Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2741 The last persistence! (1 update)


There was a low cry, like a thunderstorm.

The Shura Killing Realm and the Killing Sword Realm merged together, and the power of Ling Feng's Xuantian Cloud-Breaking Sword soared again.

As the sword pointed, the frost armor around Ye Xiu shattered into pieces.

Ye Xiu's expression changed. He couldn't fight for a long time, and his body was becoming more and more unable to bear it.

The divine power of surveying the sky within his body dissipated little by little, and the backlash of the cold air became more and more intense.


The realm was shattered, and Ye Xiu spat out a mouthful of blood. A look of great pain appeared on his face, but he still gritted his teeth and struggled to hold on.

With a wave of his hand, the frost blade swept across the sky, still unwilling to give up the last resistance.

"Do you want to fight again?"

Ling Feng retracted the immortal chain blade, clenched it with both hands and destroyed it in all directions.

Since the opponent has not given up yet, he will also go all out, which is also a kind of respect for the opponent.

After fighting hard for a long time, Ling Feng's body was already covered with scars, which could be said to be riddled with holes.

However, the power he unleashed seemed to be not much different from that in his heyday.

This guy is simply a freak!

In the preparation area, Wu Xuan's brows were furrowed and his face was gloomy. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Whether it was Ling Feng or Ye Xiu, they all gave him a huge shock.

"I'm afraid that boy named Ling Feng won't be able to sustain such a sudden outburst for long."

On the high platform, an elder from the Jidao God Clan said in a deep voice.

Another elder looked at the two people on the stage and said slowly: "Ye Xiu's condition seems to be unable to last much longer. Both of them are probably at the end of their strength. It just depends on who can persist to the end!"


All the elders nodded.

In fact, the battle has indeed reached its final moment.

The blue light on Ye Xiu dissipated little by little, and Ling Feng was eroded by the cold air, and the hands holding the sword began to tremble slightly.

Time passed little by little, and Ling Feng's offensive was still fierce and violent.

The frost blade in Ye Xiu's hand was shattered again and again. In the end, it was too late to condense the frost blade to resist Ling Feng's sword energy.


Finally, Ye Xiu spat out a mouthful of blood, and the blue light around him faded away like a tide.

The blue light disappeared, and Ye Xiu's whole body fell into the ruins of the arena, huddled up in a ball, trembling.

His face was paler than before, and he seemed to have completely lost consciousness.

"Ling Feng wins!"

Ye Xiu has lost the strength to fight again. This battle was won by Ling Feng!

The audience in the audience all had their eyes widened, as if they were still immersed in Ling Feng's violent sword energy, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

Ling Feng was also staggering, and he barely managed to hold himself on the ground with Ten Directions Destruction before he could steady himself.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed for a while, and the blood he coughed up had frozen into ice particles while it was still in his throat, making his throat feel as if a razor blade had scraped it.

The cold air in his body has penetrated into his internal organs. In his current state, he may be able to feel one-tenth of Ye Xiu's usual pain.

He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead. Although he won this battle, Ling Feng undoubtedly paid a heavy price.

Fortunately, he had cultivated the Immortal Golden Body, otherwise, he might not have been able to hold on long ago.

"The winner of this battle is Ling Feng!"

The referee loudly announced the result of the game, and the audience in the audience reacted and let out a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

Ling Feng, win!

The great wizards and disciples of the Witch God Temple all felt like their eyes were filled with tears.

By winning this battle, Ling Feng has firmly secured the top three spots. Even if he loses to Wu Xuan in the end, he will still be in second place.

This is the best result achieved by the Temple of the Witch God in the past hundred years.

Wu Xuan's eyes flickered with light, his gaze fell on Ling Feng, and he burst out with awe-inspiring fighting intent.

It is true that Ling Feng is very strong, but he still has an invincible aura!

However, under the gaze of countless people, Ling Feng walked step by step towards Ye Xiu among the ruins with some difficulty.

Ye Xiu had fallen to the ground and could not move due to the backlash of cold air.

Although this cold air gave him extremely powerful strength, it may also be a huge burden for him.

He did not completely lose consciousness. He looked up at Ling Feng, a self-deprecating smile appearing on his pale face.

"After all...ahem...I still can't defeat Ling Feng, ha...ahem..."

Ling Feng did not speak, but squatted down beside Ye Xiu, and put his hand on his lower abdomen.

The vitality in his body began to circulate, and Ling Feng slightly closed his palms, absorbing the cold energy in Ye Xiu's body into his own body.

"Why are you?"

Ye Xiu's expression changed slightly, his pupils shrank slightly, and he glanced at Ling Feng in confusion.

"For some reasons, I don't want you to die here."

Ling Feng glanced at Ye Xiu. Because he had absorbed the cold air in Ye Xiu's body, his face became extremely pale, and his eyebrows and hair were covered with a thin layer of white frost.

"I hope you can tell me something."

Ling Feng let out a breath of cold air and couldn't help but shiver. He looked at Ye Xiu and said word by word: "After everything is over, I hope you can answer the doubts in my heart."

Ye Xiu was obviously stunned for a moment. After most of the cold poison accumulated in his dantian was absorbed by Ling Feng, his condition obviously improved and he was able to sit up on his own.

He clenched his fists and took a deep look at Ling Feng. After a long while, he nodded blankly.

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