is probably because the power of a certain attribute is condensed to the extreme that certain spiritual wisdom is born, and some special beings evolve. body.

Essentially, they are the same life form as the Five Elements Spirits, and they seem to be more aggressive.

Everything containing spiritual energy will become their "prey".

Ye Yuanbo, who was rushing at the front, said loudly: "There used to be a desolate forest in the Dark Soul Palace. All the desolate towers and all the desolate energy were sealed in the tower. Unexpectedly, now the Dark Soul Palace is dilapidated and desolate. All the desolate energy in the tower has escaped!"

"These spirits of desolation will only appear when the air of desolation is extremely strong. We must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, we will become part of them."

The Spirit of Desolation is inherently lifeless and can be said to be an immortal existence. Originally, the Dark Soul Palace built the Tower of Desolation to take advantage of this characteristic of the Spirit of Desolation to train its disciples and improve their combat experience.

Unexpectedly, after the Dark Soul Palace was destroyed, the desolate energy in the Desolate Tower took its place, occupying this space and becoming the master here.

Encountering such a strong aura of desolation, fighting against it will only be endless.

The best way is to leave immediately while the spirit of desolation has not yet completely condensed and formed.

Naturally, Ling Feng would not waste his energy here, and would just follow Ye Yuanbo and move forward.

This wasteland was huge, and even at Ye Yuanbo's speed, it took them several hours to finally reach the end.

Although we didn't encounter any danger along the way, no matter where we went, there was an air of desolation everywhere.

There was no aura left in the air.

The aura of desolation is like the nemesis of spiritual energy. They swallow up all spiritual energy and turn everything into desolation.

It even gave everyone a desperate thought. Perhaps the former Dark Soul Palace no longer existed, and only this piece of desolation remained.

I don’t know how long it took, but finally, the wasteland came to an end.

In front of them, ruins of buildings appeared.

When he got here, Ye Yuanbo took out a thick ancient book from the Naling Ring.

He skillfully turned to the middle page, and Ling Feng glanced at it. It seemed to be a map.

Ye Yuanbo looked around, seemingly confirming their current location.


Suddenly, Ye Yuanbo looked happy and exclaimed: "Our current location is here, not far from the Soul Palace! Follow me!"

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