Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2728 10% power! (1 update)

"The winner of this round is Ye Xiu!"

As the referee finished speaking, the audience became agitated.

A little-known young man, a sickly man who looked frail and frail, was actually able to defeat Wu Zhen and advance to the top fifteen!

And he does not belong to any of the three major divine clans or any of the forces in the Temple of the Witch God!

This is undoubtedly the first of its kind in the history of Tianhe martial arts!

This thin figure has also become a rising super star in the hearts of many warriors!

It can be said that he defeated every opponent with overwhelming force along the way.

The power he displayed made people have to face up to this young man with a mysterious background.

"The next match is between Wu Xuan and Yan Liefeng!"

The referee announced loudly.

As soon as the name Wu Xuan came out, the whole audience cheered again.

New stars belong to new stars, but Wu Xuan is currently the favorite to win the championship.

His strength is also obvious to all.

Wu Xuan stood up from his seat.

And his opponent, Yan Liefeng, a genius from the Red Flame God Clan, had an obvious frown on his face.

He knew that his game was over.

However, it is not a shame to be defeated by Wu Xuan.

Wu Xuan did not fly directly onto the ring, but walked slowly along the aisle of the preparation table in front of Ling Feng and Ye Xiu.

His eyes were filled with awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

Not only for Ling Feng, but also for Ye Xiu, he also showed great interest.

"Ling Feng, you are indeed very strong and you have not let me down. I think we will be fighting against each other very soon."

Wu Xuan walked past Ling Feng, and his voice reached Ling Feng's ears.

"Then it depends on whether you can make it to the end."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and glanced meaningfully at Ye Xiu beside him.

A smile appeared on the corner of Wu Xuan's lips, "There are no people who can defeat me, but there is absolutely no one in this Tianhe martial arts arena!"

After Wu Xuan finished speaking, he jumped up and flew directly onto the Tianhe Arena.


Ling Feng smiled faintly, looked at Wu Xuan's back, shook his head and smiled.

"Game start!"

As the referee finished speaking, Wu Xuan had already taken the initiative to take the offensive.


In the void, there seemed to be the sound of dragon roars, and a terrifying energy, centered on Wu Xuan, swept across instantly.

Behind Wu Xuan, a dazzling golden light condensed and turned into a huge dragon head, breaking through the void. For a moment, the air was chaotic, forming turbulent roars.

Wu Xuan's opponent, Yan Liefeng from the Crimson Flame God Clan, suddenly changed his expression and muttered something in his mouth. A ball of blazing flames condensed around his body, forming a layer of flame armor.

However, under Wu Xuan's terrifying power, Yan Liefeng couldn't even hold on for a breath before being knocked back.

Kick, kick, kick!

Tearing Wind stepped back more than a dozen steps, his legs deeply embedded in the ground, and still sliding backwards, leaving two clear traces on the ground.

After rowing dozens of meters back, Wu Xuan's domineering power dissipated, but Yan Liefeng's hands were already numb, his whole body was trembling, he couldn't muster any strength, and his legs were trembling, almost He couldn't even stand firm, he had no choice but to resist with all his strength, which almost exhausted his strength.

"It's not bad to be able to withstand 10% of my strength without falling."

Wu Xuan stood with his hands behind his back, a look of disdain on his face, but he did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him.

Yan Liefeng swallowed hard. Such terrifying power was only 10% of Wu Xuan's strength.

So, how terrifying would 100% of his power be?

Thinking of this, Yan Liefeng couldn't help but shuddered, and shouted very bachelorly: "I, give up!"

It was not embarrassing to lose to Wu Xuan, and Wu Xuan saved him enough face and did not make his loss too ugly.

Wu Xuan smiled faintly and bowed his hands to Yan Liefeng, "I accept it!"

This Prince Wu Xuan really has the bearing of a superior. No wonder he is younger among the princes of the Jidao Holy Emperor, but he is qualified to compete for the crown prince.

After Wu Xuan won, it was Huang Yu's competition again.

Huang Yu from the Thousand Feather God Clan is one of the three favorites to win the championship.

There was not much suspense in this game. It seemed that he was affected by Wu Xuan. He only used 10% of his strength to easily defeat his opponent.

After that, Zhu Wushuang also easily defeated his opponent and successfully advanced.

Thirty will advance to fifteen, and among these fifteen, there will be a high probability of a confrontation between rising stars like Ling Feng and Ye Xiu, and the favorites such as Wu Xuan and Zhu Wushuang.

Many good people hope to see the competition between them to see whether the new generation will defeat the old ones, or whether the long-established masters can retain their throne as the strongest.

"The time has finally come."

"The next game will definitely be more exciting, ah ah, I can't wait."

"No matter what, Prince Wu Xuan is invincible!"

"As the waves behind the river push the waves ahead, I think that Ye Xiu may be unpopular! On the other hand, Ling Feng from the Temple of the Witch God should have come to an end."

"Well, in comparison, the strength displayed by Ye Xiu is indeed stronger and more mysterious!"

"You know what the heck, you probably don't know what happened at the Royal Banquet of the Jidao God Clan last night, right?"


As soon as this statement came out, some busybodies were immediately interested, "Do you know what happened last night?"

"Nonsense, I have a brother who is a guard of the Imperial City. He happened to see this Ling Feng. He is a fierce man who can carry the Nine Cauldrons. Have you ever heard of the Sifang Qiankun Cauldron?"

Suddenly, the news about Ling Feng at the dinner party last night was spread again.

All in all, the whole place was in an uproar.

Everyone was talking about it and began to select their favorite candidates for the championship and the top three.

However, no one can predict the final result.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second!

Only through comparison can we distinguish between superior and inferior.

At this moment, only the last fifteen players were left in the preparation area.

Among them, there is still a bye.

The byes in this round can directly enter the top eight.

Of course, the top eight is of little significance, because in the end, there are only three places to receive rewards and enter the Tianhe Pond to practice!

However, being in the top eight will at least have a better reputation.

The referee will send the promoted list to the Jidao Holy Emperor, and the matching for the next round will be decided by the Jidao Holy Emperor himself.

The Jidao Holy Emperor's eyes swept over the fifteen contestants in the preparation area one by one, and he slowly considered them.

While waiting, everyone was speculating on who would face whom in the first game of the sixth round.

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