Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2779 Immortal Emperor Haorong! (2 updates)

"There are... there are monsters!"


The people of Linyuan City were all in chaos. Although the place where they lived was close to the primitive mountains, they were occasionally attacked by monsters.

However, they have never encountered such a terrible attack.

Just a look, hundreds of miles away, has caused the death of hundreds of monks above the human emperor level.

Moreover, the speed at which the giant ape was approaching was almost extremely fast.

Wherever it passes, mountains collapse and the earth breaks apart, just like a doomsday traveler, everything it passes by is doomed.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng had completely lost control. Even he himself did not know what a terrible disaster he would bring to this world.

His eyes were filled with blood, and only the thought of destruction remained in his mind.

Destroy everything!

Destroy everything!

This seems to be the only meaning of his existence.

At this moment, Ling Feng's body suddenly seemed to be frozen in place.

No, it’s not just Ling Feng!

The mountain forest stopped roaring.

The river stopped flowing!

Those people who were running away like crazy stopped scurrying and roaring like headless flies...

The whole world seemed to have stopped.


A sigh seemed to come from the distant sky, and an old man wearing a black robe and a ghost mask was seen striding out of the void.

The next moment, he had landed on Ling Feng's shoulder and slowly took off the ghost mask.

If Ling Feng was still sane, he would definitely be able to recognize at a glance that this old man was his grandfather, Ling Hanyang.

Ling Hanyang took a deep look at Ling Feng, sighed, and murmured to himself: "Have you finally used this forbidden power? You have improved very quickly, but this kind of power is enough to attract the attention of those people... …”

"Child, I can only help you one last time!"

Ling Hanyang took a deep breath, and the yin and yang fish floated in his eyes.

Eyes of the Emperor!

In this world, apart from Ling Feng, there is probably only one person named Ling Hanyang, who has the same origin as Ling Feng, the Eye of the Emperor.

After a while, with Ling Hanyang as the center, the whole world seemed to be reversed!

The mountains and rivers that were destroyed by Ling Feng all turned around and returned to their original state.

Those monks who were destroyed by Ling Feng's eyes also returned to their original forms from the state of blood drops.

Ling Feng's figure retreated step by step, back to the ruins of the Hall of All Souls, back to the depths of the ground, and back to the dungeon where Yue Yunlan was imprisoned.

The master of the Hall of All Spirits, who had turned into a puddle of flesh, also recovered.

Time, under Ling Hanyang's control, flowed backwards!

It went back to the moment before Ling Feng performed Chaos Reincarnation!


Ling Hanyang spurted out a mouthful of dark golden blood. At this moment, Ling Feng had transformed back into human form. However, under Ling Hanyang's control, everything around him was still stagnant.

It's like a still picture.

Ling Hanyang gently raised his hand and touched Ling Feng's cheek kindly.

"Kid, from now on, you have to rely on yourself for everything!"

After saying that, Ling Hanyang turned around, a cold light flashed in his eyes, the master of Wanling Hall was already separated from his family, and he could not die anymore.

Ling Hanyang's figure flashed away and disappeared into the void again.

The moment he left, time started flowing again.

But he didn't see a teardrop slipping quietly from the corner of Ling Feng's eyes.

In a splendid palace, a man with white eyebrows and white hair, but an unusually young face, was sitting cross-legged on a golden lotus platform.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and on his forehead, there was a divine pattern, and a golden divine light flashed.

The next moment, a ball of fire condensed in the hall, and a slender young man wearing a red short coat appeared. His long hair was messy, but his face had an indescribable handsomeness.

"Lord Immortal Emperor, what's the matter with summoning your subordinates?"

But it turned out that the white-browed man was actually the overlord of the Immortal Domain, one of the five Immortal Emperors in the south, Immortal Emperor Haorong.

"The time and space in the lower realm has undergone a brief reversal. Cao Yan, go down and take a look."

Immortal Emperor Haorong's eyes flashed, and a fluctuating crack suddenly appeared in the space in front of him.

