Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2700 Abandonment! (2 updates)


There was another impact, and along with the sound of bones breaking, Ling Feng's arm holding the sword was twisted and broken.

The power of those monsters is getting stronger and stronger!

Ling Feng was sweating slightly on his forehead. If he continued like this, even he might not be able to resist.

"The door is open, come in quickly!"

Ye Yuanbo roared, and the secret door opened. He rushed into the secret room. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Sunxiang, who was closest, also rushed into the secret room. Then, Ye Wushang also rushed in, and he was in third place. When the disciples were about to rush into the secret door, the monster that was fighting with them swung a tail full of bone spurs behind them, smashing the body of a disciple into pieces. At the same time, he ducked and was about to crash into the door. .


The door shook violently, and at the critical moment, Ye Yuanbo had already closed the stone door, blocking everyone else outside.

"No, elder, I haven't gone in yet!"

Desperate roars followed, and the disciples who were locked out looked at the closed stone door and started beating wildly.

"Let me in! Let me in!"

However, the next moment, a stench of fishy smell rushed towards his face, and a bloody mouth bit him down, swallowing his head directly into his belly.

The sound stopped suddenly.

When another disciple saw this scene, his legs weakened and he collapsed directly on the ground, so scared that he peed.

"Bang bang bang!"

He banged on the stone door frantically and yelled, "Open the door, open the door quickly!"

However, inside the stone gate, Ye Yuanbo and others, who had finally escaped, dared to open the door. They all resisted the stone gate and trembled all over.


After a while, screams sounded. Apparently, the few disciples abandoned outside the door were waiting for their fate, only to be eaten alive by those monsters.


Ye Wushang trembled all over, "I... we just locked them out like this, isn't it a bit..."

"If you don't take care of yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Zhang Sunxiang leaned against the stone door, clenched his fists and said, "If the door is closed a little later, even us will die!"

"But Ling Feng is still outside..."

Ye Wushang gritted his teeth and said, "Ling Feng, he has saved us several times before! The same happened with the Spirit of Desolation, and the monster just now almost ate me. It was Ling Feng who saved me!"

Thinking of this, Ye Wushang clenched his fists and said, "No, we can't just leave Ling Feng outside like this!"

"You're crazy!"

Changsun Xiang punched Ye Wushang in the face, beating him until stars appeared in his eyes, "That kid is dead. If you dare to open the door, we are dead too!"

"No, didn't you see that Ling Feng is different from us? He has the power to fight those monsters, and his screams have not been heard. He is not dead yet!"

Ye Wushang looked at Ye Yuanbo and said loudly: "Uncle, we can't abandon Ling Feng like this!"

"Okay, I know what's going on."

Ye Yuanbo took a deep breath. From time to time, the roars of monsters could be heard outside. How could he dare to open the door?

As for Ling Feng...

Although they have lost the powerful support of Ling Feng, their next road will definitely be very difficult.

But thinking on the bright side, if Ling Feng dies, they can share 70% less of the loot. Everything they get in the Soul Palace belongs to them.

As for Zhang Sunxiang, he was even more happy.

He had long wanted Ling Feng to die tragically. Now, Ling Feng was besieged by those monsters, and outside the Soul Palace, there were countless desolate spirits.

Ling Feng is dead!

"Damn it!"

Seeing the stone door of the secret room closed, Ling Feng also frowned. Guys like the Dark Witch Clan were indeed unreliable.

Even the sanctimonious looking guy Ye Yuanbo!

However, in the situation just now, Ling Feng couldn't blame them for abandoning him. After all, if it were him, he would close the door without hesitation.

However, Ling Feng didn't expect that Ye Yuanbo would be so ruthless that he would even abandon his own people.




The three-headed monsters surrounded Ling Feng, staring eagerly.

Ling Feng shook his arm. Although he had an immortal golden body that could quickly recover from his injuries, he could not withstand the tireless attacks of these monsters.

Especially, with my own strength, I can't cause any harm to them at all.

At most, it would just force them back.

But Ling Feng would not give up hope of survival because of this.

He didn't want to die, especially a meaningless death like this, in the mouths of these hideous and disgusting monsters.


As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng no longer wanted to fight, he used the Nine Nether Instant Technique and kept evacuating.

However, what depressed Ling Feng was that the more he ran away, the more monsters chased him.

From the beginning, there were only three heads, and later, five heads, ten heads, twenty heads...

By the end, there were almost hundreds of monsters covered with bone spurs chasing Ling Feng.

The one closest to Ling Feng, Ling Feng could even feel a pungent smell right behind him!

"damn it!"

Ling Feng's brows were furrowed, and he secretly cried out that it was bad luck. The Dark Soul Palace should just be renamed the Monster Hall!

So many monsters, it’s terrible!

"I can't solve you, someone can!"

Ling Feng felt fierce in his heart, gritted his teeth, and rushed out of the Soul Palace with these monsters.

He wanted to see whether these monsters were stronger physically or those desolate spiritual fangs that ate everything and specialized in devouring spiritual energy.

Whoosh whoosh!

A dazzling light came towards me.

The next moment, Ling Feng had rushed out of the Dark Soul Palace.

Those monsters, feeling the dazzling gaze, were stunned for a moment, and then became excited.

They seemed to be happy to be able to leave the Dark Soul Palace.

However, the next moment, the desolate spirits sensed the breath of those monsters and became happy and excited.

In the eyes of the desolate spirit, these monsters are also delicious food.

Then, a melee began.

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief and let them have fun fighting, he would not accompany them anymore.

However, Ling Feng was still happy too early.

The number of desolate spirits was hundreds of times that of those monsters, and the moment Ling Feng rushed out, he was also targeted by the desolate spirits.

Compared with the single dark spiritual power in those monsters, Ling Feng seems to be more attractive to these desolate spirits.

As a result, the number of desolate spirits chasing Ling Feng was several times greater than those surrounding those monsters!

"Depend on!"

Ling Feng cursed in his heart, he just left the wolf's den and now he has entered the tiger's mouth again!

Frowning his brows, Ling Feng squeezed Shi Fang and destroyed him.

If you can't hide or escape, then the only thing left is to fight!

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