Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2703 True colors revealed! (2 updates)


The figure flashed, and the next moment, Ling Feng had already lined up a large group of desolate spirits, walked out from behind step by step, and stood opposite Changsun Xiang.

"It looks like you made it out alive!"

Ling Feng's eyes swept over the bodies of Zhang Sunxiang and the others.

When he faced Chang Sun Xiang head-on, he realized that Chang Sun Xiang gave him a very strange feeling.

In other words, very scary!

There was a faint flash of red light in his eyes, and his whole aura had completely changed.

"Ling Feng!"

There was a ferocious smile on Changsun Xiang's lips, "It turns out you are not dead yet, and it seems that you have another adventure!"

"Young Master, I am blessed with great fortune, but it is not that easy for me to die."

Ling Feng shrugged. Looking at Ye Yuanbo, he asked in a deep voice: "What happened inside? Why was senior injured?"

A trace of resentment flashed in Ye Yuanbo's eyes, he took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and said: "Nothing happened. Since nephew Ling Feng is also fine, we'd better leave here first."

Ye Wushang also nodded repeatedly, "Senior Brother Ling, don't ask so many questions now, let's leave here first!"

"That's fine."

Ling Feng shrugged. It seemed that Changsun Xiang had mastered some powerful power and was not afraid of ordinary desolate spirits.

In this case, it’s better to leave first.


The eldest son, Sun Xiang, laughed ferociously, "It seems you haven't figured out the current situation yet! Did I say leave?"

The next moment, a murderous aura flashed through Zhang Sunxiang's eyes, "Ling Feng, now that things have happened, it's time to settle the old accounts between you and me, right?"


Ling Feng sighed softly and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Chang Sunxiang, have you forgotten so quickly that you were once defeated by me? What, you still want to try again?"

"Things are different now. My eldest son, Sun Xiang, is the son of destiny!"

Changsun Xiang smiled coldly, "Ling Feng, I admit that you are indeed a genius and you are better than me, but today, you must die here!"

"Xiangzi, don't go too far!"

Ye Yuanbo frowned and gritted his teeth.

Ye Wushang also clenched his fists tightly, "Senior Brother Changsun, no matter what, we are all from the same sect. If you kill a fellow sect, aren't you afraid of being punished by the great wizards?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Changsun Xiang grinned, "Yes, you reminded me. In this case, it seems that I can only kill everyone present! Jie Jie Jie——"


Ye Yuanbo's expression changed, "Chang Sunxiang, how dare you!"

"Old man, what am I afraid of?"

Changsun Xiang laughed ferociously, "Don't forget, this arm of yours is a gift from me! If you want to survive, just watch from the sidelines and keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, don't blame me, Changsun Xiang. Don’t miss the feelings of the same clan!”

Ye Yuanbo's expression changed again and again, and Zhang Sunxiang's temperament had always been so cold.

But before that, he didn't have enough strength, so he could only nod and bow in front of him, obediently.

But now, he has gained enough power, and his true nature has been completely exposed!

"Nephew Ling Feng, run quickly!"

Ye Yuanbo sighed softly, and in the end, he could only send a reminder to Ling Feng.

This is the only thing he can do.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Changsun Xiang looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "Yeah, run quickly, just like a mouse crossing the street, run away with all your strength. Unfortunately, even if you run to the ends of the world, you can't escape from the palm of my hand!"

"You're talking to yourself there, it's very enjoyable!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and stared at Changsun Xiang without blinking.

Indeed, his momentum has become much stronger, far above that of Ye Yuanbo.

In other words, the current Changsun Xiang's strength has exceeded that of ordinary saints, reaching around the eighth level of the Nine Transformation Realm!

Even higher!

Moreover, judging from the fact that his dark power can kill dozens of desolate spirits in an instant, the dark power he masters is of extremely high quality.

Obviously, he did obtain a very powerful power in the Dark Soul Palace, which is why he became so powerful in just a few days.

If it were in the outside world, even Ling Feng might not be sure that he would be able to fight against the current Changsun Xiang.

But here, in this world filled with desolate spirits.

Let alone Zhang Sunxiang, even if the high priest of the Witch God Temple comes, Ling Feng can still fight.

"Whether you are talking to yourself or not, you will know soon."

Changsun Xiang's whole body was filled with momentum, and a surging force of darkness swept across him, forming terrifying dark storms with him as the center.

It can be seen that he is indeed different. His powerful strength gives him unparalleled confidence.


The terrifying dark storm was like a doomsday hurricane. Wherever it passed, countless desolate spirits were directly crushed to pieces.

Moreover, under the destruction of the power of darkness, it cannot even be condensed. In a short period of time, it can no longer turn into a desolate spirit.

In an instant, the dark storm invaded, and Ling Feng's own flesh and blood seemed to be torn into pieces.

Ling Feng's complexion changed slightly, and the protective aura around him was shattered in an instant.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he quickly used the Zhoutian Chaos Formation, and the Zhoutian Power circulated. Theoretically speaking, all attributes of power, under the mobilization of the Zhoutian Power, would be instantly disintegrated, unable to cause any harm to Ling Feng. harm.

Unfortunately, theories are just theories after all.

Ling Feng used the Zhoutian Chaos Formation with all his strength, but the dark power erupted by Changsun Xiang exceeded the limit that his Zhoutian Chaos Formation could withstand!


A terrifying force exploded directly in the chest.

When they met, Ling Feng was knocked away directly, and a scar deep enough to the bone was left on his chest.

The power of darkness fluctuated violently and continuously eroded into Ling Feng's body, seeming to twist all the muscles and veins in his body into pieces.

The six-pointed star under his feet was eclipsed.

Ling Feng's complexion was also extremely pale.


Ling Feng suddenly spurted out a mouthful of dark blood, a hint of horror flashed in his eyes, and he stared at Changsun Xiang.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Changsun Xiang looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "How about it, Ling Feng, now you should understand the gap between you and me, right? In front of me, you are just an ant that can be easily crushed to death! I If I want you to live, you will live! If I want you to die, you will only die!"

Ling Feng raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. He still misjudged the strength of this elder Sun Xiang.

The current Changsun Xiang's burst of power is probably even greater than Duan Lingtian's!

What happened in the Dark Soul Palace to make a waste like Chang Sunxiang become so defiant all of a sudden.

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