Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2778 The Power of the Ancestral Realm! (1 more)


A trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the master of the Hall of All Spirits.

The young man in front of him turned into a three-eyed giant ape. This was not the most surprising thing. The most terrifying thing was that his aura kept rising and skyrocketing!

Finally, it got to the point where even he felt extremely shaken.

"Who are you?"

The master of the Hall of All Spirits widened his eyes. The giant ape with three bloody pupils in front of him gave him a sense of oppression that was infinitely approaching death.


What responded to him was Ling Feng's terrifying roar.

The moment he cast Chaos Reincarnation, he completely lost his mind.

His eyes were blazing, and he just wanted to destroy all the creatures in front of him.

The three bloody eyes all stared at the Master of the Hall of All Souls, and the remaining consciousness told him that this person must be killed completely.


Ling Feng's figure turned into a streak of blood, and his whole body flew out, directly knocking the master of Wanling Hall to the ground.

"Damn it!"

The master of Wanling Hall was thrown to the ground by the giant ape transformed by Ling Feng. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't push Ling Feng away.

The power of a thousand dragons brought by the Dragon Elephant Tyrant Body Technique has brought Ling Feng's power to an extremely terrifying level. Coupled with the increase in Chaos Reincarnation, it has increased tenfold.

This is definitely not a power that a saint-level powerhouse can shake.

Not even the pinnacle saint.

The master of Wanling Hall was so violent that he was shaken all over. He actually broke his two arms that were grabbed by Ling Feng. He slid backwards and slipped out from under Ling Feng's huge body.

At the cost of removing two arms, the master of the Hall of All Spirits ran away as soon as he escaped. He only had one thought in his mind now!

That is, escape!

He must escape from here quickly. The monster in front of him has a level of power that has exceeded the limit of the holy level.

That is, the ancestral realm!

There is a divine power in every move.


There was a roar, strong wind surged, and the entire underground space collapsed inch by inch under Ling Feng's roar.

The underground structure of Wanling Hall was very complex and very strong, but it collapsed directly under Ling Feng's crushing power.

The sky full of gravel, earth and rocks rolled down, burying everything on the peak and underground alive.

This was the foundation that the master of Wanling Palace had worked hard for hundreds of years to create. At this moment, everything was destroyed.

All the disciples, all the "medicine people", all the achievements, everything, were all destroyed!

It's just that at this moment, the master of the Hall of All Spirits has no time to feel distressed. Escape is the most important thing now, and everything else is unimportant.

"Damn it!"

The master of Wanling Hall cursed loudly, never expecting that the little monster that was originally a turtle in the urn would actually turn into a terrifying monster.

However, this secret technique must have a time limit.

He believed that as long as he escaped this period of time, the kid would be dead!


Just when he thought Ling Feng was going to be buried alive underground, which would at least trap him for a while, a terrifying roar came from deep underground.

Then, it seemed like bursts of muffled thunder rolled past, and then, there was a "boom" explosion, and a huge hand poked out from the ground!

The huge palm was covered with long golden-red hair, and each finger was almost several feet long!

What a huge hand is that?

The master of the Hall of All Souls was completely dumbfounded. He wanted to escape from this place frantically. Then, he slapped his palm on the ground, and a violent wind passed by. The ground for hundreds of miles around seemed to have been struck by lightning. It seemed that the entire land had been rolled away by several inches, and terrible cracks continued to spread...

The violent wind blew all the vegetation and rocks on the ground into pieces!


The master of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall was sent flying out, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Thousands of feet away, just the aftermath of a palm strike, could it have such terrifying power?

Is this the ancestral realm?

The master of Wanling Hall wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at the huge palm.

This is the power he dreams of!

The reason why he founded the Hall of All Souls, the reason why he used the so-called baptism of all spirits to cultivate and promote a large number of false saints, the reason why he refined the Star Holy Spirit Pill and continuously improved the cultivation level of all his disciples was just for the sake of a final Purpose.

Combine the efforts of tens of millions of people to achieve his ancestral realm!

The Hall of All Souls is nothing more than a tool for him to realize his great ambitions.

In his view, all disciples will eventually become part of his strength.

It's a pity that he has worked hard and managed it for hundreds of years and is about to reach the end.

He will obviously be able to obtain that great power very soon!


There was another explosion, and a huge head broke out of the ground.

Then, the three-eyed giant ape crawled out from the ground, or in other words, he jumped out after shattering all the space around him.

A giant ape with a height of one hundred feet, with three blood-colored pupils, stared at the master of the Hall of All Spirits.

That cold and sharp gaze carried a terrifying and suffocating despair.

The master of Wanling Hall took a deep breath. The moment the giant ape jumped out, he knew that he couldn't run away.

Even at the peak of the Saint level, in the eyes of the Ancestral Realm powerhouse, he is nothing more than an insignificant ant.


With a roar, the three-eyed giant ape slapped his huge palm and completely crushed the master of the Hall of All Spirits into a piece of flesh.

However, the anger in his eyes was far from dissipated.

At this moment, Ling Feng was completely in a state of out-of-control rage.

Moreover, the terrifying power he possesses at this moment is enough to allow him to destroy most of the Southern Witch Territory!




Almost every time he danced his fists, a mountain peak would crumble and a river would be cut off.

Although the lair of Wanling Palace is in the remote mountains, with Ling Feng's current size, it is not far away from him walking out of the mountains and attacking the cities where humans live.




Every time the giant ape took a step, the ground trembled violently, and the city hundreds of miles away began to shake.

"Oh my god, what's going on? Is it an earthquake?"

The city closest to the mountain range where Wanling Hall is located is called Linyuan City, with a population of several million.

This sudden and terrifying shock caused the people in the whole city to fall into panic.

Some warriors with higher cultivation levels flew into the sky one after another to check for any changes in their surroundings.

However, when they saw a three-eyed giant ape in the far west, they were all trembling.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, the bodies of those warriors who were looking at Ling Feng exploded and turned into blood foam all over the sky.

With just one look, these low-level monks could no longer bear it and died suddenly!

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