Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2782 Request! (3 updates)

"Master Ling..."

Yue Yunlan slowly opened his eyes, and what came into his eyes was a pair of concerned eyes.

"you're awake!"

Ling Feng quickly helped Yue Yunlan sit down. Although his cultivation level had been greatly improved, under Ling Feng's deliberate guidance, Yue Yunlan's realm had also reached the level of a semi-saint.

He is only one step away from entering the holy level.

This was indeed a huge leap for her, but it was also a strength she gained only after enduring tremendous torture and pain.

This power is not easy to come by at all.

Of course, as Ling Feng and others who "shared" the power of the Ten Thousand Blood Spirit Pearl for Yue Yunlan, they also each gained a lot.

"Sister Yunlan, you finally woke up!"

Tuoba Yan walked up quickly, his face full of concern.

"Sister Yan'er?"

Yue Yunlan blinked her beautiful eyes, feeling happy at first, but when she saw Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan sitting side by side, seemingly very close, she felt sad for no reason.


Were they always together?

Yue Yunlan gritted her silver teeth and her smile became a little stiff.

"What's wrong, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Ling Feng reached out and touched Yue Yunlan's forehead, frowning and said: "It's strange, the power of the Ten Thousand Blood Spirit Pearl in your body has become extremely soft and completely tamed. Logically speaking, there should be no sequelae, right?"


Ling Feng suddenly remembered something, "It must be the bloodshot that drained your life force before, making you still very weak."

"I...I'm okay..."

With his forehead pressed by Ling Feng's palm, Yue Yunlan felt his heart beat faster and his pretty face turned red.

"He said it was okay, but his face was so red and his heartbeat was obviously accelerated!"

Ling Feng frowned, turned around and walked out of the hall, saying in a deep voice: "I'll make other elixirs for you!"

Although this Ten Thousand Spirits Hall is a very "evil" place, it cannot be denied that it is a holy place that is very suitable for alchemy.

From the list sent by the elders of Wanling Hall, Ling Feng not only gained trillions of huge wealth, but also obtained countless precious medicinal materials.

This includes a large amount of medicinal materials for refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

According to Ling Feng's conservative estimate, these medicinal materials are enough to refine about 100,000 copies of the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

This time, it is really developed!

In addition, there are countless rare treasures, magical weapons and weapons.

It has to be said that the Wanling Palace's method of amassing money is still very powerful.

This is just what is presented on the books. Ling Feng still doesn't know how much these old guys have hidden secretly.

However, Ling Feng had no intention of squeezing them dry immediately. After all, he was alone. After the reinforcements from the Temple of the Witch God arrived, it would not be too late to attack these old guys.

Now, these people still need to be retained to maintain the operation of this place.

After all, there are so many "medicine people" who need to be taken care of. After all, by yourself, you will be unable to do all the things you want.

Another point is that one hundred thousand copies of the Star Holy Spirit Pill can be slowly refined by oneself. I don’t know how much time and energy it will take.

As a result, he might be too busy to even have time to practice.

Among the people in Wanling Hall, there are many high-level alchemy masters, and there are many precious high-level alchemy furnaces.

In order to realize his plan, the master of Wanling Hall has indeed made a lot of preparations.

These resources can be used by oneself, which can greatly improve the efficiency of obtaining the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

"Master Ling, I just..."

Looking at Ling Feng's back as he strode away, Yue Yunlan couldn't help but frown. It's been several years since we last seen each other. Is Ling Feng still the same as before?

"He is still the same idiot!"

Tuoba Yan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, then bit his silver teeth and said: "But, it can be seen that he is really worried about you."

Yue Yunlan's face turned red again, "No way. In comparison, Sister Yan'er can always be by Mr. Ling's side. Your relationship must be different."

"You think too much……"

Tuoba Yan smiled bitterly, she thought differently, but unfortunately, Ling Feng's wooden head never said even a slightly gentle word to herself.

That guy is totally a steely fool!

On the other side, Ling Feng saw that Yue Yunlan was fine. He said he was going to make elixirs, but in fact he just found an excuse to sneak out.

Getting along with one woman is already very troublesome, but now two women at once, wouldn't it be annoying to death?

The best way, of course, is to sneak out.

Ling Feng couldn't help but admire his own wit secretly and from the bottom of his heart. He was really a resourceful and clever guy!

Walking around to the original alchemy site of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall, the environment in the entire Ten Thousand Spirits Hall was very hot because of its proximity to the earth.

Moreover, it is very suitable for alchemy.

Ling Feng found several high-level alchemists from Wanling Palace. The status of these people was probably similar to that of Zhou Wenyong before.

They are also great masters of alchemy. As long as they have a suitable alchemy furnace and enough medicinal materials, refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill is not a big problem.

However, they still lack one thing, the Qianyang Nine Refining Techniques.

"Young... Young hero, are you telling the truth?"

On the sixth floor of the underground, a place dedicated to refining elixirs, Ling Feng gathered all the high-level alchemists together and told them that he was willing to teach them the Nine Refining Methods of Qian Yang.

This Qianyang Nine Refiners was created by the former Nine Yang Grand Master and is recognized as the most mysterious and one of the most advanced alchemy techniques in the world of alchemists.

Being able to obtain this true inheritance is what every alchemist desires in his heart.

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "As long as you are obedient, the Nine Refining Methods of Qian Yang are in my hands."

The alchemists were all swallowing their saliva, their eyes flashing green, and they nodded repeatedly.

They had also heard that the Nine Refining Techniques of Qian Yang were taken away by a disciple from the Temple of the Witch God. Now it seems that he must be the person in front of them.

"I have only one request. You must help me refine the Star Holy Spirit Pill!"

Ling Feng raised a finger and spoke word by word.


All the alchemists were stunned for a moment, and immediately began to complain.

One of the old men with red hair and red beard sighed softly: "Young hero, the so-called clever woman cannot make a meal without rice. Of course we also want to refine the Star Holy Spirit Pill, but the main Chaos Creation Fruit and the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower are gone. Chaos The Creation Fruit can still be replaced by the Small Chaos Fruit, but the Nine-Revolution Holy Spirit Flower... this could have been replaced by that girl..."

"Ahem, aren't you making things difficult for all of us?"

"Since I asked you to make elixirs, I will naturally prepare all the medicinal materials."

Ling Feng snapped his fingers, and the next moment, a fruit with sparkling divine light and a strange flower wrapped in nine colors appeared in front of Ling Feng.

"Chaos Creation Fruit!"

"Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower!"

All the alchemists opened their eyes wide and were dumbfounded.

The two treasures of heaven and earth that the master of Wanling Hall couldn't get even after racking his brains were actually in Ling Feng's hands.

No wonder the master of Wanling Hall fell into the hands of Ling Feng in the end. He was defeated unjustly!

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