Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2762 You can only be small! (3 updates)

"Isn't the important matter of marriage a child's play?"

Ling Feng quickly walked up to Tuoba Yan, hugged Tuoba Yan's waist, and kissed her gently on the forehead, "Prince Wu Xuan, you saw it, Yan'er, actually It’s the one I haven’t met yet, my wife!”


Wu Xuan's eyelids twitched, he never expected that Ling Feng would do something like this.

And Tuoba Yan was completely stupid.

what's the situation?

That idiot, did he suddenly kiss me?

Has he already understood what he meant?

She just leaned into Ling Feng's arms and was stunned for a long time. However, when he heard the conversation between Ling Feng and Wu Xuan, he finally realized it.

Well, it turns out this guy is using himself as a shield!


However, Tuoba Yan surprisingly did not struggle.

Although this was not Ling Feng's original intention, this was the first time that Ling Feng hugged her after she had been by Ling Feng's side for so many years!

Wu Yue was completely confused. It turned out that Ling Feng actually had a wife!

"you you……"

Tears flashed in Wu Yue's eyes, she covered her face and was about to run away, she didn't want to see Ling Feng again.

"Xiaoyue'er, don't be anxious."

Wu Xuan took a deep breath and comforted softly: "It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Besides, that woman is just a little maid, how can she be compared with you."

"Your Highness, Yan'er is not a maid, she is just talking to outsiders."

Ling Feng said sternly: "She is my unmarried wife. Even if His Majesty the Holy Emperor insists on forcing me to marry Princess Wuyue, I can marry her, but she can only be the younger one!"


Wu Xuan was completely at a loss. How could a majestic princess of the Ji Dao God Clan marry someone else as a concubine?

I'm afraid this will bring shame to the Ji Dao God Clan!

Even if the Jidao Holy Emperor desperately wanted to win over Ling Feng, he would never agree to such an unreasonable request.

"Princess Wu Yue, I fell in love with you by the wrong person. It's true that my heart already belongs to you. I'm sorry."

Ling Feng bowed to Wu Yue and glanced at Wu Xuan again, "Prince Wu Xuan, you don't want to force others to do anything, right?"


Wu Xuan sighed, "You have already mentioned this, what else can I say?"

Wu Xuan patted Wu Yue's shoulder lightly and said, "Xiao Yue'er, you really can't force matters of love."

Wu Yue slapped Wu Xuan's palm away, covered her face and ran away crying.


Wu Xuan called out, and when he saw Wu Yue running away, he quickly said goodbye to Ling Feng and Ye Xiu, and quickly chased after them.

This girl is too stubborn. If she makes a fool of herself, she will inevitably do something stupid.


Ling Feng sighed softly, looked at Ye Xiu, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Make Brother Ye laugh."


Ye Xiu shook his head, "This is why Brother Ling Feng is so charming. Like me...hehe, who would like a sick guy like me?"

Ye Xiu laughed to himself and returned to his west wing.

After everyone left, Ling Feng quickly let go of Tuoba Yan's waist and apologized to her again and again: "Sorry, sorry, Yan'er, the situation is urgent, I just..."

"I know!"

Tuoba Yan glared at Ling Feng angrily, turned around and walked into the yard.


Ling Feng was slightly startled, "Yan'er, aren't you angry? If you are angry, just scold me a few times or hit me a few times!"

Tuoba Yan rolled his eyes, "You are just acting, why should I be angry?"

"But I offended you. Just now, I kissed you..."

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head and murmured in a low voice: "Last time, Princess Wuyue kissed me out of nowhere. I thought she wanted to do something! She kept me confused for a long time!"


Tuoba Yan originally had an indifferent face, but when he heard the kiss between Wu Yue and Ling Feng, he immediately flew up and kicked Ling Feng.

Ling Feng completely let go of his defense and allowed Tuoba Yan to kick him away. He fell to the ground and rolled around. Then he got up and said with a smile: "Okay, we are even! I will kiss you." Just give me a kick, and don’t use this to scold me next time!”

"You guy!"

Tuoba Yan almost laughed out loud at Ling Feng, the idiot was still the same idiot!

However, no matter who you are, you just like this idiot!

"What? Want Xiaoyue to be his concubine? Bastard!"

There was a loud bang, and a rosewood table was immediately turned into powder.

The Jidao Holy Emperor's complexion was ashen, and his face was filled with uncertainty.

"Father, it seems that Ling Feng and his wife have a very good relationship. The two have become inseparable. It seems that he does not have that kind of interest in Xiaoyue. It's better to let this matter go."

Wu Xuan advised in a deep voice: "Even if you force Yue'er to marry Ling Feng, there will be no good results."

The Jidao Holy Emperor frowned, "To put it lightly, that boy is probably the reincarnation of the Witch God. Just put him back in the Witch God Temple. In another hundred years, the Southern Witch Territory will still have a foothold for our Jidao God Clan." Land?"

"As long as you make good friends with him..."

Wu Xuan was mid-sentence when he was interrupted by the Jidao Holy Emperor, "You bastard, how noble is my bloodline of the Gods, why do I have to surrender to those untouchables? How do you want me to face my ancestors of the Jidao Gods?"

"No matter what, if that kid can't be used by me, then..."

The Jidao Holy Emperor took a deep breath, made a gesture of wiping his neck, and then glared at Wu Xuan, "You don't need to get involved at this time. I know that you think it is too despicable to do this for your father, and it will only lead to great things." , Don’t stick to trivial matters! If you dare to leak any information, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”


Wu Xuan wanted to persuade the Jidao Holy Emperor again, but he saw the Jidao Holy Emperor turned around and said in a cold voice: "Elder Qi Niu, please keep the third prince in confinement for ten days. Within ten days, he is not allowed to be released." Release it, otherwise, you are the only one asking!"


An old man floated out of the shadows and clasped Wu Xuan's shoulders. The next moment, the void fluctuated and Wu Xuan had disappeared into the room.

"Hmph! Ten days!"

The Holy Emperor of Jidao stood with his hands behind his back and said coldly: "Ling Feng, Ling Feng, either you behave well and learn how to behave, or you can just settle down and be a dead man. Hum!"

Little did she know that outside the main hall, a figure was crouching in front of the window, and all the conversation between the Holy Emperor and Wu Xuan fell into her ears.

But this person was Princess Wu Yue who was in extreme pain and wanted to find relief from the Holy Emperor of the Jidao.

Although she was very angry at Ling Feng's ruthlessness, she never thought about letting Ling Feng die!

She covered her mouth tightly to hide her breath, immediately left the palace of the Jidao Holy Emperor, ran quickly, and rushed to the east wing where Ling Feng lived.

No matter what, Ling Feng must be reminded, otherwise, he may be assassinated.

Although the Jidao Holy Emperor is usually a kind father and wise master, he undoubtedly also has a ruthless side. Since he has decided to deal with Ling Feng, Ling Feng must be in a very serious situation if he continues to stay in the palace. Danger.

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