Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2706 Han Lingxiang! (2 updates)

Of course, they were curious, and Ye Yuanbo and the two would not ask any more questions.

Everyone has their own secrets. If Ling Feng doesn't want to say more, asking will be in vain.

What Ling Feng took out was naturally the Donghuang Bell.

Just now he took out the East Emperor Bell and asked Huang Di to mark the time and space mark of the Dark Soul Palace on the Starry Instrument.

In this way, as long as he uses the power of the East Emperor Bell, he can directly enter the Dark Soul Palace as he wishes.

Although this place is full of desolation, for ordinary people, it is a desperate place.

But for Ling Feng, it is a top cultivation treasure land.

Through the Donghuang Bell, Ling Feng can enter here to practice anytime and anywhere, and the speed of his cultivation will naturally be greatly increased.

Of course, Ling Feng also had another little thought.

Although he is still unable to drive away those giant desolate spirits and take away the Bone of the Witch God.

But given time, the desolate energy in Ling Feng's body changes from quantitative to qualitative, and when it surpasses those giant desolate spirits, there may be a chance to get the bone of the Witch God back.

Of course, the premise is that the energy in the Bones of the Witch God has not been completely devoured.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it has been a month since Ling Feng returned from the Dark Soul Palace.

And the day for the Jidao Divine Clan to hold the so-called "Tianhe Martial Arts Exercise" is getting closer and closer.

According to the high priest, the Jidao God Clan holds a piece of the Divine Desolation Illustration in their hands.

Therefore, no matter what, Ling Feng has to go through it.

Of course, Ling Feng was also quite interested in meeting the geniuses of the Gods in the Southern Witch Territory.

At least, the Wu Xuan whom I met in Xiaowu Mountain was pretty good.

Of course, it's just not bad.

On this day, Ling Feng was in the yard as usual, groping for the method of the Zhoutian Chaos Formation. After a month of study and hard training, Ling Feng's Zhoutian Chaos Formation had been greatly improved.

Moreover, the coverage area has also increased a lot, reaching about ten feet.

However, these are still far from enough.

If the Zhoutian Chaos Array cannot reach perfection, it will be impossible to use the Zhoutian Chaos Sword. Among the magical powers passed down to him by the witch ancestor that day, the Zhoutian Chaos Sword is the most powerful method.

"It's still not enough!"

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed softly. His understanding was already at its peak, not to mention the heaven-defying ability like the Eye of the Emperor. However, after spending two months, he still couldn't fully master it. The essence of Zhoutian Chaos Formation.

too slow!

But he didn't know that it took thousands of years for the witch ancestor to create the Zhoutian Chaos Formation.

And he actually expected to master it within a few months, which was a bit fanciful.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Ling Feng frowned slightly and looked at the door, while expanding his horizons.

The scene outside the door came clearly to mind.

I saw standing at the gate, a woman in yellow clothes who looked quite delicate, with a bit of heroic spirit between her eyebrows.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Where had he seen this woman before?

The next moment, Ling Feng reacted immediately.

When the Japanese and Qiu Duanyue made an appointment to fight, there were three powerful auras watching the battle from a tall building in the distance.

This woman is one of them.

"One of the Three Heroes?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. In the Tianhe martial arts performance held by the Jidao God Clan, there were also four places in the Temple of the Witch God.

In addition to himself, there are three others, namely the three outstanding figures of the younger generation who are quite famous in the Temple of the Witch God.

They were quite lucky. It was only after Duan Lingtian became the Great Wizard that he began to become famous. Otherwise, there would be nothing to do without the three heroes.

These three heroes came to visit, probably because of Tianhe's martial arts performance.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. He had never interacted with these three heroes. The only contact he had was probably with this Tianhe martial arts performance.

While he was thinking about it, Tuoba Yan had already opened the door. When he saw a beautiful woman in front of the door, he couldn't help but frown.

"Who are you and what's wrong?"

The so-called beautiful women are particularly jealous when they meet, and Tuoba Yan's attitude is obviously a bit cold.

"My name is Han Lingxiang, and I'm here to see Junior Brother Ling Feng."

Han Lingxiang looked around Tuoba Yan with her eyes, feeling ashamed of herself.

To say that she is also a rare beauty in the Temple of the Witch God, it is a pity that she is inferior to Tuoba Yan.

"Looking for Ling Feng?"

She subconsciously looked back at Ling Feng and cursed in her heart: Humph, you went out to mess with women again!

Ling Feng was so frightened by Tuoba Yan's "resentful" gaze that he coughed dryly and walked quickly to the door.

"It turns out to be Senior Sister Han."

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Han Lingxiang, and said with a loud smile: "I don't know if Senior Sister is coming to visit me, but I am not welcoming you from afar."


Han Lingxiang pursed her lips and smiled, "Junior brother, you don't have to be polite. I came here uninvited. I hope that junior brother won't be weird. Speaking of which, we have not officially met before, but I have met you in the ring before. The other two senior brothers and I feel deeply ashamed of his heroic appearance."

"Sister, I'm so impressed."

Ling Feng waved his hand modestly, and then continued: "By the way, Senior Sister, what's the matter with coming here this time?"

"The Tianhe martial arts performance is about to be held. You, I and the other two senior brothers are all representing the Temple of the Witch God, so before that, it's better to get to know each other better."

Han Lingxiang smiled and said: "The other two senior brothers are in retreat, so I have to do it for them. Three days later, we are going to set off together to the royal city of the Jidao God Clan. I hope that Junior Brother Ling can go with us, and there will be many mistakes on the way. We can exchange ideas and learn from each other. What do you think, junior brother?"

"Thanks to the support of several senior brothers and sisters, there is no reason for me to refuse."

Ling Feng immediately nodded in agreement. He knew little about Tianhe Yanwu, but he only knew that he had to compete with the geniuses of several major gods.

As for the rest, nothing is known about it.

With the guidance of "old people" like Han Lingxiang, I can learn more about the situation.

"Okay, let's meet outside the city in three days."

Han Lingxiang bowed her fist to Ling Feng and left without lingering.

"After all, he is the Three Heroes of the new generation. His magnanimity cannot be matched by Qiu Duanyue."

Ling Feng smiled casually, looked at Han Lingxiang's leaving figure, and secretly praised him.

"Yes, yes, she is very beautiful. Some people's eyes are straight! Humph!"

Tuoba Yan suddenly said something.

"Whether you are beautiful or not depends on who you compare with."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Compared with that rough guy Qiu Duanyue, she is definitely more beautiful, but compared with other people, haha, she's not even close."

Tuoba Yan's pretty face blushed slightly and she gave Ling Feng an angry look. Who would have thought when did this guy learn to talk sweet words to coax him?

At this moment, I heard Ling Feng say seriously: "If you compare with Elder Chu Yan in Mingguang Hall, you're not even close!"


A black line suddenly appeared on Tuoba Yan's forehead, he glared at Ling Feng fiercely, turned around and left, leaving only the dark back of Ling Feng's head.

"It's almost!"

Ling Feng was confused for a while. He was obviously telling the truth. What was wrong with this woman?

Hey, isn’t it true that these days, the truth is no longer allowed to be told?

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