Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2781 Share! (2 updates)

After sending away the great wizard Yushuang, Ling Feng began to greet those poor "medicine people" again.

Those who were in good physical condition and wanted to leave on their own, Ling Feng did not force them to stay. As for those who were in too bad condition, Ling Feng also asked the believers of Wanling Hall to carry them back to Wanling Hall and take good care of them. .

Before reinforcements from the Temple of the Witch God take over, Ling Feng will stay here to prevent these guys from the Temple of All Spirits from changing their bad habits.

After arranging everything, Ling Feng directly entered the palace of the former master of Wanling Hall.

Ling Feng also asked the elders of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall to count the wealth accumulated through so many years of searching at the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall, and it would naturally be delivered to him later.

Besides that, what Ling Feng was most concerned about was naturally the Shenhuang Picture Record.

It is also a coincidence that the remnants of the Master of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall left in his spiritual sea were defeated by Ling Feng's colorful fighting spirit. Some memory scenes remaining in Ling Feng's mind happened to let Ling Feng know about this old man. Where did the guy hide the Shenhuang Picture Book.

It was inside the belly of a brass statue in his dormitory. This brass statue was only about half a man tall, and it didn't look like a place to hide anything at all.

But inside the belly of the statue, there is another world. In fact, there is an independent huge space hidden.

If it weren't for the memory image of the master of Wanling Hall, Ling Feng might not have thought that something as important as the Shenhuang Picture Book was actually hidden in a statue.

Not long after, Ling Feng fiddled and took out the two pieces of Shenhuang Picture Book from inside the statue.

In addition to these two pieces of the Shenhuang Picture Book, there were also some good things privately kept by the master of the Hall of All Spirits, all of which were also accepted by Ling Feng.

After doing all this, Ling Feng summoned Tuoba Yan, Yue Yunlan and Jianlu from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

At this moment, Yue Yunlan was still in a coma, and Tuoba Yan was taking care of him carefully.

"Hey, boy Ling Feng, it seems you have solved everything!"

The bitch carefully looked around and saw that there was no danger, so he started groping around.

If there is any treasure hidden here, it will definitely not be hidden from the sneaky eyes of a cheap donkey.

Ling Feng ignored Bitch and walked quickly to Yue Yunlan.

At this moment, Yue Yunlan's whole body was filled with heat. At the moment when the thousands of blood spirit formations collapsed, all the surging power in the ten thousand blood spirit beads was injected into Yue Yunlan's body.

Coupled with the divine soul attack from the master of Wanling Hall, Yue Yunlan lost her mind.

At this moment, the power within the Ten Thousand Blood Spirit Orb was running wildly inside Yue Yunlan's body.

Her current situation can be said to be very bad.

"Ling Feng, how is sister Yunlan doing?"

Tuoba Yan gritted his silver teeth. Although he didn't know why he met Yue Yunlan here, they met in the Tianbai Empire and were considered old acquaintances and old friends.

"It's not a good situation."

Ling Feng frowned deeply, "However, her physique has been a big help."

Fortunately, Yue Yunlan was reborn through the lotus root of nothingness. Her body of nothingness was much higher than her original physique.

Otherwise, with such terrible energy gathered in her body, she might have exploded and died.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "Yun Lan's current situation is just because the energy in her body is too strong and she lost control. If someone shares this power with her, she will naturally get better."


The bitch on the side was looking for treasures with his butt raised. When he heard that there was energy to share, he immediately came over with a sly look, "Boy Lingfeng, what do you think of this beast? It has rough skin and thick flesh. This kind of rough work, Of course it should be shared by this divine beast!”

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. This bitch had obviously discovered that the Ten Thousand Blood Spirit Pearl contained extremely powerful energy and blood.

I think it was precisely because of these Ten Thousand Blood Spiritual Beads that the Nine-Revolution Holy Spirit Flower could mature in advance.

This shows how terrifying power is contained within this treasure.

If the bitch can get a piece of the pie, his strength will naturally rise to the next level.

"Tch, this beast has good intentions!"

The mean donkey holds a pair of donkey hooves in front of his chest, looking like he "takes good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs".

However, this guy is a donkey, and his liver and lungs are just donkey liver and lungs!

"Okay, okay, stick your butt out, I don't know what you are thinking!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, but at this moment, the more the merrier.

In addition to Jinglu, Ling Feng also summoned Zifeng and Xiaoming, the underworld Yalong.

As for Yu Xiaodie and Xiao Qiongqi, their small bodies are not suitable to withstand this level of power.

Of course, the "residents" who often live in Lingfeng's Five Elements Palace are also the little goldfish with an extremely mysterious identity.

Although this guy was extremely powerful, Ling Feng didn't dare to call it out, otherwise, he might completely suck Yue Yunlan dry.


When Yalong Xiaoming was summoned, he was moved to tears when he learned that he actually had energy to absorb.

"Master, it's rare that you can still think of me!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. He had never treated this guy badly. However, although this guy was indeed more impressive than Zifeng and Jianlu when he first appeared, but Jianlu was an unknown person. Although Ling Feng expressed doubts about this, the speed of his growth was indeed very exaggerated.

As for Zifeng, he relied on the evolution ability of the hard tyrant. Although he just snored and slept every day, he became the strongest spirit pet under his command.

And Xiaodie, although not good at fighting, has first-class detoxification ability, which can be said to be unparalleled in the world.

Xiaoqiongqi accidentally got a drop of his own blood of the emperor, and awakened in advance with the blood of the emperor and broke out of the shell.

Although he is still a weak chicken, he can already open the Shura Eye.

In other words, his potential is also immeasurable.

In comparison, Yalong Xiaoming, the growth space and talent for improvement are far worse than other spirit pets.

Therefore, he can only sit on the bench all year round.

After all the people and spirit pets were ready, Lingfeng began to use Taixuan acupuncture to dredge the power in Yue Yunlan's body, first into his own body, and then into Zifeng, Jianlu, Tuobayan, and Xiaoming in turn, and then reintroduced the gradually softened power into Yue Yunlan's body.

This process was repeated over and over again. The overbearing power became softer and evenly dispersed into the bodies of all people (spiritual pets) in the continuous cycle.

Time passed bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, a night passed...

A day passed...

Two days...

Three days...

At dawn on the third day, Yue Yunlan finally woke up leisurely.

She had completely recovered, and her cultivation had greatly increased!

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