Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2740 Dual-purpose! (3 updates)

Frost covers the entire world, and ice sculptures float from the ice.

Then, just hearing the shattering sound of "click, click, click", the terrifying ice and snow beasts unexpectedly came to life from the ice.

It was like a ferocious beast that had been sealed for thousands of years, breaking out of the barrier, all extremely ferocious, its scarlet eyes searching for all prey within the field of vision.

The power of these giant beasts is all based on Ye Xiu's strength, which is almost 80% of Ye Xiu's total strength.

Hundreds of giant frost beasts roared and ran towards Ling Feng. The majestic and earth-shaking momentum made the audience in the audience feel numb.

This method is too overbearing.

It was originally one-on-one, but now it suddenly became a hundred-on-one!

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed up a few mouthfuls of bloody foam. The power of surveying the sky was really powerful.

However, similar methods are not limited to Ye Xiu!

"Shura - kill the world!"

A red light also burst out from Ling Feng's body. Ye Xiu had the Sky-Surveying Ice Soul Domain. Fighting him within his domain would naturally be very disadvantageous for Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng also has his own field.

The first divine mark of the Eye of Shura can open the world of Shura killing.

After the Eye of Heaven evolved, Ling Feng mastered the power of Shura, so he could mobilize the Shura Killing World without opening the Eye of Shura.

But now, under the pressure of Ye Xiu's Frost God Realm, Ling Feng had no choice but to resort to Shura Killing Realm.

The blood light swept across and quickly bounced Ye Xiu's domain away. One red domain and one blue domain divided the space within the barrier into two completely different worlds.

"Asura's Demonic Eye!"

In an instant, Ling Feng's forehead felt hot, and a blood-colored vertical pupil suddenly opened.

Asura's magic power swept across, and blood burst out, condensing into an Asura Blood Shadow Guard.

Those roaring, roaring, and madly charging frost beasts towards Ling Feng were suddenly intercepted by Ling Feng's Asura Blood Shadow Guards. The barrier turned into a battlefield everywhere, and a life-and-death battle was staged.

The audience was confused. These two people were so good at each other that they carried an army with them!

Ye Xiu took a deep breath. The blue light on his body became more and more unstable. He knew that his state could not last much longer.

The figure flashed and Ye Xiu launched another attack.

While roaring, Ye Xiu pointed the frost sword in his hand at Ling Feng. Suddenly, several cold stars peeled out from the Frost God Realm and shot at Ling Feng. However, they did not attack Ling Feng, but instead wrapped around Ling Feng. Ling Feng felt his body sink, as if he was tied up by a rope, and his movements were greatly restricted.

Ye Xiu's body was also surrounded by several cold stars, but the cold stars formed a boost, making him faster.

Swinging the sword, the speed of the sword was 30% faster. Each sword penetrated the void, like thunder and rain, and kept slashing towards Ling Feng.

Ling Feng used his sword to fight back, but due to being restrained by Han Xing, his speed dropped significantly.

The muscles all over his body vibrated, and terrible power erupted from his body, causing the air around him to ripple. Several cold stars also shattered under the impact of the concussive force. Ling Feng's speed quickly recovered.


Ye Xiu made a big move, and more cold stars flew down and wrapped around Ling Feng's side, slowing him down to the extreme.

Although Ling Feng could use the vibration of his power to continuously shake away these cold stars, he could not withstand Ye Xiu's continuous consumption.

When the shock of force acts on one's own body, it is actually an attack on oneself.

If this continues, Ling Feng may be injured internally by himself.

"We can no longer passively fight back."

Ling Feng frowned, Ye Xiu's state was unsustainable, and his own state was actually the same.

As the cold air continues to erode in his body, his reaction will become slower and slower, and he will have to allocate a force to resist the cold air.

Even if he wins in the end, he will be unable to continue fighting Wu Xuan due to his poor physical condition.

Quick victory!

He must win in the shortest possible time.

In his mind, thoughts were racing, the current situation was at a deadlock, and he had to find a way to break the situation as soon as possible.

Close combat is his strength, as is his tyrannical body and strength rules. In addition, his sword domain can also be used.

It is no longer a situation where you can win simply by using witchcraft.

All available power must be used.

Of course, except for the Eye of the Void.

Asura's Demon Eye can also be disguised as dark witchcraft, but the void life summoned by the Eye of the Void cannot be explained by witchcraft.

If he is judged as a demon, then he may become a public enemy of the entire Xuanling Continent.

All kinds of thoughts just flashed by in an instant. Ling Feng burst out with the most tyrannical power and rushed towards Ye Xiu as fast as he turned into a wild beast.

There were battles everywhere. Those giant frost beasts kept trying to pounce on Ling Feng, but were blocked by Ling Feng's Asura Blood Shadow Guards.

Without the interference of those giant frost beasts, Ling Feng's Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou was approaching Ye Xiu while moving left and right.

Before Ye Xiu could react, he had already used the Immortal Sword Skill.

Xuantian Poyun Sword!

Xuantian's sword power exploded, and the Dragon Elephant's divine power was also pushed to the extreme.

Ye Xiu's expression changed drastically. He felt the air in front of him shattering and the space seemed to be split open. The force of the sword made him suffocate.

Then, from behind Ling Feng, a thick chain wrapped around him.

Ye Xiu raised his hand to resist and punched out, but saw that there was only a chain, and a black sickle was slashing diagonally towards his neck.


Ye Xiu's pupils shrank, and the black scythe rubbed against his neck, making a sound of gold and iron. Because of the black ice protecting his body, it only wiped away some ice debris.

But what Ye Xiu didn't expect was that there was a meteor hammer hanging on the other end of the chain. The moment he flicked the sickle away, the heavy hammer hit his head and hit him hard.


Like five thunders striking the top, Ye Xiu's entire brain went blank for a brief moment. The meteor hammer didn't look too huge, but it seemed to have the terrifying power to crush mountains.

Ye Xiu shook his head violently. When he came to his senses, he saw Ling Feng in front of him, holding a sword in one hand and a chain in the other. On both ends of the chain, hung a sickle and a meteor hammer respectively.

This chain was originally the magic weapon of the Immortal King. It had two forms: armor and chain blade. It was later used to seal the Unicorn of Light and Darkness.

As Ling Feng's cultivation and strength continued to improve, he was finally able to control the chain form of this divine weapon.

However, in the armor form, he can only be regarded as a bastard shell. As long as he puts on the armor, with Ling Feng's current strength, he is still unable to move.

Ling Feng multi-tasked, destroying all directions with one hand, using the Xuantian Cloud-Breaking Sword, grabbing the Immortal King's chain blade with the other hand, spinning it like a windmill, and attacking Ye Xiu one after another with the sickle and meteor hammer.

Xuantian Poyun Sword is a powerful sword that can kill gods and immortals.

The immortal chain blade was powerful and heavy. Every time it swung at Ye Xiu, he kept retreating.

On the other hand, Ye Xiu's condition was getting worse and worse. Although he continued to use the power of the Frost God Realm to weaken Ling Feng's speed, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ye Xiu was at the end of his strength.

(PS: Anyone with a discerning eye should be able to see that the match between Ling Feng and Ye Xiu is a decisive battle. As for the final championship battle, it will definitely be settled within one chapter. Finally, please vote at the beginning of the month!)

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