Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2722: Power can carry the cauldron! (1 update)

Jidao Palace.

The Jidao Holy Emperor sat on the high platform with a warm smile on his face, "It is rare that the three major divine clans of the Southern Witch Territory and the Witch God Temple are gathered together tonight. Come, bring the beasts that I have treasured for many years." Get the spiritual wine!”

The Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Wine is made from a variety of extremely rare animal blood, plus countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and it takes more than a hundred years to brew a pot.

Every drop is a treasure that is hard to find, and has huge benefits for tempering the body, nourishing the soul, etc.

The Jidao Holy Emperor was willing to bring out such precious spiritual wine at the dinner party, which was somewhat to show off the profound heritage of the Jidao Divine Clan.

Soon, there were several guards carrying several pots of Ten Thousand Beasts Spiritual Wine, filling them for the guests one by one. Under the leadership of the Jidao Holy Emperor, they drank all the Ten Thousand Beasts Spiritual Wine in one gulp.

“Good wine!”

In the main hall, people were full of praise. This Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Wine, both in terms of aroma and taste, was the best among wines.

Ling Feng once practiced beside Duanmu Qingshan and Yan Cangtian. Both of them were out-and-out old drunkards. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Ling Feng naturally had a certain ability to taste fine wines.

This Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Wine can be said to be the most delicious wine he has ever drunk.

After three rounds of drinking.

In the seat of the Jidao God Clan, the armored general stood up slowly and bowed to the Jidao Holy Emperor. , But as the saying goes, there is wine but no food. We are all warriors, but drinking that wine is boring. "

After a pause, the general glanced at the talented children from all races in the audience, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that the younger generations of the three major divine races and the Witch God Temple are gathered together at this moment, why don't we let these juniors show off their talents? How about using your style to help everyone enjoy themselves?”

After saying that, the general looked at Ling Feng intentionally or unintentionally. It was obvious that his target had been fixed on Ling Feng.

After beating the younger ones, did the older ones come out and show off?

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, but his heart was filled with fearlessness.

Regardless of who he is, the general of the God Clan, he is now leaning against the Temple of the Witch God, although it seems that the Temple of the Witch God is inferior to the younger generation of the three major gods.

But there are so many people in the Witch God Temple!

Even if the Ji Dao Clan has a profound foundation, they still have to weigh whether they can withstand the wrath of the Witch God Temple.

Not to mention, Ling Feng had the high priest of the Witch God Temple as his backer.

If you have a backer, you can do whatever you want!

On the throne, the Jidao Holy Emperor glanced at the general and nodded slightly, "That's fine, but tomorrow the Tianhe martial arts training will continue to be held. Now let the geniuses of all races compete and compete. Wouldn't it be less suspense? ”


The general laughed loudly and said: "Your Majesty has misunderstood what I meant. There is no need to compete in combat to exchange ideas."

The general narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "There are ways to fight with force, and there are ways to fight with literature."

"Wen Dou?"

The Jidao Holy Emperor became interested, "How about a literary battle?"

"Bah bang bang!"

The general clapped his hands, and immediately several officers in armor carried a large cauldron up from outside the palace.


Sixteen masters who had reached the imperial level worked together to lift the cauldron up, but it was also very difficult.

When the cauldron was finally put down, everyone let out a sigh of relief and seemed to be relieved.

"Those who are brave and good at fighting can lift a heavy weight as if it were light and can carry a cauldron!"

The general laughed loudly and bowed to the Holy Emperor of Ji Dao, "This Four Directions Universe Cauldron is made of Universe Black Iron and can completely suppress any elemental energy that comes into contact with the body of this cauldron."


An elder of the Crimson Flame God Clan looked at the cauldron, stood up and said, "General, I have always been interested in all kinds of rare and rare treasures. Can you let me have a closer look?"


The general nodded and said with a smile: "Please!"

The Crimson Flame God Clan inherits the power of fire, and there are many alchemists and blacksmiths among its members.

The elder who spoke was a forging master.

This large cauldron made of Qiankun Black Iron naturally interested him very much.

I saw the elder of the Red Flame God Clan circling the Four Directions Universe Cauldron a few times, then stretched out a finger and tapped the cauldron a few times, with a look of surprise on his face.

"As expected, it is really a complete piece of Qiankun Black Iron!"

The elder of the Red Flame God Clan nodded repeatedly, "This cauldron is actually made of a complete piece of Qiankun Black Iron. The power of Qiankun starts over and over again, forming a wave of its own!"

The general narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Master is indeed a master. Master Tianji is indeed one of the top forging masters in the entire Southern Witch Territory. You can clearly see this tripod at a glance."

The elder of the Crimson Flame God Clan waved his hand and smiled, "The general is so complimentary. He is one of the best. I am ashamed to deserve it."

At this time, the Jidao Holy Emperor also came to his senses, glanced at the general, and asked lightly: "What does the general mean by asking geniuses from all races to try to lift this precious Sifang Qiankun Cauldron?"


The general laughed loudly and said: "This cauldron can block the energy in the body of the person who lifts the cauldron. In other words, if you want to lift this cauldron, you can only rely on your own strength!"

After a pause, the general continued: "Not only that, everyone, please take a look!"

As he said that, the general pointed at the edges of the four-sided Universe Cauldron. Each had a circular lock, which seemed to be able to hang something on it.

Then, the general took out more than a dozen heads-sized rings from the Naling Ring, hung one of them on it, and said lightly: "These rings are all used to build this Four Directions Universe Cauldron." The leftover materials are re-cast and hung on the locks. Each lock can double the weight. "

The general's gaze swept across the crowd and said, "You are all talented men from all major forces. Why not come and try to see if you have the strength to carry the cauldron?"


On the throne, the Jidao Holy Emperor clapped his hands and smiled and said: "Interesting, the general's suggestion is not bad. It can test the strength of all the talented heroes without hurting each other's harmony."


The general looked around and said with a smile: "Is there any genius who wants to be the first to try it?"

"I come!"

As soon as the general finished speaking, he saw a burly genius from the Red Flame God Clan striding out of the crowd.

This man was huge, at least two meters away, with muscles all over his body. At first glance, he looked like a strong man who also practiced body training.

He took three steps and two steps at a time, walked to the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron, clapped his hands, and then yelled, hugging the giant cauldron with both hands, "Get up!"

For a time, the entire hall echoed with the roar of this genius from the Crimson Flame God Clan.

However, the giant cauldron only swayed slightly in place, and no matter how hard he tried, it could not rise even a little bit.

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