Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2771 Breaking into the tiger’s den alone! (3 updates)

Yanling Mountain is located in a dense virgin forest.

But unlike the surrounding environment, Yanling Mountain is surrounded by lush forests, but Yanling Mountain alone is a land without any grass.

The entire mountain was too hot.

The red soil, red rocks, and even some weeds that occasionally grow are also dark red.

But outsiders would never imagine that this is actually the home base of the Hall of All Souls.

Relying on Ye Xiu's memory, Ling Feng found this place.

Before he even got close, two guards hiding in the darkness flew out.

"See His Royal Highness the Holy Son!"

The two all-powerful killers in black robes had strange auras. Although they were just two gatekeepers, their strength was a bit exaggerated.

Great Saint level!

Ling Feng nodded slightly and said nothing.

This was in line with Ye Xiu's style. When he was at the main altar of the Hall of All Souls, Ye Xiu was always silent and spoke little.

Feeling the unique cold air emanating from "Ye Xiu", the two All Souls Killers couldn't help but shudder and opened the secret door leading to the main altar for Ling Feng.

In the mountain, a curtain of light opened, and what came to my face was a fiery breath.

As an alchemy master, Ling Feng knew that this heat was caused by years of alchemy refining.

Moreover, there may be an ingenious formation inside this mountain that connects the entire earth line in one place.

This mountain itself is already a huge alchemy furnace.

Cleverly designed!

Ling Feng secretly praised in his heart.

No wonder he could research such a heaven-defying elixir as the Star Holy Spirit Pill. The master of the Hall of All Spirits still had something.

"Your Highness the Holy Son, please!"

The Wanling Killer bowed and made an invitation gesture to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng strode into the light curtain, and relied on Ye Xiu's memory to pass through the long and narrow passage in front.

There are many mechanisms in this passage. Even if someone breaks into it, if they don't know the mechanisms inside, the alarm will be triggered immediately.

The preventive measures taken by Wanling Palace are indeed quite in place.

Perhaps it was because Ye Xiu had sent a message to the headquarters before, so when Ling Feng walked out of the passage, there was already a man in black robe waiting in front.

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son, the Lord has asked you to go to the main hall."

The man in black robe bowed to Ye Xiu, with a hint of awe on his face.

"lead the way."

Ye Xiu's style cherishes words like gold.


The man in black robe led the way. As he walked, he praised every word: "If His Royal Highness the Holy Son can bring that thing back this time, the Lord will definitely reward you heavily!"

Ling Feng ignored the compliments of the man in black robes, but heard the sound of some hammering or some screams in the passage along the way.

The further you go in, the hotter it becomes, and there is a smell of blood in the air, which seems to be a road leading to purgatory.

No wonder Ye Xiu likes to stay here.

The high temperature in this mountain can slightly make the cold in his body less frequent.

After a while, the man in black robe led Ling Feng to a main hall.

In the main hall, there are several statues of evil gods enshrined. From the bloody mouth of the evil god, a dark red liquid flows.



That's human blood!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, but he remained calm.

But the scene in front of him made him more certain that this Ten Thousand Spirits Hall was indeed a devil's cave.

Right in front of the hall, there is a man wearing a black robe and a Shura mask.

He looked very burly. Although he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, he was still one meter away. In other words, if he stood up, he would probably be close to three meters tall.

This is not like the height of a normal human race.

When he noticed "Ye Xiu", the masked man suddenly opened his eyes.

What a pair of eyes those are!

The red eyeballs have a cold and bloodthirsty look, giving people a chilling feeling even in such a hot-eyed place.


The man in black robe beside him knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "See you, Lord!"

"Xiu'er, you're back."

The voice was hoarse and dry, like sandpaper scraping across a wall, very harsh and unpleasant.

Ling Feng knelt down on one knee in front of the masked man and said solemnly: "See the foster father! Cough cough cough..."

In name, the master of the Hall of All Souls is Ye Xiu's adoptive father.

Therefore, Ye Xiu is also the Holy Son of All Spirits Hall.

"I heard that you successfully got the things back?"

The master of Wanling Hall's eyes fell on Ling Feng and looked at him carefully.

It could be seen that there was a hint of smile in his eyes.

In recent months, things have not gone smoothly at All Souls Hall.

The bidding for the alchemy technique of "Nine Refiners of Qian Yang" failed, and the snatching also failed.

Then there was the Sun Moon Universe Furnace in Xiao Wu Mountain. Not only was it unsuccessful in bringing it back, it also cost the lives of many elders.

Then, the Chaos Creation Fruit was discovered first, and even the alchemy master Zhou Wenyong in charge of the operation turned into an idiot!

Then the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower in the northern battlefield was also taken away.

It can be said that in recent times, Wanling Hall has not succeeded in anything.

This made the master of the Hall of All Souls extremely angry.

Of course, he didn't know that everything was actually destroyed by Ling Feng alone.

Moreover, this person was right in front of him.

Even the fact that Ye Xiu brought back the Shenhuang Picture Book this time was fake.


Ling Feng took out a thick and huge stone slab from the Naling Ring with an indifferent expression.

Because the master of Wanling Hall has already seen the real thing, Ling Feng naturally does not dare to pass it off as a fake one.

"good very good!"

The master of Wanling Hall stood up tall. He was indeed very tall and burly, standing three meters away.

He walked quickly to the Shenhuang Picture Book, raised his hand and gently touched the lines on it, and laughed loudly, "Xiu'er, you did a good job. If you want any reward, just ask."


Ling Feng just said lightly: "If you work for your adoptive father, why do you need any reward? Ahem..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The master of Wanling Hall laughed loudly, raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "The first batch of Star Holy Spirit Pills will be successfully refined soon. You are indispensable for this batch of pills!"

Star Holy Spirit Pill?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly.

Didn't he take away the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower? Can they still refine the Star Holy Spirit Pill?

Without the Chaos Creation Fruit and the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower, how did they succeed?

Ling Feng was secretly surprised.

"You seem strange?"

The master of Wanling Hall glanced at Ling Feng, showing a hint of surprise.

Ye Xiu's temperament should not be interested in anything.

However, after taking a closer look at Ye Xiu, there was nothing unusual anywhere. He was secretly amused that he was still too suspicious.

Of course he would not suspect that someone would dare to pretend to be Ye Xiu and break into the tiger's den alone.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed a few times, nodded and said, "It's just a little strange."

"Indeed, without the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower, even refining the low-grade Star Holy Spirit Pill was almost impossible to succeed. However, thanks to the medicine man, her physique was able to integrate the power of the Ten Thousand Blood Spirit Pearl. She The blood also has effects similar to those of the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower."

Medicine man?

Ling Feng was slightly startled and had a bad feeling.

The master of Wanling Hall patted Ling Feng's shoulder with his big hand, "Okay, you go down and rest first."

After saying that, the master of Wanling Hall put away the picture of the gods. This person was indeed as cunning as a fox. Even he was very wary of Ye Xiu and did not give Ling Feng even the slightest chance. He knows where his treasure is.

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