Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2785 Yan Jinghong’s power! (3 updates)

the other side.

Let's say that Yan Jinghong took away the power of Xuntian Ice Soul from Ye Xiu's body that day, then left and walked away.

He knew that the power in Ye Xiu's body was very powerful, and it could be said to be of great benefit to improving his strength.

And his physique is no better than Ye Xiu's. His body has been tempered many times, and he has been reincarnated several times through life and death. He is no longer an ordinary mortal.

Therefore, the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, which Ye Xiu could not bear, was beneficial to him.

After seizing the Xantian Ice Soul, Yan Jinghong found a place and began to practice in seclusion.

Until that day...

"This breath..."

While Yan Jinghong was in retreat, he suddenly felt a familiar aura.

That's Ling Hanyang's aura!

He once practiced the "Devil's Forgetting Love Technique". By practicing this technique, he became Ling Hanyang's slave. No matter whether he was alive or dead, he could not get rid of Ling Hanyang as his master.

This is a very terrifying skill. Although it gives him extremely powerful power, it also makes the practitioner unable to reincarnate forever and can only become the slave of the robbery master.

However, because of Yan Jinghong's last death, perhaps because of his great enlightenment, or perhaps because of Ling Hanyang's intentional guidance, he jumped out of the magic wheel of seven emotions and six desires, and finally gained a true new life.

He was no longer Ling Hanyang's slave, but Ling Hanyang's aura was deeply imprinted on his soul.

He couldn't be mistaken, this was Ling Hanyang's aura!

So, he broke through and rushed out.

However, he only saw a blazing fire in the distant sky, covering everything. After a short stay, the fire disappeared.

Also disappearing together was Ling Hanyang's aura.

Yan Jinghong tightened his fists and murmured to himself: "Xuntian Fire Tribe..."

During the days when he was with Ling Hanyang, although the two of them didn't talk much, Yan Jinghong still learned something about the grudges between the Xantian Clan and the Tiandao Clan from Ling Hanyang's mouth.

"Is this what you call fate..."

Yan Jinghong tightened his fists. In his heart, he still regarded Ling Hanyang as his teacher.

It can be said that without Ling Hanyang, there would be no Yan Jinghong today.

"Look, there are some things that not only he can do, but I can do it too! Because I will be stronger than him!"

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath, turned around and was about to leave, but found himself locked by a terrifying aura.

"Oh? The Immortal Clan? The aura of the abominable Sky Patrol Immortal Clan! Jie Jie Jie..."

This voice was cold and strange, like a terrifying demon emerging from the abyss.

Yan Jinghong frowned slightly, and the Frost God Realm quietly opened.

"That's right, this aura, the aura of the immortals! If I eat you, I will eat you as well as ten thousand ordinary people!"

The next moment, a black shadow approached, and the first thing that bore the brunt was a scarlet tongue!

Yan Jinghong's eyelids twitched slightly and he dodged away. His brows furrowed. In his palm, the frost condensed into an ice blade, pointing at the person who was sneaking up on him secretly.

And when he saw the person clearly, his brows suddenly furrowed.

It couldn't be called a human being anymore. His body was covered with fine scales, and there was a pair of huge wings on his back.

The limbs became bloated and thick, and there was a long tail behind it.

Even on the face, there are no traces of humanity left.

It was a ferocious head, like a legendary dragon, exuding a terrifying black energy.

And if Ling Feng were here, it might be possible to vaguely tell from the torn clothes on his body that this person was actually Sephiroth, the leader of countless demon pirates who were entrenched in the Endless Sea!

Yes, this person is the demon lord, Sephiroth!

But, he is no longer Sephiroth.

On that day, Ling Feng broke through to the Saint level and represented Poseidon Island to conquer the demon pirates. Just when the demon lord was about to be completely defeated, the Asura Demon Dragon, who was sealed in the battle of the statues, used the last resort to break the seal and attempt to seize the body. Ling Feng's body.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng managed to avoid the Asura Demonic Dragon's sneak attack by some strange combination of circumstances, and was instead knocked into the demon lord's body. (PS: For details, please see "Chapter 2626: Demon Sealing Order!")

As a result, Asura Demon Dragon still couldn't get rid of the demon lord after all, and the two guys became entangled together.

Because it had lost all its original magic beads, the Asura Demonic Dragon was already extremely weak at that time, so it had no choice but to flee the scene.

Ling Feng went through a great battle, but finally failed to keep the Asura Demonic Dragon and let him run away.

However, all his magic beads are on his body anyway, so sooner or later they will still come to him.

Ling Feng just needs to sit back and wait for him to seek his own death.

After all, Ling Feng carried the eight original magic beads of the Asura Demonic Dragon. After he recovered some strength, he followed the breath of the original magic beads all the way to the Southern Witch Territory.

He lost all the original magic beads, so naturally he could not regain his former strength in a short time.

But there is an Asura Demonic Dragon hidden in his body after all.

Under the influence of Asura's demonic energy, the demon lord began to gradually transform into a half-human, half-dragon monster.

By devouring the qi and blood in other monks' bodies, they can still quickly increase their strength.

He does not expect to be able to directly return to his former strength, but as long as he can kill Ling Feng and regain his own original magic bead, then his dark age will eventually come!

On this day, the Asura Demon Dragon was originally frightened and trembled by the angel patrol coming from the upper world, thinking that the opponent was coming to destroy it.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the aura of the angel patrol disappeared. He bravely ran out and encountered a weak aura from the immortal clan.

This aura was that of Yan Jinghong.

Yan Jinghong took away the Xuntian Ice Soul from Ye Xiu's body, so he was mistaken by the Asura Demon Dragon as a race from the Immortal Realm.

His greedy eyes were fixed on Yan Jinghong, and he was drooling.

He had a hunch that as long as he swallowed the boy in front of him, his strength would increase tenfold.

At that time, the boy named Ling Feng was about to die!

"Jie, Jie, Jie, boy, I advise you to stop resisting in vain and just surrender. I can give you a good time!"

The Asura Demonic Dragon stretched out its long scarlet tongue, and locked Yan Jinghong's eyes with a pair of gloomy eyes.

"Disgusting thing, die!"

Yan Jinghong's face was expressionless, and the ice blade in his hand swept across.

This sword seemed to have the power to shatter the heaven and the earth. Asura Demon Dragon's eyelids jumped wildly and he looked at the opponent in disbelief, "How is it possible..."

The cultivation level of this mysterious young man is obviously just enough to break through the Saint level, but the power of this sword is so terrifying!

In this world, other than the boy named Ling Feng, could there be such a terrifying monster?

The Asura Demonic Dragon panicked and quickly retreated, running away like crazy.

He managed to escape from that damn statue, and he must not die here.


The next moment, the Asura Demonic Dragon turned into a streak of blood and disappeared in front of Yan Jinghong's eyes.

"Can you escape?"

Yan Jinghong frowned, and his figure turned into an icy blue rainbow, chasing the direction where the Asura Demonic Dragon disappeared, shooting away!

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