Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2723 The power of Jiuding! (2 updates)

After a long while, the genius of the Crimson Flame God Clan looked embarrassed, sighed, and finally shook his head, saying in a deep voice: "This cauldron is too heavy. When the Yuan Power in the body is sealed, it is impossible to lift it." lift."

"I come!"

At this time, a genius from the Thousand Feathers Clan smiled contemptuously, flapped his wings behind his back, and walked out of the crowd.

The Qianyu Divine Clan has the blood of the holy beast inherited from the ancient Immortal Phoenix in their bodies.

In a sense, the Qianyu Divine Clan actually has some demon blood.

It's just that they consider themselves to be the God Clan and draw a clear line between them and the Demon Clan.

But they also have similar characteristics to the demon clan. In addition to their wings, they also have powerful bodies.


This genius from the Thousand Feathers God Clan let out a low and powerful roar. While hugging the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron, the wings behind him were also constantly inciting.

After a while, as he struggled to flap his wings, his body actually flew slightly from where he was.

However, when he was less than one foot away from the ground, he seemed to have lost his strength, and the giant cauldron fell heavily back to the ground. The genius of the Thousand Feather God Clan looked at his hands in a daze, as if he couldn't believe it. , this thing is actually so heavy.

"Hmph, it's just relying on your own wings that you can barely fly just a little bit, birdman!"

The genius of the Crimson Flame God Clan who tried it before laughed incessantly, obviously not convinced by this genius of the Thousand Feather God Clan.

"Hmph, no matter how bad I am, at least I can lift this cauldron!"

The genius of the Thousand Feathers God Clan snorted coldly. Although he lifted the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron, strictly speaking, the so-called ability to carry the cauldron should be to lift the cauldron above his head, and his behavior obviously did not count.

After them, several geniuses tried, but none of them could lift the tripod.

"I'll try!"

Finally, Zhu Wushuang, one of the three seeded players, finally took action.

Zhu Wushuang, Huang Yu and Wu Xuan are undoubtedly the three favorites to win the championship. If they can't lift it, basically no one will be able to lift the tripod.

And Zhu Wushuang was indeed Zhu Wushuang. He seemed to be able to lift the tripod above his head without any difficulty.


The general seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and said with a smile: "Young Wushuang is indeed the number one genius of the Red Flame God Clan. Do you want to try doubling the weight?"

Zhu Wushuang's expression changed slightly, but he still nodded, "Then let's give it a try!"


The general laughed and hung a ring on a lock around the tripod.

After the ring was hung up, Zhu Wushuang's expression became obviously much more difficult.

But this doesn't seem to be his limit.

The general smiled lightly and continued to add a second ring.

After hanging the two rings, Zhu Wushuang obviously struggled a lot and began to sweat slightly on his forehead.

When it came to the third ring, Zhu Wushuang finally couldn't take it anymore and shook his head with a sigh. Obviously, two rings was his limit.

"The power of the three tripods is not bad."

The general narrowed his eyes and smiled, looking across the audience, "How about it, is there anyone else who wants to try?"

This time, Huang Yu took action.

However, when it finally reached the third ring, Huang Yu could not lift the Four Directions Qiankun Cauldron above his head. Like Zhu Wushuang, it was the power of the three cauldrons.

For a moment, all eyes turned to Wu Xuan.

If anyone could break Zhu Wushuang's record, it would probably be Wu Xuan.

However, before Wu Xuan could speak, a man who looked a little fat and big-headed strode out.

"I come!"

This figure is clearly Wu Zheng!

The son of the general, Wu Zheng!

With incomparable confidence on his face, Wu Zhen walked step by step to the Sifang Universe Cauldron, hugged the cauldron with both hands, roared low, and lifted the Sifang Universe Cauldron with almost no effort.


Wu Zheng laughed loudly, "Father, I want to challenge the power of the Five Cauldrons!"


The general laughed loudly and seemed to have great confidence in Wu Zheng. He immediately hung four rings on the Four Directions Universe Cauldron.


With a beast-like roar, Wu Zhen actually lifted up the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron, which was five times its weight, and raised it high above his head.

The whole place was in an uproar.

This guy who looks fat and big-eared is actually so naturally powerful?

Wu Xuan crossed his arms and just sat in his seat, motionless.

As the prince of the Jidao Divine Clan, he naturally knew Wu Zhen's abilities very well.

Although Wu Zhen was not very talented in other aspects, his innate divine power was even higher than his own with brute strength alone.

Therefore, even if he takes action personally, he cannot surpass the power of the Five Cauldrons.

Wu Zheng had a proud smile on his face and looked at Ling Feng with an extremely provocative look.

"What's up, boy, are you okay?"

Wu Zheng stared at Ling Feng, almost yelling: You are a hot chicken!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled.

Comparing strength?

Are these guys really not making themselves laugh?

And the general also said sarcastically at the right time: "What's the matter? It seems that no one has come up to challenge the geniuses of the Temple of the Witch God? Why, do you think you don't have the strength to compete with the geniuses of other major gods? ? Haha, sorry, sorry, I just speak the truth.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the great wizards in the Temple of the Witch God became very ugly.

But among the disciples of the Witch God Temple present, I am afraid that no one can succeed in the challenge.

Not to mention the power of three tripods, the power of five tripods, even this Qiankun tripod alone is not something they can challenge.

For a moment, all the geniuses in the Temple of the Witch God looked troubled.

What they are good at is witchcraft. Even if the Yuan Power in the body is not sealed, they may not be able to lift the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron, let alone the Yuan Power has to be sealed.


No one showed up in the Witch God Temple for a long time, and for a while, the hall burst into laughter.

Originally, the God Clan looked down upon the Temple of the Witch God and regarded them as a bunch of rabble. Now, their eyes were full of contempt and disdain.

However, at this moment, a clear voice sounded in the hall, resounding throughout the entire hall! The whole palace!

"General, may I ask what the heaviest weight of this Qiankun Cauldron is?"

The person who spoke was naturally Ling Feng.

"The power of Jiuding!"

The general glanced at Ling Feng and sneered: "This Four Directions Universe Cauldron has a total of eight rings, which is the power of the Nine Cauldrons. So far, no one in the entire Ji Dao God Clan has successfully challenged it!"


Ling Feng smiled faintly, then flicked his sleeves, stared at the Four Directions Qiankun Cauldron, and said word by word: "Then, I will challenge the power of the Nine Cauldrons!"

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