"Time and space reversal? Apart from Taixu Zhoulong, only high-level immortals can control this power, right?"

The man named Cao Yan frowned and analyzed while dragging his cheeks.

"No, you missed one." Immortal Emperor Haorong's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "Tiandao Clan!"

Ever since the Xuantian Clan wiped out the Tiandao Clan, the era originally dominated by the Tiandao Clan has become a thing of the past.

As time passed, the original Xuantian clan dispersed into major forces.

Immortal Emperor Haorong is one of them, in charge of the Xuntian Fire Clan.

In addition to the Fire Clan, there are also the Xuntian Ice Clan, the Xuntian Thunder Clan, etc...

However, the Immortal Emperor who has the most hatred towards the Tiandao clan and who must completely kill the Tiandao clan is headed by the Immortal Emperor Haorong.

"Tiandao Clan?"

Cao Yan frowned, "After so many years, do you still want to make a comeback? That's fine, I'll come back as soon as I go."

After speaking, Cao Yan flew directly into the time and space channel created by Immortal Emperor Haorong.

Because the powerful men in the Immortal Realm are too powerful, they generally do not go down to the real world in their true form.

Through this channel, Cao Yan only sent a ray of his spiritual consciousness into the Xuanling Continent.

After calculation, the strength of this ray of spiritual thought is probably equivalent to the peak of the ancestral realm in Xuanling Continent.

The next moment, Cao Yan had arrived at the place where the time and space reversal occurred.

No matter how strong Ling Hanyang is, he is only a mortal after all.

He can have the power to reverse time and space, but he can only reverse the time and space in a certain area, but cannot reverse the time and space of the entire world.

Otherwise, he would not be a human being, but a god.

With a flash of fire, Cao Yan's figure appeared high in the sky.

His eyes scanned below, looking for the human beings who had reversed time and space.

Suddenly, his eyelids jumped because he saw a black shadow attacking him.

"Interesting, you, a humble and insignificant ant, can actually sense the aura of this Immortal Lord!"

Cao Yan sneered, the powerful Immortal Lord was considered to be in the middle and upper reaches among many immortal clans.

Although this Cao Yan looks very young, he is already the youngest warrior under Immortal Emperor Haorong, and he is highly valued by Immortal Emperor Haorong.


Ling Hanyang sneered, "You Xantian clan are just a bunch of dog slaves usurping the throne!"

He activated the Eye of the Emperor to the extreme in an attempt to kill the young-looking Xantian tribesman in front of him.

It's a pity that although he is already one of the few strong men in Xuanling Continent, he is no different from an ant in front of the powerful Immortal Lord.

"Sure enough, they are the remnants of the Tiandao clan."

Cao Yan smiled and neutralized Ling Hanyang's attack easily. He stretched out his hand and easily restrained Ling Hanyang. Divine patterns flashed on his forehead, and the flames condensed into three rings, tightly restraining Ling Hanyang.

"It seems that the Tiandao clan has been completely eliminated, and that's all you can do."

Cao Yan smiled disdainfully and glanced downwards, wanting to continue to check if there were other Tiandao people.

However, Ling Hanyang ignored everything and rushed towards Cao Yan, hitting Cao Yan's chest hard.

Although Cao Yan is a powerful Immortal Lord, he is just a split soul after all.

Being bumped into like this by Ling Hanyang, he immediately frowned, grabbed Ling Hanyang's neck, and said coldly: "Old man, are you looking for death?"

Ling Hanyang stared at Cao Yan, "You dog thieves from the Xantian clan, if you are not afraid of the infinite potential of my Tiandao clan, and you want to kill all my Tiandao clan? To put it bluntly, you are just a group of cowards. It’s just trash!”

A wisp of evil energy flashed in Cao Yan's eyes, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and he stared at Ling Hanyang angrily, "The era of becoming a king and losing a bandit, belonging to the Tiandao clan, has long passed. Now let's talk about these , It doesn’t make any sense! It’s a pity that I am late for tens of thousands of years, otherwise, the genius of your Tiandao clan will be destined to be trampled under my feet!”

