Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2736 Ye Xiu’s divine pattern! (1 update)

"Promotional match, last match, Ling Feng, vs. Ye--Xiu--"

The referee loudly announced the two teams for the next match. The last two figures left in the preparation area stood up from their seats at the same time.

The next moment, the two figures appeared on the ring.

"Cough cough cough..."

The iconic cough sounded, and Ye Xiu's condition still looked very weak.

But no one would underestimate him because of this.

Because he had already made it to the top four with his own strength.

The casual cultivator who had always been just a foil actually made it to the top four in this Tianhe martial arts performance, which has created a history.

"Brother Ling Feng, please teach me!"

Ye Xiu bowed to Ling Feng, still looking humble and polite, but his fighting style was extremely sharp and fierce.

So far, even when facing a strong man like Zhu Wushuang, he only made one move.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and stared at Ye Xiu.

From beginning to end, even Ling Feng couldn't see through Ye Xiu at all. All he could see was that little bit of cold light.

During the battle with Zhu Wushuang, Ye Xiu burst out with unprecedented powerful strength, and with one punch, he completely defeated Zhu Wushuang.

In that battle, Ling Feng vaguely saw a mysterious inscription flashing between Ye Xiu's eyebrows.

It was a divine pattern!

Ling Feng had come into contact with many gods, and knew that when the gods burst out the power of their blood, the divine pattern between their eyebrows would automatically flash.

This was true for the Jidao God Clan, the Chiyan God Clan, and the Qianyu God Clan.

But the divine pattern between Ye Xiu's eyebrows, although extremely complex, seemed incomplete, and even when it flashed, it looked very dim, as if it was transparent.

If you don't observe carefully, it will easily be covered by the brilliance of the vitality that burst out during the battle.

But Ling Feng possessed the Eye of the Son of Heaven and various pupil techniques, and his eyesight was amazing. Only then did he discover the divine pattern that flashed across Ye Xiu's forehead.

In other words, Ye Xiu was also a descendant of a certain God Clan.

Moreover, judging from the complexity of the divine pattern, he was probably a high-level God Clan that was even higher than the Jidao God Clan!

Although Ye Xiu's divine pattern was incomplete, to a certain extent, if it was completed, it would even be more complex than Yu Junyao's divine pattern.

And Yu Junyao was from the Jiuli God Clan of the Zhongyuan Domain!

Retracting his thoughts, Ling Feng's eyes fell on Ye Xiu and he saluted him. The book said that all the ten directions were destroyed, and a faint light flashed, "Come on, use all your strength!"

Ye Xiu nodded, coughed for a while, and then slowly raised his palm.

It was that familiar cold light again!

Ling Feng stared at Ye Xiu with his eyes, and the yin and yang fish floated in his eyes.

He wanted to see through Ye Xiu's cold light through the Eye of the Son of Heaven, what exactly it was, but he was surprised to find that even if he faced Ye Xiu directly and used the Eye of the Son of Heaven to the extreme, he could not see through the essence of the cold light.

"Brother Ling Feng, be careful, cough cough cough!"

Ye Xiu coughed violently, as if the cold light was squeezing his vitality. The more he stimulated the cold air in his body, the worse his physical condition became.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and his face showed an extremely solemn expression.

In just a moment, the entire arena seemed to have turned into a world of ice and snow.

The cold wind blew in his face, and from a distance, Ling Feng's robe had already formed a thick layer of frost.

Zhu Wushuang was defeated by this move.

And, under that overwhelming force, there was no room for resistance at all.

“It’s here, this move again!”

“No one can resist this move, at least, not on this stage!”

“That Ling Feng, that’s it!”

There was a lot of discussion in the audience. They had all seen the power of this move. Even Zhu Wushuang was easily killed in seconds. There was only one consequence of being locked by this move, that is, defeat!

On the high platform, the corners of the mouth of the Jidao Saint Emperor were curved.

Everything was developing in the direction he expected.

Wu Xuan defeated Zhu Yan, while Ye Xiu and Ling Feng were both injured.

Ye Xiu’s move was indeed very powerful, but the backlash was also extremely terrible.

The last time Ye Xiu defeated Zhu Wushuang with this move, the Jidao Saint Emperor carefully observed Ye Xiu’s state, and the weak time was at least more than three hours.

According to the rules of the game, after the promotion game, there is only half an hour of rest time at most.

In other words, when Wu Xuan and Ye Xiu fought, Ye Xiu was still weak.

The final result must end with Wu Xuan winning the championship.


The Supreme Saint Emperor narrowed his eyes and smiled. He seemed to have seen the ending.



On the Tianhe Arena, the sky was covered with ice and snow. A terrible chill seemed to originate from the soles of his feet, penetrate into his body, and spread through his limbs and bones.

Ling Feng began to understand why a master like Yizhu Wushuang did not dodge at all when facing Ye Xiu, and was directly hit by Ye Xiu and knocked out.

Perhaps, it was not because he was too conceited and had to fight Ye Xiu to the death.

But under Ye Xiu's chill, his body had long been frozen and numb.

The cold energy on Ye Xiu's body was very special. It could actually penetrate the energy barrier on his body, and even the energy of his blood.

The cold air directly froze the soul, causing the opponent's reaction to slow down sharply.

Ling Feng squeezed Shi Fang and destroyed all of them tightly, and his whole body was ignited with the fire of swallowing flames, but the high temperature of swallowing flames could not relieve the numbness of his soul at all.

In front of his eyes, there was only a little bit of cold light left, and it kept expanding and getting closer. It seemed that there was only this little bit of cold light left in Ling Feng's entire world.

There is no way to avoid it!

There is no hiding!

The violent force exploded around Ling Feng. The speed was obviously not very fast, but Ling Feng seemed to be frozen in place, unable to dodge at all.

Ling Feng frowned deeply. Although he had paid very careful attention, was he still blocked by Ye Xiu's cold air?

"Cough cough cough..."

Ye Xiu coughed violently, but the cold light he had gathered had become as big as a human head.

He punched out, and the frozen ground shattered into pieces with an unstoppable force, blasting towards Ling Feng head-on.

Zhu Wushuang was defeated by this blow.

The terrifying cold air numbed Ling Feng's soul. Seeing that Ye Xiu's fist was approaching, Ling Feng had no time to react.

"If this continues, I will lose!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and felt a burning sensation between his brows.

He knew that this was the prelude to the opening of Shura's Eye.

Did Ye Xiu's cold energy actually make his Shura Eyes feel threatened?

Ling Feng forcibly suppressed the urge to open the Eye of Shura. After all, Ling Feng did not intend to use this forbidden power unless it was absolutely necessary.

However, you can use the power of Shura first!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng slightly activated the Shura power sealed in the Eye of Shura.

In just a moment, the power of Shura spread throughout the body, and the numb feeling of the soul disintegrated instantly.

His keen reaction was restored again. Seeing that Ye Xiu's fist was approaching, Ling Feng's figure flashed and he directly used time and space displacement to appear behind Ye Xiu!

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