Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2761: Some random mandarin ducks! (2 updates)


In an instant, Wu Yue's pretty face turned red, almost bleeding.

Could it be that my father has already seen...

Wu Yue bit her silver teeth and responded as softly as a mosquito, "My daughter knows..."


The Jidao Holy Emperor laughed loudly and cast an encouraging look at Wu Yue. Now he is hard and soft, and he is using all methods at both ends.

If this kid Ling Feng behaves well, he can naturally become the prince-consort of the Jidao God Clan and enjoy all the glory and wealth.

However, if he doesn't know what's going on, hum!

What the Ji Dao God Clan can’t get, the Witch God Temple, can’t even think about it!

Regardless of whether you are a descendant of the witch ancestor or the reincarnation of the witch ancestor, the only way to survive is to become a member of our Ji Dao God Clan.

On this point, the Jidao Holy Emperor had a tough attitude.

After all, Ling Feng has almost drained the spiritual energy in Tianhe Pond. I am afraid that during the next Tianhe martial arts performance, the spiritual spring in Tianhe Pond will be restored to at most 30% of its previous level.

After absorbing so many benefits from the Jidao God Clan and wiping them all away, you just want to pat your butt and leave?

How could anything be so cheap!

So, under the arrangement of the Jidao Holy Emperor, the third prince and the little princess of the God Clan actually "escorted" Ling Feng together. What an honor it was.

As for Ye Xiu, it was just incidental.

Of course, Ye Xiu is indeed a talent. If he can stay, the Jidao Holy Emperor will naturally welcome him very much.

But seeing how sick he looked, the Jidao Holy Emperor did not dare to let a woman from his clan marry him. Otherwise, it would be bad if the offspring he gave birth to were like him.

After leaving Tianhe Pond, Ling Feng had been secretly paying attention to Ye Xiu.

According to the agreement between him and the eldest prince, I'm afraid they will take action tonight.

"What are you thinking about?"

At this moment, Wu Xuan suddenly touched Ling Feng lightly with his elbow. Ling Feng came back to his senses, shook his head and smiled: "It's nothing, just some cultivation matters."


Wu Xuan's eyes widened and he looked at Ling Feng carefully, "I really don't know what kind of skills you practice. The blood of the Life Dragon is so overbearing. You can actually withstand it for three days and three nights!"

Hearing this question, Ye Xiu and Wu Yue also looked at Ling Feng curiously.

"It's just that I happened to practice some body tempering techniques."

Ling Feng replied with a smile.

"What body-tempering technique is so powerful?"

Wu Xuan blurted out, but the next moment he realized that what he said was inappropriate, and quickly said: "I'm just curious, nothing else."

"It doesn't matter."

Ling Feng glanced at Wu Xuan and still trusted him, "My technique is called the Immortal Golden Body, so although the life dragon's blood is very domineering and even destroyed my body in the later period, it is not Destruction of the golden body allows me to recover quickly after the body is destroyed."

Ling Feng only told part of it. He didn't lie or deceive, but he didn't tell the truth either.

Although Wu Xuan is not the kind of person with evil intentions, it is inevitable that there are ears across the wall.

"I see."

Wu Xuan nodded, knowing that Ling Feng had not revealed everything, but he did not ask further.

Being able to reach this level is already considered a face-saving measure.


Wu Xuan seemed to have remembered something, grinned again, and said with a rather ambiguous expression: "It can be seen that my father intends to bring you and Xiaoyue together. Brother Ling, oh no, should I change my name to your brother-in-law in advance? "

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng almost coughed up a mouthful of old blood. Originally, because of Wu Yue's "sneak kiss", just walking with Wu Yue like this made the atmosphere seem confusing and awkward.

Wu Xuan's further failure pushed the awkward atmosphere to the extreme.

"Brother Royal!"

Wu Yue glared at Wu Xuan fiercely, blushed and said, "What are you talking about!"


Wu Xuan narrowed his eyes and smiled, then pretended to be serious and said: "I'm just telling the truth. Why, Xiaoyue, you don't like Brother Ling? If you don't like it, Brother Huang respects you. I mean, let’s go to the emperor and argue with him, and we will never let him mess with things!”


Wu Yue quickly grabbed Wu Xuan's arm, her pretty face turned red, "Who... who wants you to mind your own business!"


Wu Xuan couldn't help laughing anymore, and even Ye Xiu couldn't help but smile knowingly. He only laughed a few times, but then coughed again.

"After all, I am not from the same world as them..."

Ye Xiu clenched his fists and his expression became a little colder.

"Brother Ling, do you understand what this girl is thinking now?"

Wu Xuan turned to look at Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "How about it, should I change my words?"

Ling Feng had one head and two heads. It turned out that Wu Yue secretly kissed her that day. Is this what he meant?

Didn’t she always hate herself the most, and she kept saying that she wanted to look good!

What are you doing, you suddenly like yourself again?

Ling Feng suddenly showed an embarrassed look, "Um, Prince Wu Xuan, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what?"

Wu Xuan's face changed slightly, revealing an unhappy look.

Wu Yue also stretched out her ears. After all, love is a matter of mutual pleasure. If it is just wishful thinking, it will be in vain.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed softly, how could he say that a woman's heart is as deep as the bottom of her heart? He was clearly against Wu Yue in everything, how could she like him just like this?

As soon as these words came out, Wu Yue felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His whole body went limp and he almost collapsed on the ground.

Wu Xuan quickly stepped forward to support Wu Yue and stared at Ling Feng with a frown, "Brother Ling, what do you mean? Do you think Xiaoyue is not good enough for you? Or do you think Xiaoyue is not pretty enough?"

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that."

Ling Feng hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Princess, the beauty of the country is heavenly, and she is a princess and has a respected status. How can she not be worthy of me? It's me who is not worthy of her!"

"Brother Ling, you don't have to belittle yourself. You are deeply appreciated by my father, and my father intends to bring you and Xiaoyue together. There is no question of whether you are worthy or not."

Wu Xuan said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, you are worrying too much."


Ling Feng's head went dark. Is this guy really upright or just pretending to be upright? Couldn't he tell that he was making excuses?

"Okay, Brother Ling, you are not yet married, and Xiaoyue is the one waiting to be married. You two are talented and beautiful, a match made in heaven."

Wu Xuan smiled and said: "Furthermore, if you marry Xiaoyue, you will be the consort of our Ji Dao God Clan. You will have all kinds of cultivation materials, and you will only gain a hundred benefits and no harm!"


Ling Feng was troubled for a while, and just walked to the door of the east chamber. He saw Tuoba Yan coming towards him from a distance, and immediately pointed at Tuoba Yan and said: "Yes, that's the problem! Your Highness, in fact, I have been married for a long time!"

"What did you say?"

Wu Xuan was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Brother Ling, this joke is not funny!"

"Isn't the important matter of marriage a child's play?"

Ling Feng remembered that when he was in Miluo Continent, in order to reject the fourth prince of the Kongming Divine Clan, Yu Junyao also acted out a play on himself, and finally solved the problem.


This is the only way!

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