Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2748 True Spirit Academy! (1 update)

"Get away!"

The sound exploded like thunder on the ground, and the next moment, Ling Feng's figure flashed and appeared in front of Tuoba Yan.


With a scream like a slaughtered pig, the wrist of the leading man in rich clothes was pinched by Ling Feng, and with a click, he twisted it directly.

"Bastard, who are you!"

The man in the rich uniform was so painful that he almost shed tears. He grabbed his twisted wrist tightly and roared, glaring at Ling Feng angrily, wishing he could eat his flesh alive.

The bastards who were following him also surrounded Ling Feng one by one. One of them, a man who looked a little older, pointed at the bridge of Ling Feng's nose and cursed, "What a courageous bastard, you are What dares to hurt the Seventeenth Prince!"


However, it was Ling Feng's fist that answered him, an iron fist that shattered his fingers.

Another scream sounded like a slaughtering pig. Ling Feng didn't care who the other party was, he would beat him first!

"How's it going, Yan'er, are you okay?"

Ling Feng protected Tuoba Yan behind him and looked back at her. It was because he had not thought carefully. If he had known better, he would have let her return to the Temple of the Witch God first.

"I'm fine..."

Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth, and when he saw Ling Feng appear, a touching light flashed in his eyes, and then he lowered his head, "I'm sorry for causing trouble for you."

However, when she lowered her head, she felt secretly happy for no reason. It turned out that this wooden head also cared about her!

"What nonsense!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "As long as it's okay, let's go!"

"Want to leave!"

But it was the seventeenth prince who stared at Ling Feng with a ferocious expression, "You bastard, a lowly pariah, how dare you take action against this prince, I will make sure you die without a burial today!"

"Who do you want to die without a burial place, Seventeenth Brother?"

At this moment, a stern voice came. The Seventeenth Prince shrank his neck, turned around suddenly, saw Wu Xuan striding towards him, and quickly saluted him.

Although they are all princes, Wu Xuan is the crown prince, one of the holders of three crown prince orders, and is deeply favored by the Holy Emperor of Ji Dao, far beyond the comparison of other princes.

"Seven...seventh brother!"

When the seventeenth prince saw Wu Xuan's figure, he immediately felt like a wilted rubber ball. He no longer looked as domineering as before, "Seventh brother, you have to make the decision for me. This kid, as soon as he comes up, he can't help but say something." He broke my wrist and injured Wu Kuo. These heinous people should be held accountable!"

"That's enough, isn't it embarrassing enough?"

Wu Xuan glared at the seventeenth prince, "The prince has seen everything that happened just now. Do you still want a bad person to complain first? With Brother Ling's ability, he can kill you with one move. Just pinching off one of your wrists is enough. Show mercy!"

The seventeenth prince frowned, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, but he could only lower his head and said: "Yes, it's all my fault!"


Wu Xuan snorted softly and flicked his sleeves, "Why are you still standing here? Apologize to Brother Ling, and then go back to the True Spirit Academy and wait!"


The seventeenth prince gritted his teeth. Although he had a thousand reluctances, he still did not dare to disobey Wu Xuan. He could only apologize to Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan, and then left in despair with a bunch of losers.

"I'm sorry, Brother Ling, for making you laugh."

Wu Xuan smiled apologetically at Ling Feng. Within the royal family, there was always a mixture of good and bad, and there were quite a few dandies like the seventeenth prince.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small matter. But..."

Ling Feng frowned, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince asked them to go to the True Spirit Academy. Isn't that where we are going?"


Wu Xuan shook his head and laughed, "Seventeenth brother is also one of the royal family members participating in this exchange, but brother Ling can rest assured that I am here, so he will not dare to cause more trouble."

"hope so."

Ling Feng shrugged, but even if the seventeenth prince wanted to cause trouble, he would always accompany him.

He was still afraid of a mere dandy prince!

Not long after, under the leadership of Wu Xuan, a group of people arrived in front of a three-story hall. Here was the "True Spirit Academy" mentioned by Wu Xuan, and it was also the place where the Ji Dao God Clan kept their books.

All the scriptures and classics of the gods are included in it.

However, this time, only the first and second floors were open to Ling Feng and Ye Xiu.

Outside the True Spirit Academy, there were more than twenty royal family members waiting here, and the seventeenth prince was one of them.

Besides the seventeenth prince, there was actually a familiar face.

Wu Yue!

That Witch Clan princess, Wu Yue, was also one of the opponents that Ling Feng had defeated on the Tianhe Arena.

Moreover, Ling Feng still remembered that Princess Wuyue had repeatedly said that she wanted to look good.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly: With the dandy prince and the unruly princess, he was really in trouble today.

"Meet the Imperial Brother (His Royal Highness the Crown Prince)!"

Seeing Wu Xuan coming, these royal disciples saluted Wu Xuan one after another. Wu Xuan nodded slightly, then raised his hand and introduced to everyone: "I think everyone should know that the top three warriors in this Tianhe martial arts performance, even if they are not If you were to watch the battle in person, you should have heard that this is the genius who won the championship, Brother Ling Feng! "

"This is Brother Ye Xiu, he is also a powerful master!"

Wu Xuan's gaze swept over the entire audience and said with a solemn expression: "According to past practice, the top three geniuses will come here to communicate with my royal family's children and teach everyone some cultivation experience. I hope everyone will seize the opportunity!"


All the princes, princesses, or relatives of the emperor looked at Ling Feng and Ye Xiu.

Those who can perform in the top three of Trina's martial arts are naturally the masters among masters and the geniuses among geniuses.

Such a genius is certainly qualified to guide them.

"Humph, brother Wu Xuan praised them so much!"

Suddenly, a questioning voice sounded, and everyone looked around, but it was none other than the God Clan princess, Wu Yue.

Wu Yue first cast a threatening look at Ling Feng, then walked out of the crowd and snorted: "I don't believe it, they can do everything!"

"Xiaoyue! You! Don't mess around!"

Wu Xuan was speechless for a while. When dealing with other princes, he could kick him even if he said something inappropriate. However, Wu Yue was a little sister born from the same mother as him. How could he be willing to attack Wu Yue even if he spoke in a harsh tone? , for fear of scaring this baby.

"Who's messing around?"

Wu Yue pursed her lips, "I didn't do anything. We agreed to communicate and give guidance. Of course I want to confirm whether they are really qualified to give us guidance!"

"Sister Yue Huang is right!"

The seventeen princes immediately agreed, and then all the royal family members started booing, and the scene was once very chaotic.

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