Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2727 Despicable and Shameless! (2 more)

"Brother Ling Feng, I didn't expect you to be proficient in the power of fire! Brother Ling is really powerful, cough cough cough..."

Returning to the preparation area, Ye Xiu smiled and congratulated Ling Feng. Of course, within a few words, he started coughing again.

Ling Feng smiled lightly and didn't say much. He just glanced at Ye Xiu meaningfully, "Brother Ye's mysterious power is obvious to all."

The mysterious figure in the palace last night flashed across Ling Feng's mind.

Although in the bottom of Ling Feng's heart, he was 100% sure that the person in front of him was Ye Xiu, Ling Feng had no intention of revealing it.

"Hehehe, cough cough cough..."

Ye Xiu coughed and said with a smile: "My meager skills are not worth mentioning, cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng shrugged, like Wu Xuan, Zhu Wushuang and those masters on the surface, Ling Feng is still a little sure, but for this mysterious Ye Xiu, maybe he will be the most powerful opponent. .

The game continues.

Unfortunately, in this round, except for Ling Feng, the other three people in the Witch God Temple were completely wiped out.

Whether it was Murong Zijie, Jiang Yunfan, or Han Lingxiang, they were all defeated.

The foundations of the three major divine races are all there. Although the Temple of the Witch God has many believers and disciples, in terms of talent, there is still a gap compared to the three major divine races.

However, this is to be expected.

Ling Feng was able to defeat Zhu Rong of the Red Flame God Clan with a crushing gesture. The great wizards of the Witch God Temple were already very satisfied.

In the end, the player who had a bye was very unfortunate to draw Zhu Wushuang, one of the three favorites to win, and was eliminated.

At this point, the fourth round of competition is completely over, and the last thirty players are left to compete in the next round.

The promotion competition for the top fifteen was scheduled after a short break of half an hour.

During this free time, the whole place naturally became a hot topic.

"I can't believe that besides Prince Wu Xuan and the others, there are actually a few dark horses coming out!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that another monster would appear in the Temple of the Witch God this year!"

"And that guy named Ye Xiu, he really can't be judged by his appearance!"

"Do you think it will be an upset and the top three players in the end are not the top three seeds?"

"Fart, the two of them are somewhat capable, but they are definitely no match for Senior Brother Zhu Wushuang."

The disciples of the Red Flame God Clan naturally sneered at such words.

"No matter what they do, the champion must be Prince Wu Xuan!"

The Ji Dao God Clan still has absolute confidence in Wu Xuan.

As a peerless evildoer who appears only once in a thousand years from the Jidao God Clan, no one can shake him!

The Qianyu Divine Clan is also full of confidence in their clan's Huang Yu.

Similarly, Prince Wu Xuan, Zhu Wushuang, Huang Yu and others are also very confident. In their view, others are just opponents they defeat to show their strength.

The final championship must belong to you!

Amid everyone's expectations, thirty people advanced to fifteen, and the promotion competition for the top fifteen finally began!

"Ling Feng, right? Let you know how powerful our Qianyu Clan is!"

In this round, Ling Feng's opponent was a genius from the Thousand Feathers Clan.

To be able to reach the top thirty, there is no doubt that he has strong strength.

It's a pity that despite his full strength, he was still defeated in the end.

Defeated by Ling Feng's move!

And then, Ye Xiu came on stage.

His opponent was Wu Zhen of the Jidao God Clan.

Although Wu Zhen had several bones broken by the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron at last night's banquet, the treatment was relatively timely, and the general was willing to spend a lot of money, so Wu Zhen was able to recover at a considerable cost. , continue to participate in Tianhe martial arts performance.

Otherwise, his quota may be automatically invalidated.

"A sick guy like you is actually called a dark horse player?"

Wu Zheng had a contemptuous smile on his face, and as soon as he came on stage, he began to cynicize Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu's thin and frail body stood on the ring, still coughing violently, and seemed to be extremely weak.

He was obviously used to Wu Zhen's ridicule and insults. He just smiled lightly and said slowly: "I never think that I am a dark horse. Please enlighten me! Cough cough cough!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Xiu started coughing violently. This time, it seemed to be more serious than before, and he could no longer straighten his back.

"Hmph, take advantage of now!"

A sneer hung from the corner of Wu Zhen's lips, and he suddenly launched an attack while Ye Xiu was coughing violently.

"How despicable!"

"This guy is a bit shameless, isn't he? Where is the martial virtue?"

"Humph, the referee has announced the start of the game, and you can launch an attack at any time. There is no such thing as martial ethics. In the ring, winning or losing comes first!"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience. Indeed, although Wu Zhen's move was a bit despicable, since the game had already begun, he was not obligated to wait for Ye Xiu to change.

"Boy, that's it!"

The flesh on Wu Zhen's face was ferocious, his fists were clenched, and a violent fist wind had swept away.

This punch hit Ye Xiu's lower abdomen hard. If it was successful, Ye Xiu's thin body would probably have to confess to this, right?

However, just when everyone was worried, Ye Xiu's figure suddenly disappeared.

In everyone's field of vision, a ray of light shone!

A cold light!


A destructive force burst out instantly, and before Wu Zhen could react, he was already heavily ejected.

Wu Zheng, failed miserably!


Wu Zhen spat out a mouthful of blood, and half of his body was covered with a layer of white frost, as if he was shivering due to the extreme cold.

So much so that even the blood he carved was frozen into ice slag the moment it was spit out.

When Ye Xiu attacked before, he only knocked his opponent away, but this time, it seemed that Wu Zhen's shameless behavior still angered him.

However, because of this, this time, everyone finally managed to see clearly that the power Ye Xiu exerted turned out to be the ultimate power of frost!

However, it seems that there is more than just the power of frost.

"Deserve it!"

"This is the punishment scum deserves!"

Most people were happy to see Wu Zhen end up like this, but the general of the Jidao God Clan was livid and gloomy to the extreme.

He had spent a lot of money to rescue Wu Zheng last night, but today was a good day, as he was seriously injured again.

Although this son is useless, he is still his flesh and blood!

The general swung his sleeves, let out a long sigh, ordered people to carry Wu Zheng away, and then turned around and left the playing field.

If he stays here any longer, I'm afraid he won't be able to hang on to his old face.

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