Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2697 Cracked! (1 update)

After a while, under the leadership of Na Ye Yuanbo, a group of people came to a dilapidated palace.

Although this palace is also dilapidated, it is relatively complete compared to other surrounding buildings.

Moreover, there seemed to be an invisible barrier surrounding the palace, blocking out all the desolate atmosphere around it.

Because, Ling Feng and his party could even see a group of desolate spirits surrounding the palace. They seemed to be spinning in circles, but they could not get close to the palace at all.

It stands to reason that these desolate spirits will only condense and take shape when they sense spiritual energy. In other words, there is still spiritual energy in this dilapidated palace.

"This is the ruins of the Dark Soul Palace."

Ye Yuanbo looked at the palace in front of him, a hint of fanaticism flashed in his eyes, and said solemnly: "The remains of the ancestors we are looking for are in this palace."

After Ye Yuanbo finished speaking, he glanced at Ling Feng again, "According to the previous agreement, as long as we find the remains of our ancestors, 70% of the buried objects will be yours."

Ling Feng smiled, "Let's think about how to deal with these desolate spirits first."

Although the Dark Soul Palace is right in front of you, there are more than a dozen desolate spirits surrounding the Soul Palace outside the Soul Palace. It is not easy to cross them and enter the Soul Palace.

The aura exuded by every desolate spirit is very strong, and the most important thing is that as long as the desolate aura is enough, even if it is destroyed, it will be re-condensed and formed in a short time, so it is basically endless killing. .

"There is a layer of restrictions around the Soul Palace. As long as we successfully enter the Soul Palace, those desolate spirits will not be able to enter."

Ye Yuanbo pondered for a moment and then said: "Although those desolate spirits are difficult to deal with, with the strength of us people, it is not difficult to hold them back. Nephew Ling Feng, I will find a way to open the restriction, and you can lead me Waiting for others to stop the desolate spirits, the moment I open the restriction, everyone immediately enters the Soul Palace, and I close the restriction again, so that there is no need to worry about the desolate spirits. "

"That's all."

Ling Feng nodded. With the strength of these people, all Saints, although they could not completely eliminate the desolate spirits, it was indeed possible to hold them back.

After making the plan, Ye Yuanbo flew out directly and flew towards the direction of the Soul Palace.

At the same time, the desolate spirits surrounding the Soul Palace sensed the powerful aura on Ye Yuanbo's body and immediately rushed towards him with their teeth and claws bared.

"Take action!"

Ling Lingfeng gave a clear scolding, and then his figure turned into a bolt of lightning and swept across with his sword, stopping several desolate spirits. At the same time, the masters of the Dark Witch Clan followed closely behind, guarding Ye Yuanbo. , blocking all the desolate spirits, so that Ye Yuanbo could concentrate on opening the restriction without any worries.

As soon as everyone moved, the spirits of desolation noticed one after another, roaring and rushing toward everyone, and there seemed to be an angry roar.

The spirit of desolation exudes a terrifying aura of desolation. Once the aura of desolation invades the body, the final outcome will be to turn into a piece of yellow sand.

Everyone did not dare to be careless. While they separated their vitality to protect their bodies, they also used witchcraft to block those desolate spirits.

Most wizards who major in witchcraft are better at long-distance attacks. Although there is also curse blade witchcraft among witchcraft, not everyone is proficient in it, and not everyone can be like those super-class ones. Like top geniuses, they combine the will of the sword with witchcraft.

Therefore, when encountering an enemy like the Spirit of Desolation, which has no entity at all and can continuously disperse and condense, you quickly start to panic.

The attack of the spirit of desolation is extremely fierce, and it also carries the terrifying attributes of the desolation spirit.

Although they don't have many skills, and they don't have any martial arts or martial arts, they can show their extraordinary fighting talent by relying only on their instincts.

They are naturally the enemies of spiritual energy and can see through the trajectory of spiritual energy.

In other words, whether it is martial arts or witchcraft, they are all changes in spiritual energy of various attributes. Once the changes in spiritual energy are seen through, the numerous magical powers and techniques will naturally fail.

Therefore, the plan seemed to be very unsatisfactory from the beginning.

Ye Yuanbo didn't have a clue yet, but several of the witch ancestor masters responsible for intercepting the spirit of desolation were beginning to be unable to resist.

On the contrary, for Ling Feng, these desolate spirits did not pose much of a threat to him.

At best, it just feels more difficult to deal with.

Compared with the crushing power of the Spirit of Five Elements, although the Spirit of Desolation is numerous in number, the power of a single entity is far inferior to that of the Spirit of Five Elements.

Ling Feng is a body of chaos, and the aura of desolation is not fatal to him.

Secondly, the sword skills he performed were more of a technique of strength and had nothing to do with aura.

Those desolate spirits couldn't see through his swordsmanship, so naturally they could only be defeated by him again and again.

Although they were able to regroup in a short period of time, it finally gave Ling Feng time to free up his hands to help others.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of these dark wizard warriors, they are teammates after all.

Everyone is in the same boat, and Ling Feng will not ignore death.

Of course, except Changsun Xiang.

If that guy died, Ling Feng would still applaud him.


With one strike of the sword, Ling Feng dispersed a desolate spirit, and in the nick of time, Ye Wushang's life was saved.

Ye Wushang let out a long breath, cold sweat on his forehead, just a little bit, his body-protecting Qi was about to be corroded by the desolate Qi, and he was about to die.

"Thank...thank you, Senior Brother Ling!"

Ye Wushang wiped the sweat from his forehead, his heart was just calmed down, and his voice was trembling a little.

"It's a small matter."

Ling Feng shook his wrist, and the sword Qi burst out, and another desolate spirit was pierced by his sword Qi and dispersed directly.

Ye Wushang looked at the long sword in Ling Feng's hand, and smiled bitterly in his heart, thinking that he had challenged Ling Feng before.

Now thinking about it, it's a good thing that Ling Feng only used the light witchcraft at that time. If he had used the swordsmanship like today, I'm afraid he would have lost even more miserably.

At this moment, Ye Yuanbo's roar came from behind.

"The ban is open, come in!"

The crowd stopped fighting and quickly forced back the desolate spirits in front of them, and flew towards the direction of the Dark Soul Palace.

At this moment, around the Dark Soul Palace, a layer of protective shield like the surface of water was gently rippling.


Ye Yuanbo's roar was very urgent, and his face turned purple, as if he was very anxious.

Everyone felt something was wrong. Could it be that there was something wrong with the ban?

The next moment, there was a "pop" sound. The ban that originally enveloped the Soul Palace had only a crack under Ye Yuanbo's control, but after this explosion, it actually cracked completely.

That's right, it cracked!

It was like a mirror, shattered in an instant, and the entire ban was completely destroyed.

Everyone's heart was "clicked". The ban was destroyed, so those desolate spirits around...

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