Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2745 Tianhe Pond! (2 updates)

On the stage.

Ling Feng released the incarnation of Chaos' real body and landed firmly on the ring.

It was not easy for him to win this battle.

Basically, he had to use all his means, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to defeat Wu Xuan.

"Prince Wu Xuan, I accept the concession."

Ling Feng reached out and pulled Wu Xuan up from the ruins.

His impression of Wu Xuan was pretty good and he was a respectable opponent.

If Wu Xuan hadn't been willing to wait for him to return to his peak condition, he might not have been able to win this battle.

After all, according to the rules of the game, both sides only have half an hour at most to recover before the start of a new round of competition.

Wu Xuan's current state looked very weak.

"Cough cough cough..."

Wu Xuan looked pale, took a deep look at Ling Feng, took a deep breath and said: "Brother Ling, one day, I will definitely defeat you!"

As he spoke, his body was still trembling slightly.

The injuries he suffered when he turned into a golden dragon were all transferred to his body one by one. In other words, he now has countless broken bones in his body.

Ling Feng smiled casually and said lightly: "No matter how many times, the result is still the same."

Wu Xuan took a deep look at Ling Feng, "Then, just wait!"

Two strong palms were held tightly together, and Ling Feng smiled faintly.

He admired Wu Xuan's personality of never giving up.

However, as long as the person who is defeated by his own hands loses once, he will never be able to surpass himself!

At this point, Tianhe's martial arts performance has come to an end.

However, it's not completely over yet.

Because there is another most important link in Tianhe's martial arts performance. Of course, it has nothing to do with most people.

Only the top three finishers are eligible to enter this stage.

That is, Tianhe Pond!

The final reward for Tianhe's martial arts performance, Tianhe Pond, is naturally not simple.

"This Tianhe martial arts performance ended successfully!"

The referee flew high into the sky and announced loudly: "The top three talents in this Tianhe martial arts performance are Ling Feng! Wu Xuan! And Ye Xiu!"

Among the top three players, there is only one among the gods!

Wu Xuan can be regarded as retaining the last dignity of the God Clan.

Because of this, the Jidao Holy Emperor was not too depressed. After all, the Scarlet Flame God Clan and the Qianyu God Clan did not even make it into the top three, so naturally they were not qualified to laugh at them.

"Next, I would like to invite His Majesty the Holy Emperor to speak!"

After the referee finished speaking, he saw the Jidao Holy Emperor standing up, his gaze sweeping over the entire field, and he said calmly: "First of all, I would like to congratulate the three young talents for winning the top three. According to Tianhe Yanwu According to the traditional rules, the three of you will have the opportunity to enter the Tianhe Pond to practice for three days."

"However, Tianhechi's performance is overbearing, and everyone suffered injuries during the competition. Therefore, the emperor decided to invite little friends Ling Feng and Ye Xiu to the palace as guests."

After a pause, the Jidao Holy Emperor continued: "After three days of rest, open the Tianhe Pond again!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ling Feng and Ye Xiu looked at each other and bowed to the Holy Emperor.

Entering the palace as a guest?

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, he really wanted it!

After the game, all the major forces returned.

Because both the Red Flame God Clan and the Qian Yu God Clan had their heads shaved, and none of them entered the top three, they left the Jidao Imperial City directly with their disciples after saying goodbye to the Jidao Holy Emperor.

As for the Witch God Temple, they stayed in the city and held a celebration banquet for Ling Feng.

It can be said that Ling Feng has earned enough face for the Temple of the Witch God this time. When he returns to the Temple of the Witch God, he will be rewarded based on his merits, and he will definitely receive a large reward.

At the celebration banquet, we drank for three rounds.

"Little guy, no wonder the high priest values ​​you so much. Now I understand!"

While the great wizard Brahma was toasting and drinking, he kept raising his hand and slapping Ling Feng on the shoulder, grinning from ear to ear with joy.

How many years have passed since the Witch God Temple, let alone the championship, has not even entered the top thirty!

But this time, he felt proud.

After being frustrated for so many years, it’s no wonder that Brahma, the great wizard, succeeded like this.

"I have to thank the high priest for his advice, otherwise I may not be able to win."

Ling Feng smiled modestly. Indeed, if he hadn't been summoned by the high priest, he wouldn't have had the chance to go to the temple. If he hadn't gone to the temple, he wouldn't have had the chance to receive the inheritance of the witch ancestors and learn the Zhoutian Chaos Formation and Zhoutian Chaos Sword. Got magical powers.

Although he is still unable to exert the full power of these two magical powers, it has undoubtedly laid the foundation for his growth.

"You don't have to be too modest."

The great wizard Brahma smiled and said: "This Tianhe Pond is a treasure. When Duan Lingtian came out of Tianhe Pond, he has greatly improved in all aspects. You must seize the opportunity."

"Thank you, great wizard, for reminding me."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, but he didn't hold out much hope.

My foundation is too deep, just like Tuoba Yan only took one Star Holy Spirit Pill, and he almost reached the edge of breakthrough very quickly, but he took ten times more, and barely managed to level up.

The further you go, the more terrifying the Star Holy Spirit Pill you need becomes. Therefore, Tianhechi's improvement to him should be relatively limited.

However, now that he can enter the palace, he has the opportunity to investigate some things about the Shenhuang Picture Book.

"Hey, this is a rare opportunity, so take advantage of it."

The great wizard Brahma smiled and continued: "After tonight, I will take the others back to the Temple of the Witch God. After you come out of Tianhe Pond, you can return to the temple by yourself. I will also take the others. This good news needs to be told to the high priest as soon as possible.”


Ling Feng nodded. If everything goes well, he might be able to take the Shenhuang Picture Book with him when he goes back.

The night is getting darker.

After the banquet, Ling Feng did not return to his residence to rest. Instead, he took advantage of the darkness and came to another inn.

The target he was looking for was none other than Ye Xiu.

In the Tianhe Arena, after Ling Feng defeated Ye Xiu, he decided to suck the cold air out of Ye Xiu's body regardless of getting injured. Naturally, his help was not in vain.

There are some questions that only Ye Xiu himself can answer for him.

The matter was related to the Xuntian clan, so even if he took some extraordinary measures, he had to find out everything.

Otherwise, my situation may be very dangerous.

Excluding the relationship between his mother, there is still an irresolvable hatred of genocide between the Xiantian clan and the Tiandao clan.

Ye Xiu possesses the power of Xuntian in his body. If there are other Xuntian clan behind him, then they must be a huge threat to him.

He must completely kill this threat before the other party discovers his identity.

The infinite vision unfolded and he accurately found Ye Xiu's location. With a flash of his figure, Ling Feng flew past like a night traveler and arrived at Ye Xiu's door.

Then, he gently knocked on Ye Xiu's door...

(PS: The stock is crashing, I feel hopeless, and I have no intention of typing. Please allow me to take a moment, hey...)

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