Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2737 The power of surveying the sky! (2 updates)


"What just happened?"

In the audience, countless people were dumbfounded.

Ling Feng actually dodged the blow at the critical moment!

"how come?"

On the high platform, even the Jidao Holy Emperor was obviously stunned for a moment.

Ling Feng actually avoided it?

How did he do that?

The elders of the God Clan also showed incredulous expressions. Only the great witches in the Witch God Temple let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Ling Feng avoided it, otherwise, he might have followed in the footsteps of Zhu Wushuang.

In the audience, Zhu Wushuang was completely dumbfounded. As someone who had personally experienced how terrifying Ye Xiu's blow was, he couldn't understand how Ling Feng could relieve the numbness of his soul.


Ling Feng let out a long breath, feeling very anxious. The situation just now was indeed a critical one.

If you're a step too late, you'll be out.

Moreover, even if he reacted at the last moment, without the powerful time and space secret technique of time and space displacement, it would be basically impossible for Ling Feng to avoid this blow.

His eyes were burning. Fortunately, Ling Feng had been absorbing Asura's demonic energy and his Eyes of the Void improved quickly. Otherwise, his eyes would be bleeding again.


Missing the blow, Ye Xiu spurted out a mouthful of blood. When he spit it out to his mouth, it turned into dark red ice particles.

The ice particles melted by the blood fell on the ground, causing the entire arena to condense into a layer of dark red ice!

"Brother Ye, do you want to fight again?"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Ye Xiu. The cold energy in his body was indeed very powerful, but it was not under his control.

If the fight continues, Ye Xiu's own situation may become even more dangerous.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Ye Xiu coughed violently and smiled cruelly, "Brother Lingfeng, you are probably the only person worthy of letting me use my martial arts skills."

Martial arts?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Yes, from the beginning to the end, Ye Xiu was just throwing the simplest punches during the fight. He hadn't shown any skills or martial arts yet.

"Martial skills!"

"Oh my god, I can kill Zhu Wushuang instantly without using any martial arts. Once the martial arts is used, the power is simply incomparable!"

"But, can his body bear it? He won't die on stage, right?"

The audience started talking for a while. After all, when Ye Xiu was not using his martial arts skills, the cold energy in his body had backfired, making him worse than dead.

With his sickly look, if he suffered a greater backlash, he might actually die.

"Brother Ye, are you sure you want to do this?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. From a doctor's point of view, Ye Xiu's condition was already very serious. He really should not abuse the cold energy in his body.

But from a warrior's perspective, Ling Feng wanted to see Ye Xiu's true power.

Ye Xiu laughed to himself, "Even if I regret it, it's too late. Brother Ling Feng, be careful!"

His face was extremely pale, the divine lines between his eyebrows were looming, and his whole body seemed to have become somewhat illusory.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the power of Shura circulated throughout his body. Only under the protection of the power of Shura, his soul would not be frozen and numb.

It seems that the power of Shura inherently has a certain restraint effect on this cold air.

But why is this so?

Ling Feng couldn't understand it either, and right now, he had no time to think deeply.

"Han Xing!"

A deep sound came from Ye Xiu's mouth. He stopped coughing and seemed to be a different person.

His eyes were like ice that would never melt for thousands of years, so cold that even Ling Feng couldn't help but shudder when he glanced at him.


Ling Feng clenched his fist, and the swallowing flames burned fiercely on top of the destruction in all directions.

But there was a strange feeling in the sword's edge.

It seems to be an awe-inspiring fighting spirit!

All directions were destroyed, and he actually had the intention to fight against Ye Xiu.

Moreover, it doesn’t seem to be Sword Spirit Xiaobai’s will.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly: Could it be Tianchu?

That day in Taihua Immortal Palace, I unexpectedly got a fragment of the heavenly weapon of the ancestor of the Tiandao clan, which was the fragment of Tianshu.

Although Ling Feng felt that Shi Fang Destruction had undergone some changes due to the fusion of Tian Zhu, it seemed to have no effect until now.

Until this time, the Ten Directions were destroyed, or rather, this fragment of the Heavenly Punishment actually sensed the power in Ye Xiu's body.

In addition, the power of Shura seems to have a certain degree of restraint against the cold air that attacks at night.

Could it be that……

A surprising thought appeared in Ling Feng's mind.

His eyes were fixed on Ye Xiu.

The divine pattern on his forehead is so complex, even higher than that of the Jiuli God Clan.

Moreover, it was just an incomplete divine pattern!

Could this Ye Xiu's identity be...

The Xuntian Clan!

Before this, Ling Feng had encountered a troubled envoy of the Sky Patrol Fire Tribe in the Tianlan Sea Territory (the Tiansheng Empire of the Eastern Spirit Territory).

And that encounter, even thinking about it now, makes Ling Feng's scalp numb.

That experience also made Ling Feng know that even on the Xuanling Continent, there are still people from the Xuantian Clan.

Although the power of the person in front of me is completely different from that of the Xuntian Fire Clan guy, the power of this person is definitely inseparable from the Xuntian Clan!

"The power of patrolling the sky?"

Ling Feng tightened his fists. Although this Ye Xiu had the power of Xuntian in his body, he could not control this power. He might not be a member of Xantian clan, but he had obtained the power of Xuntian.

If it were before, Ling Feng would have killed Ye Xiu without hesitation, because in his eyes, every member of the Xantian tribe was a traitor and deserved to die!

But now Ling Feng is much calmer than before.

After all, he already knew his life experience. His mother was also from the Xantian clan. Although this did not mean that the hatred of genocide could be forgotten, at least, not every Xantian clan member was a vicious sinner.

And the power of patrolling the sky in Ye Xiu may be a source of pain for him.

All of a sudden!

Under Ye Xiu's control, the biting cold air turned into extremely sharp ice edges that spread all around. They were very bright and dazzling, disturbing Ling Feng's sight.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiu's eyes condensed, and there seemed to be stars flashing across his pupils. Ice ridges filled the sky, bursting out with astonishing starlights. They shot out, and as the aura around him swayed, they were like clusters of shooting stars. , bombarded away.

Is this the Han Xing that Ye Xiu mentioned just now?

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a solemn expression.

The bone-chilling cold wind was the first to sweep over Ling Feng's body. The cold stars in the sky exploded before they hit Ling Feng. Countless starlights burst out, unparalleledly sharp, piercing the surrounding void and tearing apart Ling Feng's body. The body-protecting aura seemed to turn Ling Feng's body into a hornet's nest.

And in every starlight, there is actually an extremely terrifying power of surveying the sky!

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