Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2759 The Black Tribulation of Destruction! (3 updates)

Another day has passed!

Wu Xuan and Ye Xiu jumped out of the Tianhe Pool to rest more and more frequently, while Ling Feng still sat there, motionless.

Two days, twenty-four hours!

This is nearly three times the previous record!

Moreover, from Ling Feng's expression, he didn't seem to give up.

Although his facial features had almost shrunk into a ball due to the pain, and his body was trembling slightly in the pool, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Keep persisting.

Sunset, then sunrise!

This is the third day!

There are only a few hours left before the Tianhe Pool closes.

Wu Xuan and Ye Xiu have chosen to give up.

Although according to the regulations, they have three days to use the energy of the Tianhe Pool for baptism, but on this day, they have been unable to bear it for less than ten breaths after jumping in.

In this case, the spiritual power of the Tianhe Pool has little effect on them.

However, even so, Ye Xiu still broke through another realm during this period and reached the fifth level of the Ninth Transformation Realm.

Wu Xuan was originally the seventh level of the Ninth Transformation Realm. Although his cultivation level did not break through, he had already reached the peak of the seventh level, reaching a critical point.

As long as he retreated for a while, he would not be far away from breaking through the eighth level of the Ninth Transformation Realm.

In the entire Jidao God Clan, there are very few people who have reached the eighth level of the Ninth Transformation Realm.

As for the ninth level, there are even fewer.

Everyone knows that Wu Xuan is not weak, but it is a pity that he happened to meet a monster like Ling Feng.

Finally, it was dusk.

Tianhe Pool was about to close.

When the sun set and the afterglow fell on Ling Feng, he opened his eyes for the first time in three days.



For a while, dark clouds rolled and swept across the entire Jidao King City.

And the horror of this thunder was far above Ye Xiu!

"How can a mere fourth-turn tribulation thunder be so terrifying!"

The Jidao Saint Emperor's face changed slightly, and he looked up at the sky. Before the thunder came, a terrifying Nine-Sky Thunder Dragon had already appeared.

Generally speaking, the tribulation thunder that appeared in this kind of heaven and earth phenomenon is definitely extraordinary.

The Nine-Sky Thunder Dragon burst out with a rolling dragon power, and even the Jidao Saint Emperor felt a palpitation.

"Quick, elders, join forces to deploy defenses!"

The Jidao Saint Emperor roared, took out his tower-shaped magic weapon first, and directly summoned a ten-layer barrier, which was shaped like an inverted bowl, covering the entire Jidao Imperial City.

His protection range is not just the palace, but the entire imperial city.

Because Ling Feng's tribulation thunder, the momentum is more than ten times stronger than the power of Ye Xiu's two tribulation crossings before.

One by one, the elders of the God Clan also showed an extremely solemn look, and each used their magical powers to deploy a defensive barrier.

The Jidao Saint Emperor's worry was not without reason. The Jidao Imperial City was the foundation of the Jidao God Clan. If it was destroyed by Ling Feng's thunderbolt, it would be the Jidao God Clan that suffered the loss.

So, although they were reluctant, they could only help Ling Feng and overcome the tribulation together.


However, at this moment, a figure broke through the blood-colored water of the Tianhe Pond and soared directly into the sky.

Ling Feng actually broke out of the barrier protection of the Jidao Saint Emperor and the elders, and wanted to fight against the heavens with his own strength!

"Is that kid crazy?"

"He must be stupid. With the help of His Majesty the Saint Emperor, he can safely overcome the tribulation. He won't want to rely on his own strength to overcome such a terrible thunderbolt!"

The children of the Jidao God Clan were dumbfounded. Ling Feng was too straightforward.

He didn't want someone to help him, but had to resist it himself?


Amid the discussion of the crowd, the thunder had already erupted.

The Thunder Dragon Dharma Image hanging high above the nine heavens spewed out thunderbolts, which turned into black thunderbolts, extremely violent, and blasted towards Ling Feng.

"Meteoric Black Tribulation? That kid, is he envied by the heavens?"

The face of the Supreme Saint Emperor changed slightly. This was the treatment he had when he was promoted to the ninth level of the Nine Transformations!

The mere fourth transformation directly attracted the Meteoric Black Tribulation. I can't imagine what kind of terrible catastrophe Ling Feng will encounter after cultivating to the ninth transformation.

He naturally didn't know that Ling Feng had already attracted the Four Tribulations of Life and Death when he was breaking the Saint Tribulation!

Compared with the Four Tribulations of Life and Death, this Meteoric Black Tribulation is only a little more powerful than the Thunder Tribulation, and it is not as terrifying as the Great Tribulation of the Soul.

And if it was just the Thunder Tribulation, for Ling Feng.

No injury!

For Ling Feng, as long as there is no Great Tribulation of the Soul, the process of crossing the tribulation can be described in one word: Swallow!

So, in full view of the public, Ling Feng once again showed his true colors as a "Thunder Swallowing Maniac".


A black thunder exploded, and the Supreme Saint Emperor and the elders were all on high alert. Although the direct target of the thunder was Ling Feng, the aftermath of the thunder would inevitably affect the Supreme King City.

However, they only saw Ling Feng open his mouth, and then the terrible black thunder was swallowed by Ling Feng!

Just like eating a cake, he gulped and swallowed it into his stomach.

"What... what's going on?"

"Swallowed... swallowed?"

Everyone was stunned, their eyes almost popped out.

As for the elders, they were even more shocked. That was the black catastrophe of annihilation?

Under the Black Tribulation, countless saint-level experts were killed every year, and Ling Feng actually swallowed the Black Tribulation Thunder alive!


Immediately afterwards, the Nine Heavens Thunder Dragon Dharma Form seemed to have been provoked and started a new round of thunder offensive. This wave was more violent and more numerous.

The Jidao Holy Emperor once again set up the pagoda and was prepared for a terrifying impact.

However, high in the sky, Ling Feng opened his mouth and swallowed!

He swallowed it again!

The corners of the Jidao Holy Emperor's mouth twitched slightly, and he could hardly believe his eyes. He could not understand at all what was in Ling Feng's belly that could actually swallow the thunder!

And, come and swallow one!

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