Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2766 Believe unconditionally! (1 update)

"Brother Lingfeng, Miss Tuoba, goodbye!"

Before the east wing, Ye Xiu said goodbye to Lingfeng and Tuoba Yan. He had received the pass from the Supreme Saint Emperor and could leave the imperial city today.

"Brother Ye, see you later."

Lingfeng smiled faintly and thought to himself: And it won't be too long.

"See you later, cough cough cough..."

Ye Xiu coughed a few times, looked at Lingfeng deeply, thought about it, and lowered his voice and whispered, "Be careful of the Supreme Saint Emperor!"

Lingfeng looked up at Ye Xiu. This Ye Xiu might not be too bad.

At least, in addition to hiding his identity from him, he had not done anything to hurt him.

If it weren't for the opposing positions, Lingfeng would not be willing to be an enemy of Ye Xiu.

But no matter what, he must take the Divine Wilderness Atlas.

And Wu Xuan, although the friendship between Lingfeng and Wu Xuan is not that deep, Lingfeng can't stand by and watch Wu Xuan being plotted against by the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall.

"I know." Ling Feng nodded and looked at Ye Xiu meaningfully. If he wasn't the son of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall, it would be fine. Perhaps I could become friends with him! A true friend! "Haha, with your intelligence, Brother Ling Feng, I'm probably talking too much, ahem..." Ye Xiu laughed at himself, clasped his fists to Ling Feng again, and then turned and left. Ling Feng stood in front of the door to see him off, until Ye Xiu's figure gradually disappeared from his sight, then he turned and walked into the east wing. ... The night deepened. "Yan'er, come with me." That night, Ling Feng took Tuoba Yan's arm for the first time and rushed directly into the bedroom. Tuoba Yan was confused for a while, and seeing Ling Feng's impatient look, he couldn't help but wonder: "Ling Feng, what are you going to do?" "You'll know in a while." Ling Feng closed all the doors, and sure enough, in the infinite vision, those hidden sentries in the dark saw Ling Feng closing the door, and all became alert. They didn't dare to release their spiritual power to observe the situation in the room, but they kept a close eye on all the exits.

As long as there was the slightest movement, they would not be able to hide it from their eyes and ears.

If Ling Feng wanted to break out by force, it would be just right, and it would give the Supreme Saint Emperor a legitimate reason to kill him.

That is, Ling Feng took the initiative to attack the imperial guards, and was regarded as a rebel, and he would be killed without mercy.

Such a fair reason, even the Wushen Temple had nothing to say.

After closing the door, Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and with a thought, a second Ling Feng appeared in the room, exactly the same as Ling Feng's original body.

This was the fake Ling Feng that Ling Feng created directly with the Great Creation Technique.

Then, Ling Feng grabbed Tuoba Yan's palm again and said in a gentle voice: "Yan'er, you will bleed in a while, just bear with it." (PS: I suspect you are driving!)


Tuoba Yan was slightly stunned, and before he could react, Ling Feng pierced the tip of his index finger with a golden needle.

"Ouch..." As the saying goes, ten fingers are connected to the heart, Tuoba Yan couldn't help but scream out in pain, but quickly suppressed it, so the sound seemed a little low. "Shh..." Ling Feng made a silent gesture and said in a deep voice: "No matter what you see later, don't be too surprised, and don't make any sound." Tuoba Yan bit her lips, glared at Ling Feng unhappily, and retracted her palm. So, it was bleeding like this! Ling Feng smiled apologetically, and then, his eyes flashed with purple light, and the void in front of him cracked. From the void, a void life that looked extremely hideous and terrifying emerged. Void witch spirit, Yorick! Tuoba Yan's eyelids jumped, and she quickly covered her mouth. Even for her, although she had been with Ling Feng for a long time, it was the first time she saw Ling Feng directly summon a void life. Although she wanted to scream, she still suppressed it. Because Ling Feng had explained it before, she had already made psychological preparations in advance, and she could still bear it. However, she still looked at Ling Feng with a puzzled look, and whispered: "Ling Feng, what is this?"

"Void life."

Ling Feng shrugged and said lightly.

"Void life, that's not..."

Tuoba Yan's eyes flashed with a trace of shock, "Demon... Demon..."

"You want to say, demon clan?"

Ling Feng shook his head, "I'm not a demon clan, but by chance, I have mastered the ability to summon void life."

Tuoba Yan gritted her teeth, looked at Ling Feng deeply, and nodded heavily.

No matter what, she would believe Ling Feng unconditionally.

Because, her life was saved by Ling Feng.

"In this world, you are probably the only one who believes me like this."

Ling Feng smiled lightly. If this ability was exposed to other people, they would probably think that he was a demon clan.

"Take it."

Ling Feng looked at Yorick and sent a drop of Tuoba Yan's blood that he had just collected to Yorick.

A faint light flashed in Yorick's empty eyes, and then he nodded, "Yes, Master."

Then, Yorick directly used this drop of blood to copy a replica that was exactly the same as Tuoba Yan.

Tuoba Yan widened his eyes and looked at the other self who appeared, and he couldn't believe his eyes.


Ling Feng smiled faintly, "This is the ability of the Void Witch Spirit. Let alone you, even those gods in the sky, with just a drop of their blood, Yorick can create an exact replica. It's just that , the duration and power are slightly inferior.”


Ling Feng paused, glanced at Tuoba Yan, and continued: "Just copying your words can last at least several hours."

"You're thinking……"

Tuoba Yan's eyelids twitched and he had some guesses in his mind.

"time to go."

Ling Feng said calmly: "Let's leave the palace tonight!"

Tuoba Yan bit her lips and hummed softly: "Looking at how hot you have been with that princess these days, I thought you were going to stay and be the consort!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "What's the point of being a prince-in-law? Although Princess Wuyue is quite nice, but..."

Ling Feng said, shook his head, but did not continue.

"But what?"

Ling Feng only said half of it, but it aroused Tuoba Yan's curiosity.

"My journey is filled with stars and the sea!"

Ling Feng smiled casually, the Southern Witch Territory was not his end, not even the Zhongyuan Territory.

He wants to rush to the immortal realm, he wants to set foot on the source of the world, fight with the immortals, and fight with the gods!

How could the small Jidao God Clan stop their steps for even a moment?

Tuoba Yan bit her lips, took a deep look at Ling Feng, and said silently in her heart: And I just want to accompany you towards the stars and the sea, until forever...

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