Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2783 Pointing! (1 update)

After seeing the two great treasures of heaven and earth, the "Chaos Creation Fruit" and the "Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower", these alchemists, no matter how slow they were, had already reacted.

It turns out that the person who has always been one step ahead of them and made the plans of the master of the Hall of All Souls go bankrupt again and again is actually the same person.

Ling Feng is really the nemesis of the master of Wanling Hall.

"It turns out that these two treasures are in your hands, young hero. No problem, no problem. We can try to refine them!"

All the alchemists nodded hurriedly. They naturally dreamed of having the opportunity to learn the Nine Refining Methods of Qian Yang and the opportunity to refine immortal elixirs like the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

"Okay, that being the case, let's talk about the distribution of elixirs."

Ling Feng glanced at everyone and said word by word: "For every 500 pills refined, you can get one of them! How about it?"

Although these people are now prisoners of their own subordinates, in order to improve their enthusiasm and work efficiency, they still need to be given some sweetness.

When these alchemists heard this, they immediately became excited.

One in 500 may sound pitifully low at first, but at least there is still a chance to get the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

If you work for the master of the Hall of All Spirits, there is no chance of receiving any reward. At most, after the Star Holy Spirit Pills are refined, they will be given two or three pills.

But things are different now. The medicinal materials stored in the Hall of All Spirits are enough to refine more than 100,000 copies of the Star Holy Spirit Pill, eliminating the chance of failure. In addition, there are almost ten alchemists here, which means that in the end, each person can refine it. Make about 10,000 pills, one in five hundred, that’s still twenty pills!

Which one is more profitable, twenty coins or two or three coins? They will still settle this account.

Not to mention, what the master of the Hall of All Spirits asked them to refine was a low-grade elixir made with various substitutes.

And what Ling Feng provided was refined from the rare treasures of heaven and earth on the genuine elixirs, and they were also top-grade elixirs!

The difference between these two is simply incomparable.

"Thank you so much, young hero. Your broad-mindedness is unparalleled in the world!"

"That's right, compared to you, the original palace master is a scumbag!"

Everyone praised them, but little did they know that Ling Lingfeng would not take advantage of them in vain.

Their calculation seemed good, each person could get about twenty pieces, but they didn't know that besides the alchemists like them, Ling Feng himself was also an alchemist.

Moreover, he is a great alchemy master whose level of attainments is much higher than theirs!

"Okay, now I will start teaching you the Nine Refining Methods of Qian Yang."

Ling Feng stared at the alchemist below and spoke word by word.


All the alchemists were slightly startled.

They thought that Ling Fengfeng had given them the secret book recording Qianyang Jiulian to study, but the result was good, it turned out to be a teaching?

What is teaching is that a person with a higher level, as a teacher, teaches people with a lower level.

This is teaching.

These alchemists are all well-known alchemy masters from all over the Southern Witch Territory.

Although Ling Feng is indeed very strong, so ridiculously strong that even the master of Wanling Hall died in his hands, but when it comes to alchemy and the path of alchemy, what qualifications does such a young boy have to do it to them? teach?

I was just laughing my ass off.

However, they did not dare to say it clearly. They just smiled and said: "Well, Ling Shaoxia, there is no need to teach. You can take out the classics of Qianyang Jiulian. We old guys can study each other and don't waste it." Is it your time?”

"Yes, Young Master Ling, you don't need to bother."

All the alchemists, you and I, obviously didn't think that Ling Feng had the qualifications to teach them.

Ling Feng just sneered and said lightly: "No trouble, besides, the Nine Refining Methods of Qian Yang are difficult to understand. Even I spent a lot of time to figure it out. If I let you see it temporarily, it might be a waste. In order to give you more time to start refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill as soon as possible, I will teach you."

A famous alchemist's mouth twitched.

What do you mean, in order not to waste time, you come to teach us?

How crazy!

This kid is too crazy!

Taking a deep breath, these alchemists did not dare to challenge Ling Feng, so they had to wait for Ling Feng to "teach" them. They wanted to see how this kid made a fool of himself.

A fresh-faced boy actually dared to point fingers at them on the alchemy path.


When I'm making elixirs, I'm afraid you little brat can't even wear crotchless pants!

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, walked directly in front of everyone, took out the Sun Moon Cosmic Furnace, and said slowly: "The Qian Yang Nine Refining Method is mainly a fire control method, which is different from other methods. The thing is that there are three major changes and nine minor changes in the flame..."

Immediately, Ling Feng began to explain it to these old guys in detail, and demonstrated it to them several times in a very vivid way.

About an hour later, one of the famous alchemists had expressions of shock and admiration written on their faces.

They are all alchemy masters, so they naturally understand how profound what Ling Feng explained before is.

Although Ling Feng explained it to them in detail based on his own experience, it was still a bit difficult to fully understand it.

It can be seen that if you just read the secret book of Qianyang Jiulian, it is estimated that even if you read it for ten days and a half, it will be enough to get started. How can it be like this now? After Ling Feng's explanation, even if it is Among them, the alchemist with the least understanding has already started.

For a moment, Ling Feng looked as tall as a giant in their eyes.

The so-called future life is to be feared, that's probably it.

"Thank you, Master Ling, for your explanation!"

One of the oldest old men bowed to Ling Feng with a sincere expression on his face. This time, they were completely convinced by Ling Feng.

"Okay, next you will practice with this Nine Revolutions Soul Forging Pill. When the success rate reaches 80%, you can start refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill."

Ling Feng took out the recipe for the Nine Revolutions Soul Forging Pill. This was a pill that Ling Feng refined when he was in the Danxian Pavilion that day in order to show that he was the descendant of the so-called Grand Master of Nine Suns.

The Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill happens to be a pill that uses Qian Yang Nine Refinements as the main technique, so if the success rate of this pill can be increased to about 80%, it will prove that they have mastered the Qian Yang Nine Refinements techniques. To a certain extent.

A group of alchemists took the prescription and began to circulate it. After reading it, they all nodded and understood Ling Feng's intention.

After a while, everyone took note of the elixir recipe and began to refine it.

Whoever can master the Nine Revolutions Soul Forging Pill sooner will be able to start refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill sooner.

And this also means that they can finally obtain more Star Holy Spirit Pills!

For this goal, they are all very motivated, and every one of them is as excited as a chicken.

Seeing these people struggling desperately, Ling Feng smiled faintly. With the addition of this group of alchemists, he should be able to harvest a large amount of Star Holy Spirit Pills in about a month.

At that time, it will also be the time for me to practice in seclusion and improve like crazy!

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