Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2744 The outcome is decided! (1 update)


A loud noise erupted, and the entire square shook violently.

The golden dragon and the giant ape both hit the ground. The instant collision and the terrifying explosion caused the Tianhe Arena to shake and explode.

Countless bones all over Ling Feng's body were almost shattered.

But Ling Feng believed that Wu Xuan's situation at this moment must be even more tragic than his own.

The immortal golden body started to move, and its powerful recovery power allowed Ling Feng to recover several percent of his energy in an instant.

This is the power of the Immortal Golden Body. Unless someone has a power similar to that of Ye Xiu, who can make Ling Feng's Immortal Golden Body temporarily ineffective, as long as he cannot attack Ling Feng with one blow, Cause serious damage, otherwise, Ling Feng can basically return to his peak condition in a short period of time.

Although Wu Xuan's power was strong, to Ling Feng, he was far less threatening than Ye Xiu's sky-surveying power.

For Ling Feng, the outcome of this battle has been decided!


There was a loud noise, Wu Xuan Dragon's claws slapped on the ground, and its huge body rose into the sky again.

The golden dragon hovered in the air, letting out a fierce and painful roar.

Obviously, Ling Feng's blow just now made him suffer a lot.

Although Wu Xuan's recovery ability is equally powerful with the True Dragon Emperor Qi protecting his body, it is still inferior to Ling Feng's immortal golden body.

Both fists exploded on the chest, and the eyes of the giant ape transformed by Ling Feng became blood red. Under the influence of Shura Killing World, Ling Feng's violent energy was released without reservation.


His legs suddenly stepped on the ground, and the golden giant ape rose into the sky like a cannonball. He actually wanted to repeat his old trick and grab the golden dragon transformed by Wu Xuan again and kill him with a hug!

Wu Xuan had suffered a loss once, so he didn't dare to challenge Ling Feng again. Faced with Ling Feng's arrogant offensive, he still chose to retreat.

The golden dragon he transformed moved quickly in the air. It was as powerful as a swimming dragon. Although the golden dragon was more than ten feet long, it was not bulky and moved extremely quickly.

The giant ape jumped into the air and fell quickly!


There was a loud noise, and the giant ape's feet heavily stepped on the ground of Tianhe Arena, blasting towards Wu Xuan.

And at the same time as it flew out, Ling Feng's palm suddenly appeared with a flash of fire, destroying everything in all directions!

This is a huge sword that can destroy all directions. Matching Ling Feng's huge body, it is just a sword, which is seven to eight feet long!

Bang bang bang!

A normal battle is filled with a kind of wild and arrogant power, which is dizzying.

Everyone was dumbfounded, shocked again and again by this pure and ultimate power.

Is this a monster?

Witchcraft, sword skills, physical strength...

There are many methods, and every one of them can be used independently!

On the high platform, the Jidao Holy Emperor frowned deeply.

It was precisely because Wu Xuan gave Ling Feng enough rest time to restore him to his peak state that this situation resulted.

With his eyesight, he could not fail to see that Wu Xuan was already at a disadvantage!


The giant ape let out a roar, held the sword in his right hand, and slashed out blazing flames that filled the sky.

The Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique, Lihuo Sets the Sky ablaze!

The crimson sword light, with a trace of fire, spread out the space in front of it, seeming to burn everything.

However, this was just a feint, the real killing move was Ling Feng's shocking calamity!

Wu Xuan reacted very quickly. At the moment when Ling Feng's shocking power penetrated his spiritual sea, and with the power of his divine consciousness, you transformed into the shape of a true dragon, forming numerous barriers.

It's a pity that Ling Feng's fighting spirit has reached the level of a seven-color fighting spirit, while Wu Xuan, although he is also a genius among geniuses, is only at the level of a golden fighting spirit.

His figure trembled in the air, and within just a few breaths, Wu Xuan's spiritual sea had already been lost!

Although his reaction was quick, the moment Ling Feng's shocking calamity pierced his mind, his defeat was doomed.


Wu Xuan roared in pain, and the eyes of the golden dragon he transformed into were filled with blood. The golden dragon form could no longer be maintained.

The golden light quickly dissipated, and Wu Xuan returned to his normal form. He spit out a mouthful of blood and fell rapidly from the sky.


There was a loud noise, and a deep hole was made in the ground. Along with a burst of smoke and dust, Wu Xuan's figure did not appear again.

Wu Xuan has been defeated!


The great wizards and disciples of the Witch God Temple all couldn't believe their eyes.

Ling Feng actually won!

He defeated the legendary genius of the Yakuza Protoss and defeated the invincible myth!

Ling Feng, win!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The great wizard Brahma smiled from ear to ear, like a naughty boy, and almost fell off his seat with laughter.

People such as Murong Zijie, Jiang Yunfan and Han Lingxiang also almost jumped up with excitement, and some even had tears in their eyes.

There is still time for the Witch God Temple to win the championship again!

The elders of the Red Flame Divine Clan and the Qianyu Divine Clan also sighed, the geniuses in their clans were not unjustly defeated.


The Jidao Holy Emperor clenched his fists, and the expression on his face was gloomy and terrifying.

Wu Xuan was his son, and this battle represented not only Wu Xuan's personal battle, but also the honor of the Ji Dao Clan.

More than a hundred years ago, the Ji Dao God Clan had already stumbled, allowing Duan Lingtian from the Temple of the Witch God to win the championship. Unexpectedly, a hundred years later, the boat capsized again.

However, although he was extremely reluctant to see someone other than the Yakuza God Clan win the championship, the final result was unchangeable.

Under the public gaze, even if you don't want to, you can only admit it.

However, even if they are defeated by the Red Flame God Clan or the Qian Feather God Clan, they can still maintain a little face.

But in the end, it was the Temple of the Witch God that won the championship...

There is something unbalanced in my heart!

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