Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2731 The next generation is to be feared! (2 updates)


Wu Xing laughed, he laughed wildly, he laughed wildly, he laughed so hard, "Boy, are you sure you don't want to admit defeat? If you are beaten to death by me, don't cry to your mother! Hahaha!"

Zhu Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he just said calmly: "If you can defeat me, don't say such things again."

"very good!"

Wu Xing stopped laughing wildly and stared at Zhu Yan, "Young man is not very strong, but you do have some backbone. Then, I will give you a defeat!"

The next moment, a dazzling golden light flashed around Wu Xing.

The Jidao God Clan has a true dragon spirit when they take action, the Jidao Holy Emperor is like this, Wu Xuan is like this, and this Witch Punishment is naturally no exception.

The golden light condensed into a giant golden dragon, wrapping around Wu Xing's body. Even his eyes seemed to have turned golden.

"Defeat me!"

Amidst the roar, two figures fought together.

However, the devastating defeat in imagination did not appear.

Zhu Yan actually caught Wu Xing's blow, and it didn't seem too strenuous.


Wu Xing frowned, activated his magical power, and started chasing Zhu Yan fiercely.

However, no matter how violent his attacks were, they were all taken over by Zhu Yan.

After half an hour, Wu Xing seemed to have lost his strength, but Zhu Yan won with a slight advantage.

A slim advantage!

No matter what kind of opponent he encountered, it seemed that this was always the result.

"Winner, Zhu Yan!"

As the referee announced the winner, the whole place was boiling again.

"It turns out that there is a third dark horse!"

"This Zhu Yan actually defeated the second seed of the Jidao God Clan!"

"It's too deep!"

With the end of this battle, the top eight candidates were finally determined.

Wu Xuan, Huang Yu, Ling Feng, Zhu Yan, Ye Xiu, Wu Yue, Wu Zang, Bai Yu.

Among them, there are three from the Jidao Divine Clan, Wu Xuan, Wu Yue, and Wu Zang. Wu Yue is still a woman and is the only woman to advance to the top eight in this Tianhe martial arts performance.

Two people from the Qianyu Divine Clan, Huang Yu and Bai Yu.

As for the Red Flame God Clan, only the last person is left, that is, Zhu Yan.

As for the remaining two people, Ling Feng came from the Temple of the Witch God, and Ye Xiu was a casual cultivator who didn't even have a sect!

This year's Tianhe martial arts performance can be said to have completely broken the previous pattern. In the previous Tianhe martial arts performance, the finalists were basically the three major gods, but this time, it was completely different.

However, such a game makes people even more excited, because every remaining battle is undoubtedly full of suspense.

The three dark horses, Ye Xiu, Ling Feng, and Zhu Yan, all have the capital to challenge for the championship.

Although Ling Feng has not yet fought against the favorite to win the championship, the strength he has shown from the beginning to the present is impressive. I believe that even if he fights against the candidate to win the championship, he will not lose so easily.

As for Zhu Yan, although he has always had a slight advantage over his opponent, the battle where he defeated Wu Xing showed that this guy may have been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

Such people are often the most terrifying.

"I wonder if these new dark horse players will be encountered in advance."

"It's not too early. It's already an eight-to-four game. The probability of them encountering them in this round is already very high."

"Tell me, if Ling Feng meets that Ye Xiu, who can win?"

"No need to ask. Ye Xiu has defeated Zhu Wushuang. Ling Feng probably lost."

"That's not necessarily true. When Ye Xiu defeated Zhu Wushuang, he was almost killed by the backlash. Although that move was powerful, he didn't dare to use it easily, right?"

"I think Ling Feng will win!"

"Tsk, Ye Xiu must win!"

Amidst the discussion of the audience, the referee finally compiled the list, and the promotion competition for the semi-finals will begin soon.

The list of eight people was randomly shuffled and paired up in pairs.

"The first battle of the semi-finals, Wu Xuan's battle..."

The referee deliberately let it go, which immediately made people's hearts lift.


"Is it a civil war within the Jidao God Clan?"

Among the top eight, three are all disciples of the Jidao God Clan, so it is quite normal for a civil war to occur.

When he heard that his opponent was Wu Xuan, Wu Zang sighed lightly and chose to admit defeat without even taking the stage.

In this case, there is no need to take action.

"Then, the second game, Huang Yu's battle..."

The referee's eyes swept through the only seven people left in the preparation area one by one, and finally fell on Zhu Yan.

"Huang Yu, fight Zhu Yan!"


For a moment, everyone became excited.

If Zhu Yan defeated the second seed of the Jidao God Clan in his last match, confirming his dark horse status, in this match, he faced the top seed of the Jidao God Clan.

If he can still win this game, it will prove that he is qualified to compete for the championship.

However, how could Huang Yu be defeated so easily?

Both sides of the competition flew onto the Tianhe Arena.

"You just had a match with Witch Punishment. If necessary, I can wait until you finish adjusting your breath."

Huang Yu's eyes were very calm, he glanced at Zhu Yan and said calmly.

Because in the battle between Wu Xuan and Wu Zang, Wu Zang directly chose to admit defeat, so Zhu Yan did not have much rest time after the battle with Wu Xing.

"Thank you, but no need."

Zhu Yan shook his head and said calmly: "The battle with the witch punishment is not very expensive."

The people in the audience, who had been reduced to witchcraft by the audience, immediately frowned when they heard this.

He clenched his fists tightly and cursed Zhu Yan in his heart, but he knew better that even if he did it a thousand times or ten thousand times, the result would still be the same.

He is indeed not as good as Zhu Yan.

"Then, let's get started."

Behind Huang Yu, a pair of huge wings flapped gently.

The wings behind him are not just a certain color, but are colorful like the legendary colorful phoenix. This is also a sign that the Immortal Phoenix bloodline in the body is extremely strong.

As the huge wings behind Huang Yu fully expanded, his aura also climbed to the extreme.

Thousands of colorful wings formed a colorful giant sword, floating behind Huang Yu.

"It's the Feather Blade again!"

"It's completely different from Qing Yu's Feather Blade. This momentum is completely different!"

Different from the previous games, this was the first time Huang Yu used the Feather Blade.

Facing an opponent like Zhu Yan who likes to act like a pig and eat the tiger, before you can figure out his depth, the only way is to go all out.

Although before this, Huang Yu's only opponent was Wu Xuan, but after seeing Zhu Wushuang defeated by Ye Xiu, he began to understand a truth.

The future life is terrible!

If you don't want to capsize in the gutter, you must show your true strength.

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