Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2765 Branded Blood! (3 updates)

Early the next morning.

Ling Feng woke up from his meditation and breath adjustment as usual, and then went to the courtyard to practice swordsmanship.

However, in Ling Feng's infinite vision, he could see that many hidden sentries had been set up around the east chamber.

These secret sentries monitored the entire east chamber.

"What a Jidao Holy Emperor, he strikes quickly enough."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, but there was no reaction. He just did what he had to do as usual.

These secret sentries can keep an eye on others, but can they also keep an eye on me, Ling Feng?

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Whether it was the Great Creation Technique or the Essence and Blood Copying Technique of the Void Witch Spirit Yorick, he could create a replica that was exactly the same as his own.

Are these people still trying to keep an eye on me?


After practicing the Xuantian Poyun Sword once, Ling Feng also reviewed the various changes in the strength attributes he learned from the Valley of the Evil.

With the breakthrough of the Dragon Elephant Tyrant Body Technique again, after Ling Feng's physical strength reached the power of a thousand dragons, what he learned from the Valley of the Evil has become the most convenient and most powerful method that Ling Feng currently uses.

Just like the "Farmer's Three Fists" learned from the Blood Demon Shou, and the "Shura Tianqie" learned from the Shura Cooking Saint...

These methods, combined with the power of thousands of dragons, can be summed up in two words: brutal!

Ling Feng deliberately pretended not to notice the whistles at all. After practicing his martial arts, he went to the west wing opposite to find Ye Xiu.

"Brother Ling Feng, morning!"

Ye Xiu, as always, gave people an innocent, boy-next-door feeling, which was completely different from when he had a secret meeting with the eldest prince last night.

I have to say that Ye Xiu's secrets were indeed deep enough that he almost deceived Ling Feng.


Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Ye Xiu's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, it's early too. How are you? When are you going to leave?"

"I'm not in a hurry."

Ye Xiu chuckled and said: "Brother Ling Feng, I can see that His Majesty the Holy Emperor of the Jida doesn't really want you to leave. And Princess Wu Yue also favors you. Cough cough cough …”

After a few words, Ye Xiu turned the topic to Ling Feng.

"This person is so good, but sometimes he is in trouble."

Ling Feng chatted with Ye Xiu for a while, and then said goodbye to Ye Xiu, leaving him confused for a while.

The days of staying in the palace are destined to be difficult.

In order to win over Ling Feng, the Jidao Holy Emperor invited Ling Feng to come whenever he had nothing to do, and deliberately created opportunities for Ling Feng and Wu Yue to be together. In addition, he often made various promises to Ling Feng, promising that as long as he clicked He is so tall that in the future he will definitely become one person lower than one person and higher than ten thousand people among the Ji Dao God Clan.

This means that, apart from the next Jidao Holy Emperor, Ling Feng is the number one person.

However, Ling Feng would naturally not be impressed by these things. Every time the Jidao Holy Emperor tried to persuade him, Ling Feng just smiled and said that he needed more time to think.

After repeated attempts several times, Ling Feng could feel that the Jidao Holy Emperor was becoming increasingly impatient.

"Why don't you leave yet!"

Taking advantage of an opportunity to be alone together, Wu Yue couldn't help but frown and question Ling Feng, "Didn't I warn you a long time ago?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said, "Your father keeps a close eye on you, so you really can't find a chance."

Wu Yue gritted her silver teeth and said, "Otherwise, let me help you."

Wu Yue took a deep look at Ling Feng and said, "If I propose to take you out of the palace, others will not doubt me."

"However, Yan'er will definitely be detained in the palace for some reason and will not be able to leave."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. During the previous luncheon, he had sensed the threat from the tone of the Jidao Holy Emperor.

Since Ling Feng has been using the excuse that he has a wife, then all he needs to do is kill this wife, then not all problems will be solved.

With the style of the Jidao Holy Emperor, he could do such a thing.

Therefore, if Ling Feng leaves the palace alone, Tuoba Yan will be in danger.

"For that woman again."

Wu Yue bit her lip, "Is she more important, or is your life more important?"

"I can't answer this question for you, but..."

Ling Feng looked at Wu Yue, thought very seriously for a moment, and then said slowly: "But no matter what happens, I will never abandon her!"

Not only Tuoba Yan, but also other companions, such as Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan, Duanmu Qingshan, Yan Cangtian and the elders from the Valley of the Evil...

Ling Feng cherishes every friend and companion around him.

"I really envy her..."

Wu Yue bit her silver teeth, her big bright eyes flashing with envy.

"The same goes for you."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "Thank you for reminding me that day. I only thought you were a unruly and willful little princess. It turns out that I was wrong. You are a very kind and good girl."


Wu Yue's beautiful eyes were fixed on Ling Feng.

"So, I will treat you as a good friend!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Wu Yue's shoulder, and said with a smile: "If you encounter any problems in the future that cannot be solved, or are in any danger, you can come to me."

"Looking for you? How to find you?"

Wu Yue gritted her silver teeth and said, "After you leave, the world will be vast, where will I find you?"


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. He originally just said this casually and did not expect that Wu Yue would really come to him. But now that he has said it, Ling Feng gritted his teeth and took a drop of blood from his finger. Forced out.

"This is a drop of my branded blood. Once I sense you are in danger, no matter where I am, I will definitely come over."

Ling Feng had a serious look on his face. He only had a hundred drops of this branded blood. If he took out one drop, he would lose one drop.

As he spoke, Ling Feng injected this drop of ruby-like branded blood from Wu Yue's brow into Wu Yue's spiritual sea, and a subtle connection was formed between the two.

This can be regarded as a kind of compensation for Ling Feng's deep affection for Wu Yue.

Of course, Ling Feng still hopes that this drop of branded blood will never have any effect.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the third day arrived.

On this day, Ye Xiu took the initiative to find the Jidao Holy Emperor and bid farewell to him. Although the Jidao Holy Emperor stayed with him for a few words, he finally allowed Ye Xiu to leave.

The leader of the clan was so busy trying to keep Ling Feng that he didn't realize that the person he let go was about to take away a piece of the Divine Desolate Picture Book.

Ling Feng took a deep look at Ye Xiu. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. Since Ye Xiu was leaving, it was time for him to take action.

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