Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2708 The world is downstairs! (1 update)

"Haha, Brother Murong is joking."

Manager Na Hua chuckled and patted his round belly. He didn't care about Murong Zijie's teasing. He just looked at Ling Feng and the others with a smile and asked, "Who are these?"

The person who can be with Murong Zijie must not be an ordinary person. As a steward in this world, developing a pair of discerning eyes is a necessary ability.

People like Ling Feng, all of them have extraordinary bearing. They are obviously young heroes, and they are among the best among men.

"These are our brothers from the Temple of the Witch God."

Murong Zijie smiled and introduced to Manager Na Hua one by one: "This is Junior Brother Ling Feng Ling, this is Junior Brother Jiang Yun Fanjiang, and this is Junior Sister Han Lingxiang and Han."

As for Tuoba Yan, Murong Zijie did not introduce him. After all, Tuoba Yan had always appeared by Ling Feng's side as a "maid".

A mere maid, even if she is very beautiful, is not qualified to be introduced by him.

"It turns out they are some young geniuses from the Witch God Temple!"

Manager Hua laughed, "Now that the Tianhe martial arts performance is about to begin, I think there are a few heroes who will represent the Temple of the Witch God to participate in the Tianhe martial arts performance."

Manager Nahua is quite well-informed. Compared with Tianxialou, who can gain a firm foothold in this extremely royal city, he can naturally be said to have great supernatural powers, and his hands and eyes can cover the sky.

Naturally, such a grand event as Tianhe's martial arts performance cannot be hidden from the eyes and ears of Tianxialou.

Murong Zijie just smiled and said nothing.

Manager Hua didn't give too much away, smiled, and then said: "Brother Murong comes to our world this time, do you want to buy some treasure? With our relationship, we will definitely sell it to you at the best discount."


Murong Zijie smiled faintly, "Actually, it's my junior brother who wants to buy a batch of medicinal materials. Haha, although I didn't buy it, I can't be stingy with the discount I deserve."


Manager Hua laughed brightly, "Easy to say, easy to say, Brother Murong's friends are my friends!"

"Then thank you, Manager Hua."

Ling Feng also cupped his fists and saluted Manager Hua. He then took out a list of medicinal materials and handed it to Manager Hua. He said calmly: "These are the medicinal materials I need. I don't know how much inventory there is in the world. I want them all!"


Manager Hua's eyelids twitched, "Want...all of them?"

Even Murong Zijie, Jiang Yunfan and Han Lingxiang were all stunned for a moment.

Although they did not look at the list of medicinal materials carefully, a quick glance revealed that there were probably hundreds of medicinal materials.

He actually wants to buy out all these medicinal materials, which is not a small amount of money.

"What, is there a problem?"

Ling Feng took out a Supreme VIP Card from the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce and said calmly: "Money is not an issue."

"It's not about money..."

Manager Hua showed a look of embarrassment on his face, "Brother Ling, 80% of the medicinal materials listed above are from the fifth floor or below. I, Mr. Hua, can make the decision. But there are still some that need to be brought to the hospital. Above the fifth floor, it’s not something I can decide.”

Manager Hua glanced at Murong Zijie and said, "In normal times, Brother Murong would definitely give face to him, but in these extraordinary times, the supply of some rare medicinal materials is also very scarce, so qualified people must come in person. , to purchase.”

"What do I think it is?"

Murong Zijielang smiled and said: "Don't worry, Manager Hua. I already reminded Junior Brother Ling when I came here. Even though his cultivation level is not high, in terms of strength, I am afraid he is still above me."


Manager Hua looked at Ling Feng. He looked like he was in the early stage of the Saint level and at the second or third level of the Ninth Transformation Realm. He was actually stronger than Murong Zijie?

Probably it was just Murong Zijie's flattering words.

"Senior Brother Murong is too generous."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "But Manager Hua, if there is any challenge, I, Ling Feng, will accept it."

"In that case, let me make some arrangements for you, little brother Ling."

Manager Hua glanced at Ling Feng and said, "Above the fifth floor, theoretically only powerful saints at level 5 or above of the Ninth Transformation Realm can enter. If the challenge fails, there is nothing I can do."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and didn't care.

As for Murong Zijie and others, they looked at each other and smiled slightly, as if they were very confident that Ling Feng would pass the test.

After all, Ling Feng was a ruthless man who had defeated Qiu Duanyue head-on.

Qiu Duanyue's strength is at the level of a saint!

As for Manager Hua, seeing the expressions of Murong Zijie and others, he became more and more curious about Ling Feng.

Can a boy in the early stage of the Nine Transformations possess the strength of a great saint?

Isn't this too exaggerated?

After all, after reaching the Ninth Transformation Realm, each time you advance to a higher realm, you need to go through a level of thunder tribulation. Compared with the realm below the Saint level, each higher level is like a major improvement in the realm.

Every other level has a huge difference in strength, not to mention that Ling Feng still has a gap of more than two levels.

This is not something that ordinary talent can make up for.

This requires great talent, incredible talent!

While thinking about it, Manager Hua led Ling Feng and his party up to the fourth floor. Starting from this floor, the number of people was obviously much smaller.

In addition to Ling Feng, there seemed to be some people waiting to be tested and preparing to go to places above the fifth floor.

"Murong Zijie?"

Suddenly, when one of the men in red robes saw Murong Zijie, a sneer appeared on his lips, he slowly stood up and said with a sneer: "Oh, I didn't expect that you actually have the nerve to participate in the Tianhe martial arts performance. ?”

Hearing this voice, Murong Zijie was startled at first and looked at the other party, then a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

The subtle changes in the expressions of the two people were caught in Ling Feng's eyes, and he realized that Murong Zijie and this person must be old enemies.

"That's right. As many geniuses as there are in the Temple of the Witch God, they can only send out rubbish like this to prop up the facade."

The other party ignored the anger on Murong Zijie's face, straightened his clothes, and said with a disdainful smile: "How about this, are you ready to kneel down and beg for mercy at my feet this time?"

"Zhu Rong!"

Murong Zijie clenched his fists tightly, with murderous intent surging in his eyes, "If you can't wait until you are in the Tianhe martial arts arena, I can accompany you to the end now!"

"Brother Murong, I wish you the best! Ouch!"

Manager Na Hua quickly stepped in between the two of them, stopped their gazes, and said urgently: "This is the Tianxia Building. Brother Murong, Mr. Zhu, just treat it as a favor for me, but please don't do anything in the building." ”

Zhu Rong sneered, "Forget it, just think of it as a favor to the owner of Tianxia Tower, Murong Zijie, I allowed you to escape ten years ago, but this time, you can't escape!"

After saying that, Zhu Rong withdrew his gaze, looked at a young man next to him who looked much younger than him, and said calmly: "Okay Zhu Yan, hurry up and pass this boring test. I don't want to see something here." An eyesore!”

Murong Zijie took a deep breath and finally endured it. However, looking at the way his brows were furrowed and his fists were clenched, it was obvious that there was a lot of grudge between him and Zhu Rong.

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