Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2721 Royal Banquet! (2 updates)

"Boy, wake up!"

A cold light flashed in the white-headed man's eyes. He looked at Ling Feng, who was standing there, dumbfounded. He raised his short knife high and slashed at Ling Feng's shoulder.

Under the difference of a hundred times the passage of time, Ling Feng would just be like a sculpture, letting him play with it.

After time returned to normal, Ling Feng's body must have been scarred.

"Hmph, time is supreme, space is king, your time is controlled by me, do you still want to compete with me?"

The white-headed man laughed loudly, the sword flashed, and it was already close to Ling Feng's cheek, slashing down wildly.

However, at this moment, the white-headed man suddenly felt a terrifying sword light passing by.


It was as if a sword sound came from the sky, and in an instant, the illusion of time created by the white-headed man was completely shattered.

The whole world seemed to be shattered. Ling Feng swung his sword and shattered the rules of time with absolute power.


The white-headed man spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with disbelief, "How is this possible?"

He used the speed rule with all his strength. For Ling Feng, the passage of time had slowed down a hundred times, and his reaction speed had naturally slowed down a hundred times.

Why, he can actually draw a sword!

"The rules of speed and slowness are indeed good. But..."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "You are not the only one who has mastered the power of time."

Ling Feng carries the time and space mark left by Taixu Zhoulong. Taixu Zhoulong is known as the Dragon of Time and Eternity. How can the mark he left behind be deceived by mere rules of speed and speed?

And with Ling Feng's understanding, after seeing the white-headed man's rules of speed and slowness, he already mastered this rule in the next moment.

Even higher than the white-headed man.

He even had to thank this white-headed man for allowing him to master another quite powerful method.

Under the pressure of Ling Feng's sword, the bald man was knocked away. The game was over and the winner was decided!

"Ling Feng wins!"

The referee loudly announced the result of the game, and Ling Feng jumped off the ring, leaving only countless pairs of confused eyes in the audience.

"what happened?"

"What happened? Suddenly you won again?"

"I didn't see anything!"

Countless warriors in the audience were dumbfounded. Everything happened in a flash of light. Because time passed quickly and slowly, they just felt that they were in a daze and everything was over.

And there were probably no more than ten people in the audience who could really understand what was happening on the field!

The Jidao Holy Emperor narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.

This boy is indeed qualified to fight Wu Xuan.

As for Ye Xiu, there was also a hint of surprise on his pale baby face.

It seemed that Ling Feng could not expect that Ling Feng could kill this opponent so cleanly.

After all, this is a strong man who has mastered the power of time.

With the end of this battle, Ling Feng was also included in the dark horse list, but in comparison, he was still worse than Ye Xiu.

After all, a guy like Ye Xiu, who looks sick and sick, has the ability to kill his opponents instantly. This contrast makes it even easier for people to remember.

Soon, the second round of competition ended, and there were a total of sixty-one warriors left.

Among these sixty-one people, forty were forty contestants from the three major divine races and the Temple of the Witch God.

From this round onwards, they will inevitably meet, and in the end, only thirty will succeed in advancing.

Seeing dusk fall, Tianhe's martial arts performance was temporarily suspended, and everyone left the venue to go back to rest.

Tomorrow morning, Tianhe's martial arts performance will continue.

As the host, the Jidao God Clan has not forgotten to show its friendship as a landlord. It has already set up a dinner party in the imperial city to entertain the elders and elite disciples of the Crimson Flame God Clan, Qianyu God Clan, and the Witch God Temple, so as to cleanse themselves from the dust.

It was already dusk when we returned to the inn.

The Great Wizard of Brahma summoned all the disciples and first praised everyone for their excellent performance today. After all, in the first three rounds, Ling Feng and the four contestants representing the Temple of the Witch God all won the competition without any suspense.

"Everyone performed well in today's game. We will continue to work hard tomorrow and make persistent efforts."

The Great Wizard of Brahma smiled faintly, and then continued: "Besides, because our Witch God Temple only has four entries, so the four of you, please go with me to attend the Jidao God Clan's dinner party tonight. ”

This is the advantage of having a small number of people.

Like the Crimson Flame God Clan and the Thousand Feather God Clan, they have a total of twelve participating places, but there are only ten places that can participate in the banquet, so it is destined that they cannot all attend.

On the contrary, in the Temple of the Witch God, in addition to Ling Feng and the four of them, there can be a few more disciples to experience the royal style of the Jidao God Clan.

"Thank you, great wizard."

Murong Zijie nodded, showing excitement. He knew that he would not be able to get into the top three and enter the Tianhe Pond to practice.

But it would be nice to be able to see the palace of the Jidao God Clan before that.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Is there a palace night banquet...

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up.

Fortunately, I can take advantage of this opportunity to get a feel for the bottom of this Ji Dao God Clan.

At least, find out where they might hide the Shenhuang Picture Book.

As night fell, the banquet of the Jidao God Clan was held as scheduled.

Those who can attend this dinner are all the senior elders of the major divine clans and the Witch God Temple, as well as the elite members of the sect.

In order to show respect, the Temple of the Witch God, like the other two major divine clans, only has ten places to sit.

This also includes the quota of elders.

Ling Feng originally wanted to come with Tuoba Yan to see it, but the number of places was limited, so he had to give up.

After giving Tuoba Yan a few pointers, he left her at the inn to practice in peace.

When the dinner was approaching, the Jidao God Clan specially sent an envoy to take them to the palace for the banquet.

"As expected of the royal palace of the gods, it is indeed magnificent!"

Murong Zijie, Jiang Yunfan and others all burst into admiration. Even Ling Feng had seen many buildings of the God Clan, but in terms of luxury, there was still a gap compared to the Jidao God Clan.

After all, not every god clan can support nine holy-level dragons!

In the palace of the Jidao God Clan, there is an imperial dragon aura everywhere, with an aura that looks over the world and dominates the eight wastelands.

The reason why the Jidao Holy Emperor invited the other two major divine clans and the elders of the Witch God Temple to attend the dinner party was probably because he wanted to show off his power.

The dinner began, the guests took their seats, and as the host, Prince Wu Xuan was naturally also at the table.

Beside Wu Xuan, there was also a majestic middle-aged man wearing armor sitting.

And that Wu Zhen, who had had an affair with Ling Feng in Tianxialou, was sitting behind the middle-aged general.

Wu Zheng leaned into the middle-aged general's ear and whispered a few words. His eyes swept over Ling Feng from time to time, full of resentment.

The expression on the middle-aged general's face changed slightly, and he finally nodded, staring at Ling Feng, obviously showing some hostility.

Obviously, this middle-aged general is Wu Zheng's father, the general of the Ji Dao Clan!

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. It looked like tonight's dinner was going to be uneventful.

However, even if the general was deliberately targeting him, Ling Feng was fearless.

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