Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2699 A glimmer of hope! (1 update)


There was a roar that made people's scalp numb. The violent sound wave stirred up a violent wind in the entire space.

In the strong wind, there is a billowing evil spirit, which makes people feel heart-stopping.

A disciple of the dark witch clan was trembling with fear. In a panic, he directly used an eighth-level witchcraft and hit the monster hard.

However, the dark power he exerted condensed into a death scythe and slashed hard on the monster, but it was not hurt at all!

That monster is actually immune to the power of darkness!

Think about it, this is the Dark Soul Palace, and the most indispensable thing is the power of darkness. If this monster can survive in this place for countless years, it must also possess powerful power of darkness.

"This monster is beyond our ability to resist, let's go!"

Ye Yuanbo's expression changed drastically. Facing this ferocious monster in front of him, even he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, let alone people like Ye Wushang and Changsun Xiang.

"Where can I go?"

Everyone looked sad. There were monsters in front of them and countless "hungry" desolate spirits behind them.

I thought that there should be treasures everywhere in the Dark Soul Palace, but it turned out to be a good thing. In addition to being dangerous, it was still dangerous.

At least so far, not even a hair of the treasure has been seen.


The monster's scarlet eyes were firmly locked on everyone present, and its terrifying aura filled the void, making people palpitate.

Even Ling Feng's expression changed slightly. The evil aura on this monster could almost affect the minds of others, making them timid before they even took action.

Facing this monster that had survived for who knows how many years, Ling Feng did not dare to show off his strength rashly.

But the good thing is that he is not only good at witchcraft.

Ye Yuanbo's dark witchcraft was ineffective against this monster, but at least he still had the power to protect himself.

If it was absolutely necessary, he would have no choice but to abandon these people and leave by himself.

After all, these people are just his temporary teammates. In his heart, they are not even companions.

If he can, he will save him. If he can't, Ling Feng will not trap himself for them.

Several people retreated frantically. Inside the Dark Soul Palace, there were countless forks extending in all directions. In order to avoid the monster, everyone retreated into the back passage and explored in another direction.

Naturally, the monster would not let go of these prey easily. It kept chasing behind them, and its terrifying roar was like a prelude to the death, which was horrifying.

At this moment, a gray shadow flashed, and another smelly smell hit his face.

Suddenly, another monster covered in bone spurs swooped in from another direction and pounced directly on Ye Wushang.

Ye Wushang's pupils suddenly shrank, and he waved the blade of darkness in his hand desperately, trying to repel the monster. However, with a "click", the blade of darkness shattered, and the bones of his arm were also directly hit by a terrifying force. The power was directly shattered.

The monster's brute strength was simply terrifying to the extreme.

Ye Wushang felt despair in his heart.

I am afraid that I will definitely die!

He could almost imagine that his body would be torn into a piece of flesh and fall into a pool of blood when the monster pounced.

At this critical moment, a sharp and astonishing sword light seemed to come from outside the sky. Because it was so fast, it created layers of ripples when it pierced the air. The sharp sound almost made Ye Wushang deaf.


A violent force seemed to explode in front of him, causing Ye Wushang's whole body to be blown away. At the same time, there was also the head hidden in the dark, which was about to tear Ye Wushang into pieces. Crush the monster.

A strong palm suddenly pressed down on his back. Ye Wushang turned around and saw that it was Ling Feng pressing his back.


With a sweep of his sword, Ling Feng simultaneously pushed back the monster chasing from behind, and also resolved a crisis for several other disciples of the Dark Witch Clan.


The two monsters, one behind the other, kept digging at the ground, seeming to be gathering momentum, but also seemed to have some scruples, not daring to take action easily. They just blocked everyone in the middle, leaving them with no way out.

What made them even more desperate was that right after, the third and fourth monsters also came out of the darkness and blocked them on their left and right respectively.

There were four monsters in total, which made people despair to the extreme.

"Now... now... what... what should I do?"

Changsun Xiang's voice trembled violently. If he had known better, he would not have been willing to take a trip into this muddy water even if he had been killed.

The four monsters stared at them with eager eyes, each one capable of tearing their flesh and blood into pieces in an instant.

There is no doubt that they have such power.

The only thing he was afraid of was Ling Feng.

"There's a secret door there!"

Ye Yuanbo glanced around and found a secret door in a corner. There should be a secret room inside where he could hide for the time being.

Although those monsters are fierce, it is not easy to destroy the walls here.

And the most important thing for a place like a secret room is to be secretive and strong. The walls should be additionally reinforced to keep these monsters out.

"Let's hide in first!"

In the midst of despair, a glimmer of hope was found, and everyone had a glimmer of hope.

Everyone's spirits were lifted, and they burst out at full speed, shooting towards the secret door.

As soon as the crowd moved, the four monsters immediately swooped out, obviously unwilling to let go of the fat meat in their mouths.

"My virtuous nephew Ling Feng, please, my queen, please stop me!"

Ye Yuanbo took a deep breath and made a hand gesture, seeming to be thinking of a way to open the secret door.

Ling Feng nodded. Now that we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, we should naturally contribute.

While roaring, the four monsters had already rushed forward. In Ling Feng's hand, Shifangjianniu waved and directly stopped three of them, while the remaining one took advantage of the situation and pounced on the disciples of the Dark Witch Clan.


A scream rang out, a disciple had died.

Ling Feng frowned slightly, but it was already his limit to stop three monsters by himself. The brute strength of those monsters was astonishing. Even if he used the power of more than two hundred dragons and elephants, it would still be extremely difficult.

Especially their bodies are covered with bone spurs and have no weaknesses or flaws at all.

Ling Feng's Ten Directions Destruction is already a rare magic weapon. When it cuts on those monsters, it seems to be covered with diamonds, making an extremely harsh sound.

No weaknesses!

Also tireless!

Ling Feng immediately concluded that from the perspective of individual combat power, these monsters were even more difficult to deal with than ordinary spirits of desolation.


Screams rang out one after another, and in the blink of an eye, three disciples of the Dark Witch Clan were killed.

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