Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2772 Dungeon of Despair! (1 update)

After the master of Wanling Hall left, Ling Feng frowned.

This old fox originally thought that he would take him to the place where the treasure was hidden if he presented the Atlas of the Wilderness to him, so that he could collect all the Atlas of the Wilderness after he rescued Yue Yunlan.

However, no matter how cunning this guy was, he was already prepared.

He had already asked Zifeng to leave a mark on the Divine Desolate Atlas. As long as the Divine Desolate Atlas was still within the Yanling Mountains, it would never be hidden from Zifeng's perception.

This guy has evolved so many times, and now he's finally starting to become reliable.

"Take me to the medicine man."

Ling Feng looked at the man in black robe who brought him over.

Ling Feng was very concerned about the medicine man mentioned by the master of Wanling Hall.

Could it be that Yue Yunlan is the so-called "medicine man"? If this is the case, although Yue Yunlan's life will not be in danger for the time being, she will definitely be in incomparable suffering and pain.


The man in black robe hesitated for a moment, looked at Ling Feng strangely, and said, "His Royal Highness, haven't you always disliked going to that place?"

"If you are asked to lead the way, then lead the way!"

Ling Feng frowned, and a cold evil aura swept across him, centered on him.

The man in black robe trembled all over and nodded quickly, "Holy...His Royal Highness the Holy Son, please follow me."

Ling Feng then took back his evil spirit and followed behind the man in black robe.

In Ye Xiu's memory, Ling Feng did not get the memory of the medicine man. It seemed that Ye Xiu really hated that place and buried these memories deep in his memory.

Therefore, before Ye Xiu's spiritual sea completely collapsed, Ling Feng had not had time to read these memories.

Under the leadership of the man in black robe, the two of them went all the way down. This was an almost vertical passage. The further down, the hotter it became.

It's like a passage leading to the eighteenth level of hell, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Finally, the man in black robe stopped and walked to a place that looked like a dungeon.

At the entrance of the dungeon, there are still several guards from the Hall of All Souls guarding it.

Seeing the man in black robe and "Ye Xiu", the guards quickly stepped forward to salute.

"Open it."

The man in black robe pointed at the door, and the guards quickly raised the dungeon door.

Before he entered the dungeon, a terrible resentment almost solidified, as if there were waves of terrible whispers, cursing in his ears.

Curse everyone here!

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Is Yue Yunlan locked up here?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng strode directly into the dungeon.

What comes into view is a series of separated prisons. Different from ordinary prisons, each prison has a transparent cylindrical container, and the container is filled with a black-green liquid. .

And inside each container, there is a human being with a distorted and ferocious face suspended.

Living human beings!

Some of their bodies began to rot, while others still underwent some kind of mutation, or grew the claws and fangs of wild beasts...

Some have simply turned into corpses and have no breath.

In front of him, there were rows of densely packed cages, at least as many as a thousand.

And these people are regarded as so-called "medicine people" by Wanling Hall.

Ling Feng clenched his fists, feeling the urge to smash this damn place completely.

The road to martial arts is indeed a road full of killings. Ling Feng asked himself that the people who died in his hands would definitely not be less than these "medicine people" he saw in front of him.

However, using such cruel methods to experiment on living people can be said to be a complete loss of humanity.

"This Hall of Ten Thousand Spirits must be eradicated! Completely eradicated!"

Ling Feng secretly made up his mind.

Regardless of the position of the Witch God Sect and the Hall of All Souls, he may not be a good person anymore, but he is still a human being!

What I saw before my eyes was shocking.

The "medicine men" soaked in the green solution screamed like evil ghosts crawling out of purgatory.

Some may have shouted hoarsely and numbly, and their eyes were full of despair.

Ling Feng couldn't even bear to see the eyes of these people anymore.

Because the despair that comes from the depths of the soul will make people collapse.

However, among these cages, you can occasionally see some alchemists in white robes, observing the status of those "medicine people".

And their eyes sometimes glowed with a glimmer of light, as if they were extremely excited about the "results" they had achieved.


Ling Feng tightened his fists and resisted the urge to kill all these people.

He must find Yue Yunlan first.

But he hoped even more that Yue Yunlan would not be found among these containers.

Fortunately, as Ling Feng walked past these containers one by one, he did not notice Yue Yunlan's aura.

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but still frowned deeply. He looked back at the man in black robe and said solemnly: "Where is the medicine man who the adoptive father said can combine the power of the Ten Thousand Blood Spirit Pearls? Is she here too? "

"That medicine man?"

The man in black robe nodded and said: "The medicine woman is very special, so she is not here. Her blood is very precious, so she is always served with delicious food and drink, and she is not on this level. Speaking of which... …”

The man in black robe gave Ling Feng a strange look, "Didn't you bring that medicine man back to you, Your Highness the Holy Son?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he quickly straightened his face and said, "Of course I know! Where is she? Where is she? I want to see!"

At this moment, there was a cracking sound from a container not far away.

Then, there was a "bang" sound, and the container actually exploded.

The dark green solution was sprinkled all over the floor, and inside the container was a middle-aged woman covered with a layer of gauze.

The middle-aged woman's eyes were blood red, and a terrifying aura erupted from her body.

"Quick! Catch her!"

The surrounding guards rushed over and surrounded the prison.

The alchemists in white robes rushed over with excitement on their faces, "Haha, it seems that the physical strengthening and amplifying solution has made a huge breakthrough."

The middle-aged woman had obviously undergone some kind of mutation, and the exposed skin on her body was covered with a layer of fine scales.

However, her blood-red eyes were fixed on Ling Feng.

"Damn beast, we all trust you so much, you actually plotted against me!"

A terrifying aura erupted from the middle-aged woman's body, and she rushed towards Ling Feng like crazy.

However, before she could rush in front of Ling Feng, she was restrained by more than a dozen masters from Wanling Palace and the joints of her hands and feet were removed alive. However, the middle-aged woman still stared at Ling Feng. , it seems that there is some deep hatred between him and Ling Feng.

Oh no, to be precise, there should be a deep hatred between him and Ye Xiu.

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