Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2758 Setting a record! (2 updates)

"Hey, it seems like there was some noise just now..."

The guard on the left frowned slightly.

"Don't be so nervous, it's just the wind."

The guard next to him leaned the weapon in his hand against the pillar next to him, and immediately began to lean in front of the door and take a nap. "I will rest for a while first. When I wake up, I will let you rest."

After the eldest prince entered the palace, he searched for a while and found a jade disk under the meditation cushion.

"The secret key to the True Dragon Cave!"

The eldest prince was secretly happy, he really couldn't find anything after wearing iron shoes, and it took no effort to get it.

As long as he has this secret key, he can successfully enter the True Dragon Cave and take out the treasure.

With the help of Wanling Palace, he can succeed as the clan leader as he wishes.

"Father, father, you have never looked at me since I was a child. You are too partial!"

The eldest prince held the secret key tightly and said bitterly: "But no matter what, I am the eldest son, I am the Ji Dao God Clan, and the only prince qualified to become the next Holy Emperor!"

Tianhe Pond.

Time passed bit by bit, and after Ye Xiu passed through the tribulation, another half an hour passed.

At this point, Ling Feng had been soaking in the pool for a full nine hours.

This is already the highest record left by all the predecessors of the Jidao God Clan.

"What kind of monster is this kid!"

"Oh my gosh, I heard that the longer you soak in Tianhe Pond, the higher the temperature you will feel, and the blood of the Life Dragon contained in the pond will also transform the human body and give people a sense of How did that guy hold back the huge pain, which was like peeling off skin and picking off bones?"

"Is he still human?"

A disciple of the Jidao Divine Clan was all dumbfounded.

A full nine hours!

Ling Feng has already broken the historical record.

The Jidao Holy Emperor sat upright, tapping the armrests of his seat with his fingers, secretly making up his mind to keep Ling Feng in the Jidao King City no matter what.

Although he tried his best to win over Duan Lingtian back then, Duan Lingtian's level of evil was still within the tolerance range.

But Ling Feng is already a completely different level of freak.

If such a person is allowed to work for the Temple of the Witch God, then in hundreds or thousands of years, won’t the Temple of the Witch God be on top of the Ji Dao God Clan?

Absolutely not!

Never let this happen!

At this moment, after hearing two "pops" and "pops", Ye Xiu and Wu Xuan also recovered and jumped into the Tianhe Pond again.

However, according to past situations, as the warrior jumps into the pool more times, the time to persist will only become shorter and shorter.

It is basically impossible to surpass the first data.

Therefore, the only suspense is how long Ling Feng can persist.

An hour passed...

Two hours passed...

One night passed.

At dawn the next day, Ye Xiu and Wu Xuan couldn't bear it anymore and left Tianhe Pond to rest several times, while Ling Feng stayed in the pond from beginning to end, motionless.

At this point, a full twelve hours have passed!

"How can this brat be so powerful?"

Wu Yue bit her delicate lips, but another voice came out in her heart: He is indeed the man I like!

However, as soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Wu Yue's face immediately turned crimson, almost bleeding.

"I wonder if this guy has been scalded. He hasn't moved for twelve hours. Isn't he already dead inside?"

"You are just dead. Didn't you see the aura on his body? He is still getting stronger!"

"I'm just saying casually, that guy is really a monster!"

"Absolute monster!"

Everyone was talking to each other, and all their attention was focused on Ling Feng.

After all, they had felt that Ling Feng was about to reach his limit several hours ago, but he had gritted his teeth and persisted until now.

In fact, no one knew how Ling Feng felt at this time.

It can be said that he is very uncomfortable now. Now, his body's endurance has reached the extreme. The reason why he can continue to support it is his extremely strong willpower and strong recovery ability.

The blood of the Life Dragon is indeed very domineering.

After transforming his Qi and blood, he even began to transform his flesh and blood!

It was a terrifying force that was close to splitting, completely breaking up every muscle, vein, and bone in Ling Feng's body and transforming it into tiny particles.

Then, under the restoration effect of the immortal golden body, it was reshaped.

In other words, Ling Feng is experiencing disintegration and then reshaping every minute and every second at this moment.

Disintegrate again!

Reshape again!

This kind of pain cannot be described in words.

But I have to say that this kind of transformation has a remarkable effect!

The amount of blood essence and blood imprinted with the mark of life in Ling Feng's body has reached about sixty drops!

There are still two days until Tianhe Pool is closed. Ling Feng believes that if he persists, he can get at least a hundred drops of blood essence and achieve rebirth with blood.

One hundred drops is a qualitative leap, which means that the level of the immortal golden body has reached a whole new level.

The realm of blood rebirth is also different.

For example, the most basic and simple blood rebirth, relying on a drop of blood to recover, not only takes a long time, it may take more than ten days or even several months, but also will fall into a long period of weakness after recovery.

After all, when a warrior is beaten by his opponent until his body and soul are completely destroyed, with only a drop of essence and blood left, in theory, he is already dead and cannot die anymore.

The method of rebirth by dripping blood is equivalent to leaving a trace of fire. It takes time to turn a fire into a blazing torch again.

But as the level of blood rebirth increases, not only the recovery speed is greatly increased, but the period of weakness is also greatly shortened.

One hundred drops of immortal blood means that Ling Feng has reborn the drops of blood and reached the second level of cultivation.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to get the opportunity to be transformed by the blood of the dragon. Therefore, Ling Feng does not want to waste any penny, and strives to regenerate the blood within these three days, and practice to Second level.

In order to achieve this goal, Ling Feng persisted hard, feeling that his whole body was burning from deep within his body, and even his consciousness was burning. It was as if he was in a raging fire. It was very uncomfortable, and his consciousness began to be a little dazed, but he still had to Hold on, keep gritting your teeth and holding on.

Time passed little by little, and the disciples of the God Clan who were watching hoped from the beginning that Ling Feng would not be able to bear it as soon as possible, and then they were infected by his perseverance.

They seemed to see how long Ling Feng could last and what a new record he could set.

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