After saying that, Cao Yan directly grabbed Ling Hanyang and ascended to the Immortal Realm again through the time and space channel left by Immortal Emperor Haorong.

If this passage disappears, he will have some trouble if he wants to return to the Immortal Realm.

Deep underground.

The moment Ling Hanyang left, time started flowing again.

However, what Ling Hanyang didn't know was that in Ling Feng's body, there was a time and space mark left by Taixu Zhoulong.

Therefore, although time and space have been reversed, everything has changed, and Ling Feng has returned to the state before launching the reincarnation of chaos, but his memory has not disappeared.

The moment Ling Hanyang arrived, his mind became clearer. He clearly saw that Ling Hanyang had exhausted all his energy to perform this heaven-defying magic.

He saw Ling Hanyang vomiting blood in front of him and looking weak.

He also saw how Ling Hanyang killed the master of Wanling Hall in order to vent his anger on him.

This is what he imagined his grandfather to look like.

"No, don't go! Grandpa!"

Ling Feng looked at Ling Hanyang's disappearing voice and raised his palms. However, he fell heavily to the ground due to the loss of strength in his body.

He finally shouted those two words, but unfortunately, Ling Hanyang could no longer hear them!

Ling Feng was confused because Ling Hanyang said that this was the last time he would help him. What did this mean?

Why the last time?

Ling Feng's thoughts were extremely confused, and a hoarse and vicious voice sounded in his mind.

That was the remnants of the Master of the Hall of All Spirits.

Time was reversed, and Ling Feng returned to the state before Chaos Reincarnation was used. At this moment, Yue Yunlan had already pierced Ling Feng's body with the dagger carrying the divine will of the Master of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall.

The master of the Hall of All Souls had been killed by Ling Hanyang, but because of this residual thought, he was lucky enough to survive.

However, there is only this last trace of remnant left.

His only way to survive is to seize Lingfeng's body!

Evil resentment invaded Ling Feng's spiritual sea.

"Boy, you have many tricks on your hands. You can actually kill me. But just hand over your body!"

The master of Wanling Hall seized this last glimmer of hope, and his spiritual thoughts were constantly conquering Ling Feng's spiritual sea.

However, the moment he worked so hard to invade Ling Feng's spiritual sea, a burst of colorful rays of light enveloped him, and his spiritual thoughts completely dissipated like ice and snow melting away.

"no no!--"

The master of Wanling Hall let out a desperate roar. He never expected that there would be colorful fighting spirits in Ling Feng’s spiritual sea!

The colorful war spirits were provoked by external divine thoughts and took the initiative to attack. The last ray of divine thoughts from the master of the Hall of All Spirits also dissipated.


The sea of ​​spirit shook, Ling Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the feeling of weakness was swept away.

Regardless of everything, he rushed out of the ground, looked at the distant sky, and clenched his fists.

Unfortunately, there was nothing left. He did not see Ling Hanyang's figure, but only a terrifying aura was left in the void.

He could feel it, it was the aura of the Xantian clan!

He finally realized that Ling Hanyang had used such heaven-defying methods for himself, and I was afraid that it had disturbed the angel patrols in the Immortal Realm.

And the reason why he left was to lure away the angel patrols and ensure his own safety.

From the beginning to the end, no matter what he did, whether it was evil or vicious, Grandpa was paving the way for himself!

He knows better than himself what kind of fate the Tiandao clan is burdened with.


Ling Feng knelt on the ground and screamed hysterically.

He has never even called Ling Hanyang grandpa to his face!

At some point, tears rolled down from the corners of Ling Feng's eyes. At this moment, in his heart, there was no longer any resentment towards Ling Hanyang.

All that was left was regret and self-blame for being so indifferent to my grandfather.

It's a pity that he never has the chance to choose again...

no more……

(PS: Two chapters in one, one chapter is worth two chapters, so today is actually equivalent to updating three chapters, no problem~)

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