Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2725 I will destroy it! (2 updates)

"Eight...eight cauldrons!"

Everyone looked in disbelief.

The general gritted his teeth and continued to hang the last ring.

The power of Jiuding!

The general once conducted a test and found that if he were a pure saint-level strongman, even with the power of a hundred people, he would not be able to carry the power of the Nine Cauldrons!

And Ling Feng, on his own...

Oh no, can he lift it with just one finger?

The answer is yes!

Because when the general hung up the last ring, Ling Feng's figure remained motionless!

After a while, he frowned slightly and raised his second finger.

"Two fingers!"

Someone shouted loudly, because after adding the power of Jiuding, Ling Feng finally became a little "too much" because he stretched out a second finger!

But the next moment, they realized a very terrible problem.

Two fingers!

After the Jiuding was reached, Ling Feng stretched out two fingers!

Of course, the reason why Ling Feng stretched out his second finger was not because the power of Jiuding had reached a new level for him.

If all the dragon-elephant power is concentrated on one finger, there is not much difference between one finger and two fingers.

However, carrying the Jiuding on one finger is a bit too crazy.

Then just two!

"This is impossible, this is impossible!"

Wu Zheng almost went crazy and cursed: "There must be something wrong with the Sifang Universe Cauldron! I don't believe it!"

"If you don't believe it, why don't you try it?"

Ling Feng laughed loudly, grabbed one leg of the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron with one hand, and immediately swung it hard, throwing it directly in front of Wu Zhen.

Wu Zheng's eyes were full of enthusiasm, he gritted his teeth and actually raised his hand to take the tripod.


The moment it came into contact with the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron, a crisp sound of broken bones was heard from Wu Zhen's body.


The general was shocked and turned pale. He quickly flew forward and used all his strength, but he couldn't resist the power of the Nine Cauldrons.


With a scream, the general of the Jidao God Clan, plus Wu Zhen, both fell to the ground. They were pressed to the ground by the Four Directions Qiankun Cauldron, and they couldn't breathe.

For a moment, the entire audience was stunned.

The weight of this cauldron is indeed unfailing!

Even the general was almost crushed to death!


On the throne, the Jidao Holy Emperor frowned slightly. He was not a fool, and he naturally saw that the general wanted to target Ling Feng deliberately.

Unfortunately, tonight, he may have shot himself in the foot.

"Brother Ling, it is true that the general and his son were at fault in this matter, but they have already suffered the consequences. Please take action and take away this cauldron."

The Jidao Holy Emperor looked at Ling Feng, with a hint of pleading in his tone.

After all, only Ling Feng can move this cauldron now.

Ling Feng shrugged. Now that the Jidao Holy Emperor has spoken, and besides, this general has a high status for the Jidao Clan. If he really dies in the palace, he will be in trouble.

"Haha, Your Majesty said something serious. He was just responding to Brother Wu Zheng's request. It seems that he overestimated himself."

Ling Feng grinned and raised the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron casually. Then, he put it into the spirit ring without any courtesy and said with a smile: "General, this thing is so heavy and heavy, and it almost killed both of you, father and son. This way Let me help you take away the ominous things and destroy them, haha!”


When the general saw Ling Feng taking away the Sifang Universe Cauldron, he was so angry that his whole body trembled.

This guy is a bandit!

Destroy it?

This is obviously going into your kid's pocket!

The Sifang Qiankun Cauldron is of course not just used to lift it in one fell swoop.

First of all, this cauldron is made of special material and has the effect of sealing away the energy.

Just imagine, if a warrior is trapped in a cauldron and his Yuanli is restrained, even if he is a powerful saint, he can only be locked inside and unable to move.

Most people cannot control this tripod, but for Ling Feng, it is a handy treasure!

And this treasure is a bargain for Ling Feng!

When he thought of this, the general almost became so angry that he vomited blood.

Wu Zheng, on the other hand, had already fainted due to the number of broken bones in his body.


Ling Feng grinned. After all, the baby was in his pocket, so it would be difficult for him to spit it out!

"Haha, little brother Ling is indeed a young hero!"

The Jidao Holy Emperor smiled lightly, praised Ling Feng, looked at the great wizard Brahma, and said with a smile: "Brother Brahma, congratulations! After Duan Lingtian, there is another outstanding junior in the Witch God Temple. !”


The great wizard Brahma was also stunned at this moment.

How could he have imagined that Ling Feng was really capable of carrying Jiuding, and he could do it so lightly and casually?

No wonder the high priest values ​​this young man so much. This is the strength of the descendants of the witch ancestors!

Of course, this has nothing to do with whether the witch ancestor is not the witch ancestor.

After all, the dragon-elephant divine power comes from Ling Feng's own hard work!

The matter of carrying the cauldron was just a small episode at the banquet, but Ling Feng undoubtedly became the most eye-catching presence at the banquet.

Whether it was Wu Xuan, Zhu Wushuang, or Huang Yu, they all paid special attention to Ling Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, even Ling Feng was far inferior to them in terms of cultivation level.

However, just relying on this divine power to carry Jiuding is enough to pose a certain threat to them.

The night is getting darker.

Because the Tianhe martial arts performance would continue the next day, the banquet was not held until too late.

After leaving several palace halls, Ling Feng did not forget to expand his horizons to find out the specific situation of the entire imperial city.

For example, Ling Feng remembered the patrol points of the Imperial City Guards, some relatively heavily guarded places, and of course the location of the treasure house.

Infinite vision is just this convenient, because it is not an ordinary search for divine consciousness, so there will be no fluctuations in the power of divine consciousness to disturb the powerful people sitting in the palace.

Otherwise, if it were other people who scanned the palace so unscrupulously, they would have been discovered by those masters hiding in the dark, and they would all jump out to hunt Ling Feng.

Suddenly, in Ling Feng's infinite vision, a black-clad and masked figure appeared. He flashed past, and even Ling Feng's infinite vision only captured it for a moment.

Soon, the figure disappeared into the infinite horizon. No matter how Ling Feng tried to detect it, there was no trace!


Ling Feng frowned slightly. How could a mysterious man in black appear in the palace?

This is definitely not someone from the Jidao God Clan!

Moreover, just at that moment, Ling Feng noticed a special cold air.

Moreover, this cold air was very special. Ling Feng had only felt it in one person.

This person is the mysterious young man suffering from a strange disease, Ye Xiu!

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