Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2732 The battle between dragon and phoenix! (1 update)

Under the momentum of Huang Yu, Zhu Yan did not dare to be careless at all. The red flame true fire swept around him.

In an instant, a fire god image condensed behind him.

A trace of solemnity flashed in Huang Yu's eyes. The domineering flame power on Zhu Yan was not inferior to Zhu Wushuang.

Could it be that he was the last trump card of the Red Flame God Clan?

Under the stage, the elders of the Red Flame God Clan all showed a smug expression.

Obviously, they had known about Zhu Yan's hiding.

This is why they did not show too much frustration even after Zhu Wushuang was eliminated.

Because they still have Zhu Yan.

And Zhu Yan is the real trump card of the Red Flame God Clan, and his strength is even higher than Zhu Wushuang!

"You, the Chiyan God Clan, are really good at hiding!"

The elders of the Qianyu God Clan frowned. The aura emanating from Zhu Yan showed that his cultivation was not the fifth level of the Ninth Transformation Realm as it seemed on the surface. He was at least at the peak of the sixth level of the Ninth Transformation Realm.

Moreover, not only that, the flame he controlled also reached the limit that ordinary fire could reach, comparable to fairy fire!

"What do you mean by hiding? It's just that you take it for granted that Wushuang is the number one seed of our Chiyan God Clan. We never said that!"

An elder of the Chiyan God Clan stroked his long beard and showed an extremely proud look.

Zhu Yan was the last trump card they hid. They originally hoped that he could hide his strength all the way and even counterattack Wu Xuan in the end.

It's a pity that he met Huang Yu in advance.

Now, he can only expose his strength in advance.

Huang Yu, as the youngest generation of the Qianyu God Clan with the strongest fairy phoenix bloodline in the past thousand years, is naturally not easy to deal with.


On the Tianhe Arena.


The auras of the two quickly climbed to the top, and Zhu Yan and Huang Yu exploded at the same time.



A fairy phoenix flapping its colorful wings and a fire god burning with blazing flames rose into the air at the same time.

In an instant, the fairy phoenix and the fire god collided with each other.

The fire god was majestic and domineering, as if he had the power to burn the sky.

The divine beast fairy phoenix was agile and elegant, wrapped in the power of destroying gods.

The two behemoths collided wildly, and the aftermath of the explosion hit the barrier around the arena, and even shook out terrible cracks in this barrier that was said to be as solid as a rock.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The elders of the Jidao God Clan flew into the sky, using their own saintly power to bless and protect the barrier. Otherwise, the power of Zhu Yan and Huang Yu's fight would explode, which would inevitably cause huge damage.


"My God, this is too strong, right?"

The audience was stunned.

This also includes Wu Xing, who lost to Zhu Yan.

When he saw the God of Fire behind Zhu Yan, he felt his scalp tingling. If Zhu Yan used this trick against him, the consequences would be unimaginable.


In the preparation seat, Wu Xuan crossed his arms and a smile appeared on his lips. With such a master as his opponent, this Tianhe martial arts performance would not be too boring.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. It was indeed the right time to come to Tianhe martial arts performance.

Not only did they have the top talents of the three major clans in the Southern Wu Domain, but they also met an extremely mysterious Ye Xiu.

But no matter who it was, the final champion, I, Ling Feng, would be determined!


Boom boom boom boom boom!

In just a few dozen breaths, Huang Yu and Zhu Yan had fought hundreds of times.

In terms of talent, Zhu Yan was probably better than Huang Yu.

After all, Huang Yu was several decades older than Zhu Yan. If Zhu Yan was the same age as Huang Yu, he would probably have won at this moment.

But in the ring, talent is never considered.

The only thing that wins depends on is strength!

The witch bloodline power of the two is extremely powerful. This battle will probably be a hard fight.

The energy of the two behemoths fighting each other made the air around them all torn and shattered. That kind of sound made people shudder.

"The young are formidable, the young are formidable!"

Many old saints were amazed, and even a strong man like the Jidao Saint Emperor nodded slightly.

The strength of these two people is enough to enter the eyes of the Saint Emperor.


The Jidao Saint Emperor sneered. If it was just like this, there would still be a certain gap to threaten Wu Xuan.

So far, the only person he couldn't see through was Ye Xiu!

"Let's fight quickly and make a quick decision!"

Huang Yu shouted, staring at Zhu Yan with his eyes, "You are a strong opponent, but I must win this battle!!!"

"Immortal Phoenix Sky-Splitting Strike!"

The wings of the Immortal Phoenix behind Huang Yu flapped violently, and the Immortal Feather Blade suspended around him slashed down like a sword that cut through the sky. The terrifying sword light swept across most of the Tianhe Arena and turned it into a sea of ​​feather blades.

Amid the sound of the phoenix, countless colorful feather blades, as if summoned from nothingness, swept towards Zhu Yan like a rain of flowers.

Each tiny feather blade carried an infinite power that was enough to severely injure the Saint.

This attack was already the strongest killing move that Huang Yu could perform.

Originally, he planned to use this move to deal with Wu Xuan, but now it seems that only by using his real trump card can he determine the outcome with Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan's expression condensed slightly. The phoenix feather blade that looked like a rainstorm pear blossom had already rushed towards him. The Vulcan Dharma that protected him was already scarred and seemed to be completely destroyed at any time.

"The Eight Wastelands Fire Dragon is angry! Roar!"

Zhu Yan frowned, and the flames all over his body swept wildly. In an instant, he turned from a Vulcan statue into a lifelike flaming dragon with fangs and claws.

Eight Wild Fire Dragons!

The rolling sky fire comes from the western sky, and the sky is a fiery red!

Zhu Yan made a hand seal, and the Eight Wild Fire Dragons rose into the sky from behind him, scattering the immortal phoenix feather blades all over the sky.

In an instant, it was like a real dragon emerging from the abyss, rolling and swinging towards Huang Yu.

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