Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2704 Bones of the Witch God! (3 updates)

"Kneel down!"

Changsun Xiang stared at Ling Feng and said with a sinister smile: "Ling Feng, kneel at my feet obediently, kowtow obediently and beg for mercy. If you satisfy me, maybe I can spare your life! Hahahaha!"

Ye Yuanbo and Ye Wushang on the side couldn't help but sigh.

Especially Ye Yuanbo, he never expected that the opportunity in the Soul Palace would eventually be obtained by Zhang Sunxiang.

Moreover, as soon as Changsun Xiang got this power, he showed his fierceness and completely ignored him as an elder.

Facing the aggressive Zhang Sunxiang, Ling Feng just shook his head and smiled, "Kneel down and beg for mercy? Just you?"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Chang Sunxiang, the same words are given to you. If you kowtow obediently and beg for mercy now, I may consider letting you go!"


Changsun Xiang laughed, laughing so hard that he seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

"You can't even catch one of my moves, how dare you talk so shamelessly?"

Chang Sunxiang's eyes were full of disdain, "Ling Feng, Ling Feng, do you want to laugh me to death to get out of trouble? Unfortunately, I have lost interest in playing with you, that's the end of it!"


After Zhang Sunxiang's words fell, a surging and terrifying power of darkness erupted.

The dark power escaping from the Dark Soul Palace swarmed around Chang Sun Xiang. In the blink of an eye, a huge divine magic form formed behind Chang Sun Xiang.

The Dark King!

That statue, using Chang Sun Xiang as a template, is like an enlarged version of Chang Sun Xiang. It is solemn, wearing battle armor, and holding a huge blade of darkness. It exudes awe-inspiring power and seems to be a monarch who dominates everything.

"Ling Feng, go to hell!"

Changsun Xiang's eyes flashed with incomparable malice.

There was no deep hatred between him and Ling Feng, it was just because Ling Feng took away his first place, that's all.

Changsun Xiang's skills were not as good as others, so if he lost, he would lose. However, this person was narrow-minded and small-minded. After losing to Ling Feng, he just resented Ling Feng.

Now that he finally got a chance to stand up, the first thing he did was to trample Ling Feng under his feet.

"Chang Sunxiang, seeing that we are all in the same class, I will teach you another lesson in life."

Ling Feng sneered, "As a human being, it's better to keep a low profile!"

After saying that, Ling Feng pointed behind him. Changsun Xiang looked up and saw five desolate spirits that were more than twenty feet tall. They had already locked their eyes on him.

If we say that ordinary desolate spirits are like the common people in the entire country, these oversized desolate spirits are the generals and the masters among them.

Changsun Xiang unscrupulously released the power of darkness in his body, and naturally he was "favored" by these commanders.

The next moment, five giant spirits of desolation rushed towards Changsun Xiang. Moreover, further away, there were even larger spirits of desolation. They had also noticed the situation here and were coming quickly. On the road.

Their eyes glanced at Ling Feng, and they just regarded him as an ordinary desolate spirit, and then locked their eyes directly on Changsun Xiang.

For a moment, Zhang Sunxiang was trapped in the siege and could not move away to deal with Ling Feng.

"Idiot, although my strength has become stronger, it's a pity that my brain is not good."

Ling Feng sneered, and his figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared beside Ye Yuanbo and the other two.

"Ling... Nephew Ling Feng, why do these desolate spirits only attack Changsun Xiang but not you?"

Ye Yuanbo looked at Ling Feng with a look of great surprise.

He had seen before that Ling Feng and the Spirit of Desolation could coexist peacefully, but he never expected that Ling Feng and Changsun Xiang would attack at the same time, but why did the Spirit of Desolation only attack Changsun Xiang?

"Maybe it's because that guy looks good enough to be beaten."

Ling Feng laughed and did not explain. He just released a faint aura of desolation and covered Ye Yuanbo and the two of them to prevent them from being targeted by the spirit of desolation.

"Tell me, why did this guy become so strong all of a sudden?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. He had just been hit by Zhang Sunxiang's move, and now there was still a burst of energy and blood in his body.

If his immortal golden body hadn't been powerful enough, he might have lost his ability to fight in the face-to-face just now.

"It started from the day I met those monsters covered with bone spurs..."

Ye Yuanbo sighed softly and talked about what happened after they separated that day.

That day, in order to protect himself, Ye Yuanbo abandoned his remaining companions and closed the stone door.

Although this behavior is indeed somewhat selfish, how many people can sacrifice themselves for others between life and death?

It was a coincidence that just when they didn't know what to do next and could only wait for death in the secret room, they were surprised to find that there was something else going on in this secret room.

There is another secret passage hidden in the secret room. Through this passage, they lead to a hidden hall deep in the Soul Palace.

Fortunately, they found the remains of the ancestors of the Ye family in the main hall.

In fact, the reason why they were looking for this corpse was because there was a bone of the Witch God stored in the corpse.

Yes, it is a small arm bone of the dark wizard god.

The arm bone contains part of the power of the dark witch god, and it is also a treasure passed down from generation to generation of the Ye family. Only the patriarchs of the past generations can inherit this bone of the witch god.

It's a pity that due to a sudden change tens of thousands of years ago, an ancestor of the Ye family died in the Soul Palace, and the inheritance of this Shaman God's bone has been discontinued since then.

Therefore, when they found the remains of their ancestors, they were naturally full of joy and wanted to welcome the bones of the Witch God back to the Dark Witch Clan.

Unfortunately, Zhang Sunxiang was one step ahead of them. He didn't show any respect for the remains of his ancestors. He destroyed the corpse with force, took away the bone of the Witch God, and fused it into his own body.

Naturally, Ye Yuanbo couldn't just watch this guy destroy the remains of his ancestors. Unfortunately, after Zhang Sunxiang fused with the Bones of the Witch God, his strength increased greatly. Ye Yuanbo was not only no match for him, but also had one of his arms torn off.

"You know everything about what happened next..."

Ye Yuanbo sighed, clenched his fists, and said bitterly: "I never imagined that Changsun Xiang would be so rebellious that he would even dare to damage the remains of his ancestors!"

"The Bones of the Witch God..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and glanced at Chang Sun Xiang.

No wonder that every time Chang Sunxiang activates witchcraft, he first starts to gather the power of darkness from his left hand.

Obviously, the Bone of the Witch God was fused into his left hand.

Ling Feng snorted. No wonder he was almost killed by this guy. It turned out that he had used the power of the Dark Witch God...

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