Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2707 Jidao King City! (3 updates)

In the sky, a spaceship flew past.

This airship departed from the Temple of the Witch God, and its destination was directly towards the Jidao King City.

Ling Feng, on this airship, headed to Jidao King City to participate in the Tianhe martial arts performance.

The owner of this airship is Murong Zijie, the leader of the Three Heroes. Like Ling Feng, he is also a genius who was promoted from the Mingguang Palace.

Taking advantage of the time spent on the road these days, Ling Feng had a certain understanding of these three heroes.

The so-called three heroes of the younger generation refer to Murong Zijie, Jiang Yunfan and Han Lingxiang respectively. Murong Zijie, as the leader of the three heroes, made Ling Feng admire him in terms of both strength and magnanimity.

Even at the speed of this airship, it would take about seven or eight days to get from the Temple of the Witch God to the Jidao King City.

Ling Feng did not waste the past few days. After understanding some of Tianhe's martial arts performance, he returned to his cabin and practiced in seclusion.

As for Tuobayan...

This time Ling Feng brought Tuoba Yan with him.

Mainly because Ling Feng gave her a Star Holy Spirit Pill. After swallowing it, her cultivation had reached a critical point and she would soon be promoted to the second level of the Nine Transformations Realm.

With her physique, the power of the catastrophe caused cannot be underestimated.

Ling Feng took her with him to avoid Tuoba Yan's failure to survive the catastrophe and Xiang Xiaoyu's death.

After all, with him present, no matter what kind of thunder disaster it is, it is basically nothing.

During practice, time flies by. Seven days passed by in a flash.

Murong Zijie's airship slowly landed, and in front of it sat a majestic city—Jidao King City!

This is the royal city of the Jidao God Clan, and it must also be the hometown of Wu Xuan.

After showing the relevant certificates, Ling Feng and the others finally entered the city.

There is still almost half a month before the Tianhe martial arts performance. According to Murong Zijie's intention, he wants to stay in the city first and observe what rising stars will appear in this Tianhe martial arts performance.

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy means you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

In this half month or so, they can collect information about their opponents and analyze them one by one in order to formulate strategies and defeat their opponents.

Of course, Tianhe's martial arts performance is related to the honor of the Temple of the Witch God, so it is normal for Murong Zijie to treat it with such caution.

However, Ling Feng was not very interested in it.

A truly strong person can see the flaws and weaknesses of his opponent in actual combat.

Not to mention, he also has "plug-ins" like the Eye of the Emperor.

Studying the opponent's information is not Ling Feng's style.

After the group settled down in the city, Ling Feng asked Murong Zijie about the shops in the city that sold various spiritual flowers and herbs.

In order to refine the Star Holy Spirit Pill, Ling Feng went to the shop in Wuzu King City again and again, almost emptying out all the medicinal materials several times.

So much so that even if Ling Feng had money, he would not be able to supply such a huge amount of medicinal materials in a short period of time.

This Jidao King City is also the "home base" of the God Clan. It has a profound foundation and should be able to purchase a large number of needed medicinal materials.

"If you want to buy all kinds of spiritual flowers and herbs, Tianxialou is a good place to go."

Murong Zijie looked at Ling Feng and asked curiously: "Why did Junior Brother Ling suddenly ask about this?"

"Speaking of which, I am also an alchemist."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "It's rare to come to the Jidao King's City. There are any exotic flowers and plants, so I must see them."

"It turns out that Junior Brother Ling is actually an alchemist!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Murong Zijie's eyes. Ling Feng is still young and has such advanced cultivation, but he is still an alchemist?

How can a person be so good?

Doesn’t this allow people to live?

However, when Murong Zijie thought about it, Ling Feng probably only knew a little bit about alchemy. After all, a person only has so much energy, and the growth of an alchemist requires a lot of energy and effort.

At Ling Feng's age, he would probably be a low-level alchemist until he died.

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong.

Ling Feng, that's a real alchemy master!

"Then junior brother must go to Tianxialou to see what's going on."

Murong Zijie smiled and said, "The Tianxia Tower is divided into seven floors. The higher you go, the better the treasures inside."

After saying that, Murong Zijie paused, glanced at Ling Feng, and then continued: "However, in the Jidao King City, people are extremely martial. If you want to enter the fifth floor or above, you must prove that you have enough strength. Strength is what matters.”


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, "How to prove it?"

"Hit it with your own hands!"

Murong Zijie laughed loudly, "I traveled to the Jidao King City more than ten years ago, and I still remember this rule."

"In that case, I would like to learn more about this world."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and became interested immediately. I like such simple and crude rules!

After a simple meal, Murong Zijie personally took Ling Feng to Tianxialou.

Of course, this is also because the reason why Murong Zijie rushed to the royal city in advance was to search for information on other protoss geniuses.

I stayed in my guest room, but I couldn't find any information.

As for Jiang Yunfan and Han Lingxiang, they had nothing to do anyway, so they might as well go to Tianxialou together, maybe they could buy some needed things.

Not long after, a group of people came to Tianxia Tower.

There were many people coming in and out of the door, people coming and going, obviously business was good.

As the leader of the three heroes of the younger generation in the Witch God Temple, Murong Zijie is somewhat famous outside.

As soon as he entered the Tianxia Building, someone immediately came out to greet him in person.

"Brother Murong, haha, what kind of wind has brought you here?" The middle-aged fat man said with a smile on his face.

"Manager Hua, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you have gained a lot of weight."

Murong Zijie joked, seeming to be quite familiar with this middle-aged fat man.

In fact, as a steward of Tianxialou, this fat man naturally has the ability to see all directions and listen to all directions.

Businessmen, who pay attention to being harmonious to make money, will naturally be harmonious to everyone, and behind Murong Zijie is the Temple of the Witch God!

Although Tianxialou is backed by the Jidao God Clan and is quite powerful, how many people are there in the God Clan, and how many members and followers of the Witch God Sect are there?

Therefore, in his eyes, Murong Zijie was the eldest among the eldest, a being who could never be offended.

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