Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2784 Promotion! (2 updates)

Through Ling Feng's explanation and the use of the Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill for practice, by about the third day, alchemists had begun to increase the success rate of the Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill to 80-90%.

They are all rare alchemy masters in the Southern Witch Territory, and they are quite intelligent in alchemy.

Ling Feng's advice was tantamount to an enlightenment for them. Listening to your words is worth ten years of refining the elixir.

However, when they started refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill, they discovered a terrible problem.

That is, besides them, Ling Feng is also an alchemist!

Moreover, they were surprised to find that Ling Feng's alchemy efficiency was extremely exaggerated.

Both the elixir formation rate and the elixir refining speed are ridiculously high.

Even his speed alone is comparable to the efficiency of their ten high-level alchemists combined!

Fortunately, Ling Feng was not like them, able to refine pills continuously for twelve hours a day.

Ling Feng still needs to practice, he still needs to take care of the injured woman, he still needs to inspect the situation of the "medicine people", etc...

This gave these alchemists a little hope.

They were all trying to make elixirs frantically.

As a result, the number of Star Holy Spirit Pills in Ling Feng's pocket can be said to be increasing day by day. Thousands of them are harvested every day. Moreover, as the proficiency of these alchemists increases, this number is still growing day by day. .

This is exactly what Ling Feng is happy to see.

About ten days later, reinforcements from the Temple of the Witch God finally arrived. In addition to the Great Wizard Yushuang, the leader was also an old acquaintance of Ling Feng, the Great Wizard Brahma.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

As soon as the great wizard Brahma flew off the airship of the Temple of the Witch God, he immediately walked up to Ling Feng with a smile, patted Ling Feng's shoulders with his big hands, and smiled from ear to ear.

The Hall of All Souls can be said to be the thorn in the side of the Temple of the Witch God. Although the Temple of All Souls has only been operating in secret, as their power has grown, they have had a considerable impact on the Temple of the Witch God.

However, they have been struggling to find the home base of the Hall of All Souls.

This time it was good, Ling Feng single-handedly took down the entire Wanling Hall without spending a single soldier.

This boy is really a lucky general!

"What a boy, what a boy!"

The great wizard Brahma looked excited, "I really don't know how you did it. One person actually eliminated the major problem that has been a problem for our Witch God Temple for hundreds of years."

"It was just an accident."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. In fact, this was not his own fault.

If it weren't for his grandfather Ling Hanyang, he would have been able to reincarnate through Chaos and bring down the Hall of All Spirits in one go, but this would also have resulted in the death and injury of more innocent people.

Not only that, his realm will also fall directly to the early stage of the Emperor realm.

If this is the case, I don’t know what year or month it will take to return to the Saint level.

Not to mention, Mu Qianxue's three-year period has less than one year left.

Ling Feng may not understand what kind of feelings he has for Mu Qianxue in his heart.

But he knew that he had to find her and tell her face to face.

Otherwise, he would definitely regret letting her marry someone else without any reason!

"What an accident. How come I don't see anyone else hitting one by accident?"

Brahma Grand Wizard smiled and said: "Little guy, you have made great achievements this time. The High Priest has decided to promote you to the Grand Wizard. Well, let's take over the original All Souls Hall for the time being."

"Great wizard?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I, Ling Feng, am still young and not old enough..."

"Okay, okay, this is what the high priest wants. If you want to refuse, just go back to the temple and refuse him face to face. I'm just passing on a message."


Seeing the shameless look on the face of the great wizard Brahma, Ling Feng felt helpless and could only nod his head, "Thank you to the high priest."


The great wizard Brahma chuckled, "From today on, you and I are both great wizards. I am a little older than you, so I will shamelessly call you Brother Lingfeng."


Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he looked at the old face of the Brahma Wizard. This is also called, older?

The Great Wizard of Yushuang on the side also shook his head, as pale as the Great Wizard of Brahma.

This guy's shamelessness is getting more and more outrageous.

"Hey hey hey..."

The great wizard Brahma looked disapproving, but smiled and said: "Brother Ling, this time I brought more than two hundred elite disciples from the temple to manage the remnants of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall for you. From now on, you can be regarded as our The great wizard in charge of the largest number of people in the Temple of the Witch God!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but secretly complain, he had no intention of taking over the Wanling Palace! ! !

Fortunately, the great wizard Brahma is here anyway, so just leave everything to him, and you can just be a hands-off shopkeeper.

"By the way, Elder Xiao Ling, my young disciple..."

After all, Great Wizard Yushuang still missed Yue Yunlan, his disciple. Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "Yunlan is fine and is recuperating in the palace."

"Thank you, Elder Xiaoling."

Great Wizard Yushuang felt relieved, "I know that Elder Xiao Ling knows my young disciple."

"We are old friends."

Ling Feng smiled knowingly. To be honest, he and Yue Yunlan have known each other for a long time, which can be counted from when he just stepped into the world of martial arts.

At that time, he was just a small inner disciple of the Xian Sect.

Seeing Ling Feng's eyes, the Great Wizard Yushuang couldn't help but smile ambiguously, "So Elder Ling and Yunlan... Haha, since you are in love, why don't I make the decision and betroth Yunlan to you."


Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he waved his hand and said, "Senior, you misunderstood. Yunlan and I are just friends."

"Is that so?"

The Great Wizard Yushuang thought that the young man was thin-skinned, and didn't say much, just smiled, "Please ask Elder Ling to take me to see Yunlan."


Ling Feng nodded, "Senior, please follow me."

Under the leadership of Ling Feng, the Great Wizard Yushuang and Yue Yunlan finally reunited as master and apprentice.

Unfortunately, all the other disciples of the Great Wizard Yushuang died while serving as "medicine men".

And Qiaoqiao, the little maid who always followed Yue Yunlan and chattered like a little sparrow, never stopped talking. After all, she did not survive the torture.

Although Qiaoqiao was always disrespectful and did not know how to speak, Yue Yunlan always treated her as his own sister.

Qiaoqiao's death was undoubtedly a huge blow to her.

The reunion of master and apprentice gave both sides a little comfort...

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