Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2724 The power of one finger! (1 update)

"I want to challenge the power of Jiuding!"

Ling Feng stepped forward, his handsome face full of confidence.

For a moment, pairs of eyes looked at Ling Feng.


With his small body, he still has the power of Jiuding?

Can he lift this Sifang Qiankun Cauldron?

There is no doubt that no one present can believe that Ling Feng can successfully carry the power of Jiuding.

After all, the Universe Black Iron in the Four Directions Universe Cauldron can suppress the Yuan Power in the warrior's body.

In other words, if you want to lift the Four Directions Universe Cauldron, you can only rely on physical brute force.

In terms of physical strength, the Thousand Feathers Clan undoubtedly has a considerable advantage.

However, even Huang Yu, the strongest genius of the Qianyu Divine Clan, can only challenge the power of the Three Cauldrons.

Wu Zhen, who was born with divine power, could only lift the power of the Five Cauldrons.

In fact, since the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron was cast, no one has successfully challenged more than six cauldrons, let alone nine cauldrons.

"Hmph, I'm afraid this kid is going to humiliate himself!"

Wu Zheng sneered and became sarcastic.

"It's definitely impossible for this kid to lift the power of the Nine Cauldrons. I guess he's just pretending to do it. He deliberately wants to lift the Power of the Nine Cauldrons. Even if he can't lift it, he can brag that he just can't challenge the power of the Nine Cauldrons. But in fact , I think he can’t even lift the first cauldron!”

Zhu Rong of the Red Flame God Clan also sneered, thinking he had seen everything.

And more people are skeptical.

They have all personally experienced the heaviness of the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron before, and it is no longer an easy task to lift this precious cauldron.

Not to mention, directly challenging the power of Jiuding.


The general smiled, but glanced at Ling Feng, and said with a sneer: "My son, Wu Zhen, is born with supernatural power, and has the courage of a million men, but you can only carry five cauldrons, are you the only one?"

Even the great wizards in the Temple of the Witch God obviously have no confidence in Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng! Don't mess around!"

The great wizard Brahma ordered: "Come back quickly!"

Murong Zijie and others also quickly grabbed Ling Feng's arm and reminded in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Ling, you want to be proud of our Witch God Temple. We understand this feeling, but you still need to act within your ability!"

Jiang Yunfan and Han Lingxiang also nodded repeatedly and gave it a try. As soon as they opened their mouths, they directly said that they wanted to challenge the power of Jiuding.

This is so crazy!

And if he failed in the challenge, not only would he not be able to feel proud of the Temple of the Witch God, but he would also be slapped in the face.

"General, this disciple of ours was just joking, there's nothing he can do."

The great wizard Brahma was smiling all over his face, wanting to give Ling Feng a step to get down.


The general frowned and immediately reprimanded: "In front of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, how can you just joke casually?"


The face of the great wizard Brahma froze. Originally it was just a trivial matter, but who knew that this great general, a high-ranking figure, would actually embarrass a junior like this.

Could it be that Ling Feng had sinned against the general?


Wu Zheng also burst out laughing at the right time, "Ling Feng, if you admit that you are just a shrinking turtle, maybe people will consider letting you shrink back like this, don't you think so!"


For a moment, many of the younger generation of geniuses on the field burst out laughing.

Ling Feng spoke arrogantly without knowing what he was capable of. Being insulted like this was an act of humiliation for himself.

"Great wizard, it's such a trivial matter, what's the point of joking about it."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I know you want us temple disciples to keep a low profile, but today it's time to open their eyes."


The corners of Brahma's great wizard's mouth twitched slightly.

What the hell?

Is this awesomeness getting bigger and bigger?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, open your eyes, you should let me open..."

Wu Zhen had a joking look on his face and spoke sarcastically, but before he finished speaking, Ling Feng had already easily lifted the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron.

And, just with one finger!

That's right, a finger.

And this Sifang Qiankun Cauldron had four rings hanging on it because it had just been lifted by Wu Zhen.

In other words, Ling Feng only used one finger to lift the power of the Five Cauldrons!

One finger and five tripods!

The whole audience was stunned.


"Oh my god, is that the power of five...five tripods?"

"Am I dreaming?"

Almost no one dared to believe their eyes, because even Wu Zhen, who was born with divine power, exhausted all his strength to barely lift the power of the Five Cauldrons.

And Ling Feng just used one finger?

I saw Ling Feng's index finger poking at the bottom of the Four Directions Qiankun Cauldron, and with the power of one finger, he raised the precious cauldron high above his head.

Moreover, he still seemed to have a relaxed look on his face, without any pressure at all.

Of course, this is also because Ling Feng can already concentrate the dragon-elephant divine power into one point at will.

In other words, there is no difference to Ling Feng whether he is holding the cauldron with one hand, with both hands, or with one finger.

The difference is that with one finger, it’s more pretentious!

The general was stunned, with the corner of his mouth twitching slightly. Seeing Ling Feng's understatement, he swallowed hard.

Wu Zheng even rubbed his eyes desperately.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

This is the power of the Five Cauldrons!

Even Huang Yu and Zhu Wushuang, the two top monsters of the God Clan, were dumbfounded.

Their limit is the power of the three tripods, but Ling Feng seems to be far from reaching the limit!

"What is that, General?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and waved it in front of the stunned general, and said calmly: "This is just the five tripods. General, please continue to hang the rings. What I want to challenge is the nine tripods!"

The general's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he snorted, "Very good, you asked for this!"

As he spoke, the general gritted his teeth and began to hang the remaining rings on the Four Directions Universe Cauldron.

"Six tripods!"

Everyone's hearts trembled, but Ling Feng remained calm.

Moreover, he still lifted the cauldron with one finger!

"Damn it!"

The general cursed in his heart. Originally, he wanted to severely humiliate Ling Feng, humiliate the Temple of the Witch God, and let his son Wu Zhen shine in the limelight and lose face.

But now it seems that it is this boy who steals the limelight!

"The Seven Cauldrons!"

Everyone continued to think silently in their hearts, the number of rings hanging on the Four Directions Universe Cauldron had reached six!



As the general hung up the seventh ring, the floor of the hall seemed unable to withstand the heavy pressure. The ground cracked!

Moreover, the trend of cracking is still spreading!

Click! Click! Click!

The ground under Ling Feng's feet was even slightly dented due to severe cracking!

However, everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on Ling Feng's finger.

Because, until now, Ling Feng still used one finger to lift the power of the Eight Cauldrons high!

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