Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2749 I want you! (2 updates)

"Seventeenth brother!"

Wu Xuan frowned deeply and glared fiercely at the seventeenth prince who was the first to make a fuss. He couldn't bear to glare at Wu Yue. The seventeenth prince naturally became a punching bag.

When Wu Xuan glared at him, the seventeenth prince shrank his neck and immediately shrank into the crowd.

Anyway, he has brought a wave of rhythm, and the situation is chaotic enough.

Wu Yue's weird temperament will definitely embarrass Ling Feng and make him unable to get off the stage.

"Okay Xiaoyue, don't mess around."

Wu Xuan walked up to Wu Yue and said, "On weekdays, you can do whatever you want, but Brother Ling and Brother Ye can't always come to our Jidao God Clan to exchange experiences. It's a rare opportunity, so don't waste it on everyone. time."

"Who said I was wasting time!"

Wu Yuefeng frowned, strode up to Ling Feng, raised her jade finger and pointed at Ling Feng, "This guy, if he can answer my question, I will be obedient and never mess around!"


Wu Xuan rolled his eyes and looked back at Ling Feng. It seemed that Wu Yue still resented Ling Feng's previous move that knocked her away from the ring.

This girl has been very strong since she was a child, so naturally she can't bear such grievances.

"Princess Wuyue, if you have any questions, just ask."

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, a mere yellow-haired girl could still stump him.


Wu Yue's face immediately showed a smile of success, she turned back to look at Wu Xuan and said loudly: "Brother Emperor, in the past exchange meetings, except for martial arts issues, there were no restrictions on other aspects, right? "


Wu Xuan took a deep look at Wu Yue and said, "In principle, there is no restriction, but..."

"That's good!"

Wu Yue immediately interrupted Wu Xuan's words and said with a smile: "Then I will test this Ling Feng Ling master about the alchemy method!"

"Dan Dao!"

Wu Xuan's expression suddenly changed, "Xiaoyue, what are you doing!"

"Huh, you didn't say that. There are no restrictions on anything!"

Wu Yue snorted softly.

For a moment, the whole audience began to whisper.

"Princess Wu Yue is really cunning. She is the most talented alchemy wizard in our Ji Dao Clan!"

"Haha, I'm afraid that kid is at his wits end now!"

"Hmph, just wait for that kid to make a fool of himself!"

The seventeenth prince was full of sinister and vicious intentions. Although breaking his wrist was not a serious injury, he really couldn't swallow this breath.

Wu Yue looked at Ling Feng with a proud look on her face, "What do you think, brat, are you scared? If you know you are scared, just obey me and give in. I, the princess, will never embarrass you!"


Ling Feng smiled and asked himself to test his alchemy skills?

This is like playing with the sword in front of the Sword Master and playing with the sword in front of the Sword Master. Thanks to Wu Yue, he is still complacent.


Ling Feng coughed lightly, suppressed his smile, and said calmly: "Okay, since the princess wants to test me, and I happen to know a little bit about alchemy, just ask the princess to ask questions."


Wu Yuefeng frowned and glared at Ling Feng and said: "I think you won't shed tears until you see the coffin, brat. If you can't answer my princess's question in a while, how dare you leave the palace and give up the opportunity to enter Tianhe Pond!"

"Xiaoyue!" Wu Xuan frowned, "You've gone too far!"

"Is it too much?"

Wu Yue pouted her lips and shrugged, "I didn't force him to agree."

"Since the princess has said so, well, if I can't answer the princess's question, I will leave the palace. But..."

Ling Feng glanced at Wu Yue, "What if I answer the question? I paid the price of Tianhe Pond, but I don't know what price the princess can pay!"


Wu Yue puffed up her chest and said, "If you can answer the question, I will take care of you. As long as this princess has it, I will never deny you anything you want!"

"That's what you said."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, pointed at Wu Yue and said with a smile, "I want you!"


Suddenly, there were gasps from the whole audience. Good guy, this guy is quite cowardly!

Tuoba Yan, who had been standing behind Ling Feng, bit his silver teeth when he heard these words, and couldn't help but reach out and pinch the soft flesh of Ling Feng's lower back.

Fortunately, Ling Feng had rough skin and thick flesh, otherwise he would have been pinched by her to bleed.


Wu Yue also frowned and glared at Ling Feng fiercely, "You brat, what did you say!"

"I want you to stay with me for a day!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly and continued: "Don't worry, I'm not doing anything else. I'm just asking Your Highness to take me around the palace."

"Humph!" Wu Yue snorted softly, a blush appeared on her pretty face, but she quickly straightened her face and said with a frosty look on her face: "You should answer my princess's question first."

"Hey hey hey..."

Wu Xuan obviously misunderstood and glanced at Ling Feng meaningfully, mistakenly thinking that Ling Feng was interested in his sister.

However, with a genius like Ling Feng, he is quite qualified to be his brother-in-law.

Of course, Ling Feng was not interested in Wu Yue, but he wanted to explore the situation in the entire palace, so it was always not good to wander around on his own.

Wu Xuan is the prince of the God Clan. Although he has a good relationship with him, he is quite shrewd and can easily see his plans.

As for this Wu Yue, it's different. She's unruly and willful, and she has no brains at first glance!

It is absolutely the most appropriate for her to be my guide.

However, Ling Feng was so frightened by Wu Xuan's uncle-in-law look at his brother-in-law that he didn't know the situation, so he thought he was interested in him...


Ling Feng coughed lightly, looked at Wu Yue, and said in a deep voice: "I wonder if Princess Wu Yue is on the alchemy path, do you have any doubts?"


Wu Yue put her hands on her hips. This time she had bet everything on herself, so she naturally had to be cautious.

After thinking for a moment, Wu Yue then grinned and said: "It will make your blind cat encounter a dead mouse, so just make an elixir!"

Wu Yue's eyebrows danced with excitement, "A few days ago, this princess received an incomplete recipe for a ninth-grade divine elixir. If you can complete the recipe and successfully refine the elixir, you will be considered successful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the royal family disciples immediately exploded.

"The difficulty of the ninth-grade divine elixir is too high!"

"To complete the elixir recipe and refine the elixir, this is simply an impossible task!"

"It's no longer possible. In my opinion, that kid should just give up. Otherwise, if he really has to give up on Tianhe Pond, then all the hard work he put into participating in Tianhe's martial arts performance will be in vain."


Hearing everyone's discussion, Wu Yue became even more proud, "You brat, now you know you're afraid, right?"

Ling Feng's face remained calm, and his heart showed no fluctuation. On the contrary, he still wanted to laugh a little.

This Princess Wuyue actually calls a ninth-grade elixir a divine elixir?

I have made several batches of the Immortal Pill, Star Holy Spirit Pill, and it’s only ninth grade!

Fortunately, he had some expectations for the difficulty of this question. Apparently, it was not difficult at all!

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