Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2763 My husband! (1 update)

As the night deepened, the palace was still brightly lit.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Wu Yue hurriedly knocked on the door of the east wing. She had to tell her father as soon as possible that he was going to deal with Ling Feng, otherwise, when the Jidao Saint Emperor made his move, it would be too late.

However, it was not Ling Feng who came to open the door, but the woman whom Ling Feng called "fiancée".

Wu Yue's face sank, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Where is he?"

Tuoba Yan naturally recognized Wu Yue at a glance. She ran away angrily during the day, but why did she come to the door again now?

Could it be that this woman has not given up on Ling Feng?

Thinking of this, Tuoba Yan frowned and said in a deep voice: "It's so late, my husband is naturally resting. If your highness has anything to do, please come early tomorrow."


Hearing that Tuoba Yan actually called Ling Feng "husband", Wu Yue's heart was sour again, but she knew that now was not the time to lose her temper.

"Call Ling Feng out quickly, I have something to say to him!"

Tuoba Yan had no intention of taking action, but shook her head and smiled: "Your Highness, you met with my husband in private late at night. If it gets out, it will be bad for your reputation, right?"


Wu Yue was so angry that her face turned red, and she could only grit her teeth and said: "If you don't want Ling Feng to die, call him out quickly!"


Tuoba Yan saw Wu Yue's anxious face and realized the seriousness of the problem. She frowned and asked quickly: "What's going on?"

"I must tell him in person!"

Wu Yue clenched her fists, "So, I don't care who you are to Ling Feng, I must see him tonight!"

This time it was Tuoba Yan's turn to be in trouble.

Because Ling Feng was not in the east wing at all.

"He..." Tuoba Yan thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Princess, Ling Feng... He is not very convenient now. He has been in seclusion since he came back. Why don't you wait here for a while? Maybe he will soon... um, come out of seclusion." "Seclusion..." Wu Yue gritted her teeth. Indeed, Ling Feng had just come out of Tianhe Pond and had just broken through. It would take time for him to be in seclusion for a while. It is indeed not appropriate to be disturbed during this time. But now, the situation is urgent. After thinking about it, Wu Yue had to wait again. Anyway, the Supreme Saint Emperor finally decided to give Ling Feng ten days, and he should not act so quickly. So, the two women were in the lobby, staring at each other, and the atmosphere became extremely weird and awkward for a while. ... And Ling Feng himself was indeed not in the east wing. In his infinite vision, as soon as he noticed Ye Xiu leaving his room, he followed him out. Because of the improvement of his cultivation and the thorough transformation of Ling Feng by the Blood of the Life Dragon, Ling Feng was confident enough to completely hide his breath.

At least, Ye Xiu could not find him.

Like last time, Ye Xiu put on the ghost mask again. It seemed that as long as he put on the mask, his coughing symptoms would be alleviated a lot.

He only had some shortness of breath occasionally.

After a while, Ling Feng followed Ye Xiu to the familiar pavilion.

Ling Feng hid in the dark, quietly waiting for the transaction to begin.

What kind of transaction existed between the eldest prince and Ye Xiu, the son of the Hall of All Spirits?

Ling Feng was very curious about this.

In the rockery forest, the eldest prince stood with his hands behind his back in front of the pavilion, as if he had been waiting here for a long time.

"Your Highness, you are a punctual person, not a moment more, not a moment less."

Sensing the movement behind him, the eldest prince turned around with a faint smile on his face.

Obviously, he has succeeded.

"It seems that His Royal Highness has succeeded."

Ye Xiu's business was cold and indifferent. Because of the ghost mask, no expression could be seen clearly.

He just showed a pair of cold and sharp eyes and stared at the eldest prince.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank that guy named Ling Feng. He successfully attracted everyone's attention."

The eldest prince laughed loudly and took out a soul ring from his arms. "The things you Wanling Hall want are in it. This prince hopes that within three months, I will never see my two outstanding brothers again!"

Ye Xiu nodded indifferently, just stretched out his palm and said lightly: "As long as it is confirmed that this thing is the God of Desolation Atlas, His Royal Highness's wish will surely come true."

God of Desolation Atlas!

Ling Feng, who was hiding in the dark, almost jumped up when he heard it.

It's really hard to find it, but it comes without any effort!

It turns out that the thing traded between Ye Xiu and the eldest prince is the God of Desolation Atlas?

That is to say, not only the Wushen Temple, but even the Wanling Temple has been looking for the Shenhuang Atlas!

For a moment, Ling Feng's mind was full of thoughts, and some details that he couldn't figure out before seemed to be cleared up all of a sudden.

"Don't worry, this thing was taken out from the True Dragon Cave by this prince with great effort, and it is definitely a real thing."

The eldest prince pondered for a moment before saying, "Speaking of which, that heavy stone slab is said to contain some immortal fate, but my Jidao God Clan has obtained this thing for thousands of years, and I can't comprehend anything from it. Even if Brother Shengzi gets this thing, I'm afraid he will be disappointed."

"Whether I'm disappointed or not is none of my business."

Ye Xiu said expressionlessly: "My mission is just to bring it back."

"for you!"

The eldest prince casually threw the Naling Ring to Ye Xiu. The Shenhuang Picture Book was too bulky, and throwing this object into the Naling Ring also consumed a lot of energy from the eldest prince.

That's why he didn't bother to repeat it again, and once the Shenhuang Picture Book was taken out, it would inevitably cause quite a shock, and might even alarm others.

Ye Xiu took the ring, opened the Naling Ring and examined it for a moment, then nodded.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Ye Xiu glanced at the eldest prince and said, "Within three months, the pills His Highness needs, as well as the other two princes, will definitely disappear before your eyes."

"very good."

The eldest prince grinned, as if he had already seen the day when he would rule the world.

"Within three days, I will leave Jidao King City with an excuse and say goodbye!"

Ye Xiu bowed to the eldest prince, and his figure flew out, turning into a shadow in the night sky and disappearing in an instant.

Not long after, the eldest prince also left with satisfaction.

This was not the first transaction between him and Wanlingdian, so he did not doubt whether Wanlingdian would accept money and not do anything.

After all, if he becomes the leader of the Ji Dao God Clan, it will be of great benefit to the Hall of All Souls without any harm.

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