Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2720 Fast and Slow Rules! (1 update)

After Ye Xiu's game ended, two more games later, it was Ling Feng's turn.

Ling Feng's opponent in the second round was a powerful sage who looked relatively mature and steady, with slightly white temples.

According to the rules of the Tianhe martial arts performance, all contestants participating in the Tianhe martial arts performance must be under 150 years old. For this great sage to be able to take the stage, his age must not be faked.

As for why he looks a bit old, it's probably because he is one of those late-blooming warriors with poor talent. He was already older when he was promoted to the Saint level, so he looks older.

As for a warrior, the sooner he breaks through the Saint level, the slower his body will age under the baptism of the Saint's power.

Therefore, the same saint-level people may be about the same age, but in appearance, some people look very young, while some people look very old, which is normal.

But no matter what, once promoted to the Saint level, it means having a life span of more than three thousand years, which is constant for everyone.

This opponent's level is not too high. He is only at the fourth level of the Nine Transformation Realm, which is one level higher than Ling Feng.

His weapon was a short sword, and he was staring at Ling Feng without blinking.

After seeing Ling Feng defeat his opponent easily in the first round and annihilate the opponent's witchcraft in an instant, his opponent no longer dares to underestimate Ling Feng because his level is relatively low. he.

Unlike other protoss geniuses and even Murong Zijie, Ling Feng rarely took the initiative to attack when fighting.

In other words, the Zhoutian Chaos Formation is originally a passive counterattack technique. After clearly seeing the opponent's attack method, he can then fight back.

And only after you have mastered the Zhoutian Chaos Formation and mastered the Zhoutian Chaos Sword can you strike first.

It's just that with Ling Feng's current level, he is still far away from mastering the Zhoutian Chaos Sword.

However, this is exactly what Ling Feng wants.

Zhou Tian's chaotic battle style of attacking from behind allows Ling Feng to observe the strengths and weaknesses of each opponent, which is a perfect match for his Eye of the Emperor.

And from these opponents, Ling Feng can also learn from their strengths and weaknesses, take their essence and eliminate their chaff.

"The battle begins!"

Following the referee's order, Ling Feng's opponent took action.

I saw the great sage, who looked a little gray on the temples, making a slash with the short knife in his hand. He looked inconspicuous, simple, and unremarkable, but he seemed to contain a kind of mystery.

Ling Feng's attention was unconsciously attracted by the short sword, and the warriors who were watching were also slightly stunned, feeling as if their minds were firmly locked and attracted by the short sword.

With a thought, Ling Feng was freed from this lock.

The opponent's sword looked inconspicuous, and the speed at which it was drawn seemed to be extremely slow, as if it had no power at all.

However, he was inexplicably forced in front of him, giving Ling Feng the feeling that he couldn't dodge at all.

It seems that no matter how Ling Feng dodges, the sword has locked him firmly.

"This is……"

Doubt flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and when he reacted, the short knife had already scratched his shoulder.

A ray of pain hit him, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he already knew it in his heart.

He actually sensed the fluctuations in the power of time and space from his opponent.

Although it is very weak, even the very low-level rules of time and space are the most difficult to resist compared to other attributes.

Because, his opponent can actually control the speed of time passing to a certain extent!

This is like, originally it was only one breath, but he could delay it to ten breaths.

But the time that originally took ten breaths could be shortened to one breath.

The reason why Ling Feng felt that he was locked was that the passage of time slowed down ten times.

But for his opponent, time passes at a normal speed.

He attacks Ling Feng at normal speed, but to Ling Feng, it seems that the opponent's attack speed is ten times slower!

It was this relative difference in time that made Ling Feng feel like he couldn't escape at all.

Because his time has long been locked!

"Besides me, there is actually someone who can master the power of time and space!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, Tianhe's martial arts performance was really interesting!

On the high platform.

The Jidao Holy Emperor and some elders of the Jidao Divine Clan were slightly startled at first, and then quickly reacted.

"Is there a rule of speed?"

The Jidao Holy Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly. The speed at which the power of time and space passes is also called the rule of speed.

Very few people can truly master this kind of power. After all, the power of time is the most wonderful and difficult to control force in the world.

Although the Jidao Holy Emperor could easily crush Ling Feng's opponents, even he could not control the speed of time.

"That young man is so valued by Xuan'er. I want to see how he can break the situation."

The corners of the Jidao Holy Emperor's mouth curved.

For ordinary saint-level experts, if they encounter an opponent who is good at speed and slow rules, the game may be over.

The so-called time is respected and space is king.

Although it is only a very weak force of time, it is enough to make some seed players capsize in the gutter.

After all, Ling Feng was the one who had defeated Wu Xuan.

Wu Xuan is his most proud son, and it would be boring to stop there.

In the audience, most of the warriors were confused about the situation on the field and looked confused.

However, when they saw that Ling Feng was actually injured by the opponent's knife, they all started to boo.

"Haha, that kid won't be the first walkout player to be eliminated, right?"

"I think so. The Temple of the Witch God is still not comparable to the three major gods!"

"The Gods are the Gods, just because they have fewer people. Although the Witch God Cult has many believers and many religions, to put it bluntly, they are not just a bunch of people."


There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, and everyone was obviously not optimistic about Ling Feng.

After all, judging from the current situation, Ling Feng is completely helpless against his opponent.

On the Trina Arena.

"Admit defeat."

Ling Feng's opponent succeeded with one move, and a smile appeared on his face, "Although you are the first seeded player to lose to me, you will not be the last."

Obviously, although his talent is not good and he is a late bloomer, the power he has gained is indeed enough to support him to enter the top fifty, or even the top thirty!

Ling Feng just smiled faintly, didn't say much, and just raised his fingers towards the opposite side, meaning: Come here!

"Forget it, since you won't admit defeat, I will let you know how powerful the speed and slow rules are!"

With one stroke of the knife, the white-headed man smiled coldly and ran the speed rules, slowing down Ling Feng's time ten times.

At the same time, his speed increased tenfold.

As one goes down and the other goes up, the difference is a hundred times!

And this is already the limit of what he can currently achieve.

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