Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2698 Shock! (2 updates)


As if to confirm everyone's suspicions, a low muffled sound came from the distant land.

An extremely dense power of darkness rushed towards him.

But then, the desolate air that filled the air completely awakened under the influence of the power of darkness.

The desolate spirits are constantly condensing and forming, one end, two ends...

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of desolate spirits surrounded the entire Dark Soul Palace.

Even among the densely packed desolation spirits, there are several desolation spirits, dozens of feet tall, extremely huge, with ferocious and terrifying faces, roaring into the sky.

Moreover, they seem to be still madly devouring the desolate air around them, growing taller and larger.

If this continues, sooner or later it will reach a level that no one can resist——

The ancestral realm!

Everyone's expressions were extremely gloomy...

Within the entire ruins, almost all the spiritual energy was swallowed up by the desolate energy, so on weekdays, most of the desolate spirits were actually sleeping.

But now, because the spiritual energy in the Dark Soul Palace escaped, those desolate spirits were suddenly awakened.

They are like hungry wolves that have been hungry for tens of thousands of years. Now they smell the smell of food, so they wake up!

"It's over!"

"What should we do now?"

Everyone was panicked, and even worse, they were trembling.

They are all saint-level strong men, and they are all strong men who have experienced life and death, and have seen wind and waves, but they are still afraid when surrounded by such densely packed desolate spirits.

Death is not terrible.

But thinking that they will be devoured by these desolate spirits, they will watch their bodies rot, decay, and finally turn into a pile of yellow sand...

This process is a hundred times more terrifying than death!


The roars shook mountains and seas, penetrated the clouds and split the sky, and stirred up winds and residual clouds, which were so powerful and violent that they seemed to destroy everything.

The terrifying air of desolation formed a storm of desolation. Wherever it passed, the power of darkness that had just emerged was swallowed up in an instant.

"We'll be eaten too!"

Changsun Xiang shivered with fear and stared at Ye Yuanbo, "Elder Ye, you... you are too careless! How could you destroy the restriction!"

Ye Yuanbo's face was ashen. The restrictions here were left over tens of thousands of years ago and were already very fragile.

Such a situation would arise now, which he had not expected.

"Now is not the time to debate these things."

Ye Wushang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked at Ling Feng, "Senior Brother Ling, what can you do?"

Subconsciously, Ye Wushang always felt that no matter what desperate situation a guy like Ling Feng encountered, he would always have a solution.

After all, he is a legendary figure like Duan Lingtian.

"Now those desolate spirits are devouring the power of darkness that has escaped. For a moment, they can't even notice us."

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "Since the restriction is to protect the Dark Soul Palace, there should naturally be a magic circle to control the restriction in the Soul Palace. As long as the core of the magic circle is found and the restriction is reopened, all problems will naturally be solved. It’s easy to solve.”

Everyone's eyes lit up. Yes, as long as the restriction is reopened and the desolate spirits swallow up the escaped dark power, they will naturally dissipate.

By then, when they go out, the problem won't be big.

"But this is just my guess. As for whether there is a mechanism to control it, or whether it can be found, or even if it is found, whether we can reopen it, is a question."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, "But now, there's no point in panic. The Soul Palace has been opened. Let's go in and take a look. Judging from the speed at which those desolate spirits are devouring the power of darkness, we don't have much time."

Ling Feng estimated in his mind that if the restriction could not be reopened within two days at most, then good, they would have to face thousands of immortal desolate spirits.

At that time, the only way is probably to stab oneself in the heart.

Because that way, at least it would be a quick death.

"Let's go."

Ling Feng glanced at everyone, took the lead, and walked directly into the hall.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Ling Feng was right. In this situation, there was no point in panicking.

The only way to save yourself is to find a way to reopen the ban.

Ye Yuanbo also took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

Although their situation is extremely dangerous now, at least for now, they are safe for the time being.

"Let's go."

Ye Yuanbo looked back at the densely packed area of ​​desolate spirits, and could only pray secretly in his heart that he could find the mechanism array to reopen the restriction in the Dark Soul Palace, otherwise, everything would be over.

Entering the Soul Palace, you will first see a long alleyway. Just like its name, the interior of the Dark Soul Palace is indeed very dark.

Moreover, it is filled with the power of darkness.

Unlike the imagination that it was filled with all kinds of treasures, all the rooms inside were almost empty. It seemed that everything inside had been robbed before it was sealed.

"What treasures are really hidden in a place like this?"

Ling Feng secretly suspected that as well as the ancestors Ye Yuanbo mentioned, since the Dark Soul Palace has been evacuated, the remains of their ancestors would not be left alone, right?

Is there any connection between this?

"Nothing? Why nothing?"

Looking at the interior of the Dark Soul Palace, it was completely bare. Not to mention any treasures, even the walls and floor tiles seemed to have been gnawed by dogs...


Everyone's eyelids suddenly jumped.

Indeed, the uneven floor tiles and pitted walls seemed to have been shaken, gnawed, or torn by something?


At this moment, waves of low and hoarse roars came from somewhere deep in the Soul Palace, getting faster, deeper, and...


Everyone felt a chill running down their spines...

Could it be that besides them, there are other living creatures in the Soul Palace?

Tap tap tap!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps like a running beast, approaching quickly, and then, in everyone's field of vision, a monster that was as tall as a person and covered with bone spurs appeared.

Sharp bone spurs wrapped the monster tightly, leaving only a pair of scarlet eyes exposed.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Incomparably thick saliva flowed from the monster's mouth and fell to the ground, making a "sizzling" burning sound. Obviously, its saliva also contained extremely terrifying poison.

"This...what kind of monster is this?"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, staring at the monster, and they couldn't help but feel a creepy feeling.

Could it be that this monster ate everything in the Soul Palace?

So, how terrifying is its strength?

(PS: I will update two chapters in the morning, and I will continue to update if my condition is better in the evening... This time it is indeed a bit miserable, thank you everyone for your understanding...)

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